grateful 4 my absorbency with… #yoga

Below I say “grateful” or “lucky” but actually, these are mostly efforts rather than luck. See locus@control: carefree high ground mostly due2effort

roughly ranked in rarity and value (i.e. amount of benefit)

== wellness – diet
— grateful with my absorbency to eat a variety of …. raw veg
— grateful with my absorbency to enjoy …. fruits as 50% of my daily food intake.
The MLP pantry lacy said that most people can’t take in so much fruits.
— lucky to have no hunger until afternoon

== wellness – workout
— grateful to enjoy … jogging
— I hope to become lucky with absorbency for … yoga home practice
But not lucky with my late-night hunger

== tech learning
— grateful with my absorbency for QQ self-learning
— grateful with my absorbency for coding practice
Actually, some individuals have even higher absorbency for it.

== finance
— grateful with my capacity to … save money without suffering or loss of control
— grateful with my capacity to enjoy life in a smallish HDB apartment

[20]recurr`stressor profile: lighten ONE each month #big3

k_soul_search  k_tectonic

See also ## cancer-stress: persistent stressors,relieves

This list doesn’t try to be exhaustive. It focuses on stressors that can be lightened

If we find a way to lighten just one of the persistent stressors by 5%, even if temporarily, it would be a relief for my life and my family. For now, the focus is on 1)PSLE 2) bonus stigma, localSys, self-respect

Big-3 long-term stressors —

  1. PIP — damaged good; bonus stigma, respect; self-esteem
  2. FOLB — 望尘莫及 left behind on slow track
  3. kids /developmental/ issues. Academic benchmark problems are usually tip of an iceberg.

( Paradoxically, these Big3 actually reveal that my current life is rather blessed 😉 Just look around your circle and beyond .. )

Now here are the other recurring or persistent stressors that sometimes last several months

  1. [f] investment woes — lighten by monitoring and periodic review.
  2. spouse communication (and intimacy) — furniture, messy home,,,
  3. clean up storeroom periodically
  4. things breaking down — gadgets, windows, pests,, Lighten by learning to repair or repair early
  5. boy’s overweight and lack of exercise
  6. kids’ overspending habit — early intervention
  7. [w] BMI and diet L@ctrl — in green zone but unable to hit deeper green
  8. [w] cholesterol condition — lighten by workout and diet
  9. — beyond G20
  10. [w] flexibility esp. in Y-section
  11. — legend
  12. [f=personal finance]
  13. [w=wellness]

lucky: boy has choice not2join Great S’pore(paper)Race

see also
see also

At P1 I already feel SG is too academic too competitive  – unhealthy.

The more I hear and see the parents of those lucky ones getting into the so-called top secondary schools, the more I feel I want to get out of here.  I feel lucky boy and I don’t need to struggle so much in the competitive paper race, exams and streaming in Singapore all the way till University. If we remain in Singapore we can’t avoid the race.

I heard that in many countries, well-to-do families send their kids to private schools rather than government schools. Not sure how valid these are as references.

The culture among the Chinese parents makes me very uncomfortable. Looks like most Chinese parents around me have very bright kids.

Big picture – the high academic standard in Singapore primary/secondary schools don’t translate into high standard in university and beyond. Therefore, the academic pressure and sacrifice is unjustified IMO.

Zhang Jun’s view — let him be. Focus on cultivating interests

Each kid become motivated or interested in studies at a different age.