eat: less is more

calorie restriction means reduce starch, fried or creamy food.

As of 2019, most of the delicious foods are now successfully reduced to my tolerable limit, without depriving myself.

Less is more. More health, more vitality, more confidence, more self-esteem, more control on my diet,

However, the self-esteem should NOT be based on false beliefs and brainwash/propaganda.

myth: fasting→muscle loss

— says ( and I choose to believe )

Some people believe that when you fast, your body starts burning muscle for fuel. There is evidence for and against this claim.

Contrary evidence — studies indicate that intermittent fasting is better for maintaining muscle mass. A study showed a modest increase in muscle mass for people who consumed all their calories during one huge meal in the evening (Trusted Source).

Intermittent fasting is popular among many bodybuilders, who find that it helps maintain muscle alongside a low body fat percentage.

myth: fasting→starvation mode #metabolism

— says ( and I choose to believe )

One common argument against intermittent fasting is that it puts your body into starvation mode, thus shutting down your metabolism and preventing you from burning fat. There is evidence for and against the claim.

Contrary evidence — Studies reveal that fasting for up to 48 hours can boost metabolism

skipping breakfast can be harmless for many

— says ( and I choose to believe )

” It’s important to pay attention to your specific needs. Breakfast is beneficial for some people, while others can skip it without any negative consequences.”

The bbc program (fasting: benefitS beyond slimm`#BBC) about fasting talked about many nutrition experts who skip breakfast for years (decades)

spontaneous,inconsistent fasting


There is method in the madness — calories + nutritional quality.

I like the advisory at the end of the article — Calories still count, and food quality is still absolutely crucial.

Even inconsistent, random meal skipping can be beneficial to some people. Some parents believe delaying a meal by 30 minutes can harm their child. It’s similar to the fear that a minute of sun radiation or 2nd-hand smoke can harm your health. Compare to my Egyptian roommate at Juliet St ( Bayonne ) who believed that breathing in the smell of any laundry that’s not 100% dried could harm his health.


##[19] achieved many successes despite boy’s math

As I told grandpa, even though my son’s math feels like a failure, over 2 years I have achieved many successes elsewhere:

  • ffree
  • weight and diet improvements
  • pull-up, push-up, jogging
  • 2019 health check-up result
  • c++ critical mass, after so many years of trying
  • web2.0 coding test improvement
  • career longevity — see other blogposts #too time-consuming to list them here

[19] my 16/8 fast warrior diet

I have practiced a modified form of warrior diet for months without knowing it.

This regime has a name but not enough research or scientific endorsement. I think for some people Warrior Diet works because of calorie accounting + nutritional quality. See Key points

  • eat raw veg + fruits during the day
  • instead of a huge meal, I eat a controlled meal at night.

only need2provide Good-Enough env4kids

I don’t need to spend dozens of weekends with son just to “cultivate” learning interest. It failed completely.

I don’t need to compare how much financial resources other parents throw on their kids. I only need to provide a “good enough” nurturing and conducive environment. I think grandpa and German would both agree.

Within this “good enough” environment, how academic they become is up to them — their interest, their absorbency, their self-discipline etc. Grandpa and I were both academic types.

visProgress n time utilization

I have an uncommon and unreasonable view that most of my waking hours should produce tangible “return” like learning, self-improvement, fitness or help kids learn.

Q: how about reading on parenting or just newspaper? I do allow myself but in hind sight I often feel bad. I feel worse if the reading is not so mainstream, like …

I now feel personal growth doesn’t have to produce self-glorification. How about cooking, kite-flying, dancing, sight seeing … without any talent whatsoever.

— Though I don’t have many examples, now I think most individuals who make more money don’t view their personal time as raw materials for a manufacturing process.

However, salary is a very poor proxy for success, as poor as net worth, brank etc. A less poor proxy is brbr and Fuller wealth (after achieving health)