5GHz ^ 2.4GHz wifi

Range favors lower frequency. Bigger homes may need it, not mine.

bandwidth/speed favors higher frequency. Video streaming.

Overcrowding in the 2.4 band can cause intermittent connectivity issues, but is it 5% of the time or 0.05% of the time? Not sure. In contrast, Microwave oven did hit me 95% of the time.

overemphasis@math reason`skill due2my profession

My circle of peers is virtually 100% mathmatical guys because we are the tech and finance professionals, also because finance and tech sectors have dominated the U.S, SG (and China) economies for most of my lifetime.

Therefore, when I assess the importance of math reasoning capabilities in my son, my perception is skewed. My pessimism is exaggerated.

For someone like my dad, or a manager type, this skill is secondary.

[21]手机失控: 大势已去@@ #有识之士 #w1r2

cf: We can ask the same question on drugs. In some US and UK neighborhoods, everyone takes recretional drugs, which could be legalized and sold in vending machines.

cf: We can ask the same question on /tobacco/. In my high school, 100% boy (except me) learned to smoke including the most diligent and serious students like Li Jing Hua, LSAgain.

David (Cigna) said 危难时期,总有几个有识之士[1],挺身而出,力挽狂澜, 甚至知其不可而为之. In the family, this person is often the father.  Here’s one example in my family. In my Zed years, my sis fell into financial difficulties. I felt she was beyond rescue. I sensed the same attitude from my mom. However, my dad committed himself 100% to rescue her. He didn’t know if it would cost his entire savings. He committed everything he had.

[1] first step is to recognize the gravity of the matter. My wife probably doesn’t realize it. She probably thinks it is fine. Well, the phone addiction destroys lives.

[19] am taking on the toughest of ALL absorbency endeavors

Look at absorbency[def#2]worn_out by endeavors . Incredibly, as of late 2018 to early 2019 am making visible progress on the very toughest endeavors in terms of absorbency, such as

  • daily stretch at home or in RetroFitness + chin-up
  • starch abstinence + delaying meals
  • coding drill
  • … and some other tough endeavors like
  • standing desk
  • raw veg

By my own standard or external standards, the current level of progress, willpower, and personal effectiveness is heroic, probably unsustainable.

I may not have the environment or the willpower to reach this peak performance again, but I don’t have to. I will aim at 1 or 2 tough endeavors at any time.

ignore cost@healthy foods when fac`Availability

Case in point – at Ikea café, I noticed the multiple temptations (wrong food). In response, I bought a raw veg salad. Not attractive, not cheap, but it made me feel noticeably better. It reduced the impact of the loss@control, as in Bao3shan1.

Another example – at company buffet, there are too many temptations (wrong-time, wrong-amount and wrong-food). It would be good to buy some salad from a nearby shop. I think fruits are cheaper and easier to eat.

another example — j4 S$7.50 salad


y prefer devis`%%problem2us`a book

If I choose one question from a P5 book, the other 8 questions on the same page tend to create immense negative pressure, because they are not easy for my son.

They might have equal educational value as my chosen question, but I don’t (and should not) have to deal with more than one tough question at a time.

There’s more fun devising and refining my problems. I feel more engaged, focused, in the zone.

ROTI-accounting to extend beyond gz, as I age


I am so used to measuring ROTI in terms of gz including tech xx and work projects (though I was always philosophical about income-boost).

As described in many blog posts, respect/PIP/damaged-goods .. and slow-track/lagging-behind are the two big pains.

As I age, it is fundamental to increase the relative weightage (比重) on wellness, parenting, taking care of grandparents, marriage …

  • For wellness, the huge effort may not produce visible effect !
  • As to parenting efforts, again huge tcost but slow improvement

Walgreen guy on starch reduction #protein

In 2019, a young Bayonne Walgreen pharmacist told me that for the regular healthy adult, there’s a limit to how much one can safely cut starch intake. He said if you cut below that limit, your body will not get enough energy, leading to hunger.

My practical target is 0 to 500 calories of starch. I don’t aim at zero, but if you can “stay at zero” then it’s probably safe. In my experience, it is really tough [1] but actually possible to reduce starch to zero on a long-term basis.

[1] It’s tough because I avoid fat and need alternatives to replace my traditional main source of energy. Protein is promoted as the best source of energy but I doubt it.