300 repetitions/piece

I would say the practice is not boring not painful but enjoyment in itself.

— for a song with full score for both hands, I usually target 1000 repetitions/piece

— for a simple melody-n-sing piece as described in https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=23731&action=edit&classic-editor

aim at 300 repetitions/piece. Don’t need to be really flawless.

supper floodgate

Tip: Better end your planned supper with lots of comfort foods, rather than raw veg. I used to have lots of raw veg towards the end, hoping to fill up my stomach, but actually the stomach is impossible to fill up, and the unsatisfying raw food demanded /compensation/ in the form of comfort foods.

Q: Why do I end my supper with lots of energy dense comfort foods including starch, but I didn’t feel the same craving in the beginning?
A: I guess the floodgate was opened and hard to close.

listen(remeber) boy’s arguments

I said boy’s top priority is gaming, but he said he always finishes his homework first before gaming, except the morning-tuition days like Sat.

Each time he has a valid argument, I really need to listen and respond to his argument without bias or too much emotion. Also I need to acknowledge the limitations in my arguments.