[20]expectations@boy: long^short horizon

I have persuaded myself for many years to accept, to some extent, the long-horizon prospect, but the day-to-day realities are now the acute pains I’m struggling to cope with.

Long-horizon prospect is fundamentally connected to current pains such as time mgmt, mtv,,, Accepting the former should help me accept the latter. The more completely I accept the former, the more it would help me coping with the current pains.

— Over the longer horizon, I have realistic (reasonable) expectations of dabao’s math benchmark.

Ms Goh asked “what’s your expectation in terms of PSLE and secondary school?” Without hesitation I said an average school is good enough.

This proved to be a memorable Q&A session.

— over the immediate horizon, my expectation is unrealistic, painful, stressful, unbearable — in terms of his motivation, time-mgmt,,, See the complete list at ##Let us accept #current pains

[21]dismissive of”positive parent`”

I tend to dismiss the positive style — supportive, encouraging, bonding, lenient, forgiving, rewarding, trusting (each person’s words), believing in each individual

I tend to subscribe to the narratives of the other style — control (to the maximum extent), ownership, discipline, self-discipline, consequences, targets (like salesmen)

Aha — Many of the above keywords are also important to the encouraging style.

boilerplate header for power-lists

I want this blogpost (esp. the title) to be /identifiable/ and as unique as possible, different from (possibly numerous) related bposts.
I want to avoid creating yet another /forgettable/ blogpost.
I want the list items to be specific, highly selective/discriminatory.

Below are some of the familiar/generic items, or high-level and vague items. Some items are indirectly relevant or /tangential/ to the original question.

fancyZones #

— dragging a window without snapp .. is essential. I don’t want snapp to take over my world. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/fancyzones#settings -> Row#2 explains that we can use shift key to activate snapp-while-dragging.

If we accidentally uncheck this config, then dragging a window unconditionally activates snapp (snapp taking over my world).

snapp to two zones .. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/fancyzones