##[21]visibleGrowth plateau: #江河日下 #w1r5



See also

This blogpost is about a shared[5] but often vague sentiment of 江河日下 [plateauing]. (This blogpost is therefore non-distinctive, hard to remember , despite the graphical phrases ..)
This blogpost is a serious (perhaps too serious) effort to identify a specific type of personal goals [追求] underneath that sentiment. These goals are primarily defined in terms of CC) successC i.e. measurablen-steady progress including “batteries” of accumulation. If such a definition is inappropriate [1] then my personal goals are defined in terms of ZZ) successZ i.e. zqbx 自强不息. This blogpost should be mostly about successC.

[5] Remember the timetable in [[Midlife crisis]]?

One clarification about the definition … The antithesis of progress/accumulation/自强不息 is stagnation/decline ,  surrender, passive_acceptance, fat-n-happy… Despite my best effort, this definition is still abstract and unintuitive. The big list below helps clarify it but is not extremely effective. So we need both the definition and the list.
——- end of the lengthy definition ——–
Background: During my HibernateInSingapore phase, frequently I feel /lousy/[4] and would occasionally lament[2] that my personal growth, as defined above, has slowed down, plateaued, past the peak, 江河日下 or 下坡路.  Don’t get me wrong — I’m still pushing myself hard on absorbency, on personal improvement, on plowback,,, as I still hate wasting my precious time and energy in “cruise mode”.

As we age, hopefully some earlier domains of (personal) growth would be replaced by new domains of growth. “One door closes, another one opens.” Crucially, the progress we make are often impermanent … Imperfect batteries of accumulation.

[2] the lament is a paradox because at the same time, my family livelihood is actually improving towards a carefree ezlife. Mellowing up, letting go, loosening up, /unwinding/.. The paradox reflects the conflict between successE and successC.
[1] The two parts are actually interdependent. In more and more domains like BMI, stretch, Dram-refresh,,, I can’t make real, lasting progress. Quite often, the defining features of “burn” [materialistic gain + self-discipline ] are fundamental to both successC and successZ.

Also fundamental: my absorbency (and time) continues to be a scarce resource. 鱼与熊掌. As I shift my focus to wellness, I choose to let go and defocus on successC [localSys, coding drill, Dram-refresh ..].

One of the best analogies — A start-up, an emerging economy, a young athlete/artist/writer .. also experience the same slow-down, plateau, or apparent decline (as in Japan) after years of fast growth. Hopefully some lessons can be shared. Re A.Brooks article.

— the list of personal goals (as defined above) giving rise to the lament
[m=measurable … not always a “progress”]
[b=battery or progress]

  • [ abm] BMI .. the best type of tough goal — measurable, easy to monitor, strategic leverage. BMI is my #1 goal. I am able to keep my weight below 65, but trying hard to bring BMI to deep green zone.
  • [E am] chin-up .. kinda measurable but progress is easily lost.
  • [D a] stretching .. I target 1 minute/day. Real effort to maintain a few minutes a day. Not measurable .. I once had some hope of improving range of motion, but has given up completely.
  • [C am] weekly workout .. frq improving towards 4. Targets are well-chosen.
  • …. [C = decent effort or decent progress]
  • [  abm] coding drill [D] and [C] QQx .. including Dram-refresh.. now a LGlp.
  • [  am]  quant study .. not comparable to MSFM years or the earlier self-study years, but in hindsight, what’s the long-term value of MSFM? SuccessZ, successC [branding]
  • [E ab] localSys .. [including Dram-refresh] no target; some effort once a while
  • [D b] wider recreations .. to pre-empt boredom or loneliness in retirement (re grandpa). No target, but I try to /cultivate/ writing, music, stock-picking, workout variety. 

List above are the the ^^ improvement goals ^^. I tend to focus on “room4improvement”, subconsciously motivating myself. However, nowadays I like to focus more on the positive factors, so below is the 2nd list of personal goals (same definition).  I have done well on these celebrated goals:

  • [B] dental health, memory aging, mentalPower .. reasonably well-maintained
  • [C-] stress prevention/reduction/protection .. improving gradually as we mellow up (and gain introspective insight), and transition to maintenance mode.
  • [C-b] family bond .. [marriage, parenting] not bad at all, improving. Fruitful (rather than wasteful) family time
  • [C+b] DIY skill .. (crucial in U.S.) improving progressively
  • [B-b] preparation for U.S. relocation .. (financial++) improving fundamentally
  • — career, finance #the familiar domains
  • [B  b] IV competitiveness .. Not growing but staying in  shape; well-maintained.
  • [B+b] (long-term) career and (current) job security
  • [A-bm] salary .. well-maintained, much better than feared. I now care less about exclub. By livelihood target, my salary is A++++.
  • [A-bm] NAV and FullerWealth .. growing at a steady pace from strength to strength, hitting my targets
  • [A m] brbr … well-maintained.
  • [C bm] stock picking .. enjoyable, not tough burn. Targets are LGlp.
  • [B+b] brbr recon .. improving
  • [C bm] rental mgmt .. BGC improving; Cambodia excellent

The two lists have to be well-defined to be meaningful. Some other items don’t require _effort_, therefore out of scope: sexual health; heart health; work/life balance;

— [4] (A partially related topic) over short-to-medium term I have been feeling lousy, partly due to burn [absorbency] , partly due to laser, partly due to measurable progress (mostly successC)

  • [z] too many movies .. either in cinema or at home… improving
  • [cz] AMB .. limited _visible_ progress, but I don’t want to feel guilt or inferiority
  • [cz] coding drill .. Recently, I didn’t help friends’ CIV
  • [z] diet .. real achievement to maintain discipline
  • [cz] BMI .. no improvement since Apr 2020, but real achievement to reverse the decline
  • [cz] math coaching sessions + father/daughter bonding .. visible progress
  • [c] communication channel with boy .. visible progress
  • [c] new HDB .. Something important to wife. I did put in lots of serious effort.
  • [c] MOETF .. the recent incremental acquisition is a key feature of recreational stock investing


— Grandpa’s corrective comments.. I told grandma that compared to my cohort, I feel too fat-n-happy 沒有追求. He corrected me .. 沒有过分的追求. He is right. I still work hard towards my goals。

I also told grandpa about my feeling 懒散, 无为之道. Again, he corrected me — I’m a responsible professional, and dedicated father.

I am basically comparing with the earlier self, but things have changed in terms of priorities, vitality (energy level), career runway ..

碌碌无为^successE^successZ #xpSelf

k_Kahneman k_def_of_success

See also

Executive summary of a paradox

  1. 碌碌无为 can imply laziness i.e. failingZ. This is a real concern to me (and many people around me), requires active intervention.
  2. 碌碌无为 most often means failingL, but this is a non-issue to me, at this stage. 99.9% of us are actually 碌碌无为. YY.T agreed with me on successL
  3. 碌碌无为 , but with successE and successZ .. is pretty good, even admirable!

Influenced by my dad, I often feel 一事无成, 碌碌无为, 胸无大志 in terms of successL[lasting achievement]. However, under scrutiny, most of the role models are also 一事无成, as measured against successL. See list below.

  • your tech innovations .. (even patented inventions) most of those in my domain suffer tech churn, in the ruthless march@technology. Similar situations:
  • .. innovative financial products, financial services
  • .. marketing innovations
  • your math discoveries.. tend to last generations and bear the mathematicians’ names. Math is the extreme case in terms of long-lasting legacy
  • your literary works .. mostly get forgotten in a sea of similar publications, after waves and waves of new publications. I think electronic publications, often in video or game formats are crowding out the traditional literary (print) publications.
  • if you build a company .. then how long can it last? Biggest lasting impact would be job creation.
  • if you build either a publisher, a broadcast platform, a social media network, or an advertising network (Goog, FB, Baidu etc) then what innovations do you create? The more digital, the worse you will feel in terms of competition, shelf-life and lasting value.
  • OC-effective guys .. are 一事无成 by default

Now I think 碌碌无为 mostly refers to successL and successC.

— xpSelf ^ rmSelf… The rmSelf’s life evaluation is usually 碌碌无为 , based on exclub (peer benchmark), but I think such an evaluation ignores the xpSelf. The xpSelf can experience a boring, uneventful decade, which is not easily achieved and requires lots of karma + non-trivial effort.

I really want to celebrate uneventful 碌碌无为 lives. Many parents want the same for their kids when they say “I just want him/her (xpSelf) to be happy” rather than “great”.

— My Shiyan + WallSt peers may point out that my evidence of personal success (re letter to wife) is a glorification of mediocrity, 胸无大志, in comparison with the semi-highflyers in terms of successC [income, brank]. I reject those yardsticks. My “personal success” was based on other yardsticks such as successE and successZ [自强不息 self-improvement]

  • How about ERE author Jacob?
  • How about Rong.Zhu?
  • How about XingHe vs WQ.Luo

How about an average general practitioner (or a board-certified lawyer/accountant/engineer) of my age? Mediocre, 胸无大志,,, but the Chinese conventional wisdom regards him as somehow more success than me .. why? Largely because of income exclub i.e. successC.

— battery .. is related to 碌碌无为 because successL requires accumulation.
— Q: is it shameful (for me or my kids) to end up 碌碌无为 but stays frugal and healthy, take care of the body given by our parents, enjoy a relatively uneventful life (at least for the 2nd half)? Is this successZ?

I guess my wife’s cousin Zheng might be one example. I guess his parents wanted it this way and had no regrets. Ditto my parents.

Such a life meets my successE criteria, iFF you can achieve it. I think this life is not easy to achieve, esp. “healty” and “uneventful”. Every life is /punctuated/ with tragedies, swans+missteps, wasted potentials, unfair treatments,,,,

##[21]subconscious brush-off @%%superiority]cohort

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

(a good title is hard)
For decades, I tend to practice a slightly excessive form of modesty, bordering on self-degradation.

Opening example: I have worked my ass off to improve diet and BMI, but when I meet a OC-effective guy, or a humorous/witty guy, I often ignore my BMI advantage and regard him as superior.

If I can recall and name 50 “superiors” [Yang, Venkat, Shou,], 95% of them would have some serious inferiority such that I would hesitate to trade places with him. The exceptions tend to be people I don’t know so well…. I can’t know their inferiorities.

Overall, I think my habit has served me reasonably well. 谦虚美德. However, sometimes it’s slightly unfair and unjust.

  • inferior: Many of them (or their kids) grew up in an incomplete (if not broken) family. Many of them lost a parent fairly early.
  • inferior: half of them are overweight if we include the non-Chinese.
  • inferior: Most of them do not have my superior diet habits like raw veg/fruits, low alcohol, low starch, low fat, low frying
  • inferior: Many of them have experienced more wellness declines including sexual, bone density, endurance, muscle loss, BMI, eyesight, hearing, hair loss,,,
  • inferior: Unknown number of them have non-trivial but hidden issues in mental wellness, including sleep, relationships, stress, aggression
  • inferior: Most of those occupying higher positions have work stress and career risks far more than I have as a contractor.
  • inferior: Most of those high-flyers don’t have my career longevity. This is another “battery” I have built over decades but I tend to dismiss, esp. when I meet some high-flyer who is without this longevity but… superior ?!
  • inferior: majority of them have long-term financial concerns like medical + inflation, retirement income. Note some of them have no kids.

— reflections on the 92S27 reunion in May 2022

I told grandpa later on “not worth my envy: their cars, expensive homes, maids, top schools for their kids”. These are often white elephants.
This is part of my emerging wisdom as a greying and thinking adult.

I also told grandpa that my skills are in demand, with market depth in a growing sector.
I want to actively reduce attachment to the EPA comfort zone.

I tend to brush off my advantages in diet, workout, bonding with kids, brbr, cashflow high ground, lifelong learning.
Many of my advantages over these ex-classmates are in successE and successZ.

In whatever that matter to me, I don’t feel left behind. I am getting ahead, in stealthy footsteps.

wellness∉ accumulating asset: Buy longevity

See also

In this blogpost, Key question is —

Q: For the purpose of wellness (healthy longevity), what can we do about the non-accumulation, esp. what to do using our financial assets?

more text styling welcome.

Wellness is, in many ways, truly more important than personal finance, but accumulation is elusive. I feel habits and (self-)knowledge can accumulate, but wellness condition has rather short-term accumulation.

When you have surplus spare time (or savings) … store it in batteries, like batteries for solar energy, wind energy. We have very very good batteries to store surplus cash, but for surplus spare time the batteries all decay and progressively lose stored “value” but can keep some value for X months:

  • battery: [s4] yoga .. the most disappointing, frustrating, elusive… You lose it soon after you stop practicing, like a Promethean struggle
  • .. [be] self-discovery … experiment to discover sustainable self-practice routines. What instructors said seldom worked. All yoga practices are unsustainable. My self-discovery is slightly more sustainable, but a huge battery nevertheless! Self-discovery to some extent can be baked in. Plenty of positive energy (sunshine + patience) needed to achieve any accumulation.
  • battery: [s5] diet discovery .. smoothie experiment to discover sustainable techniques
  • battery: [b s5] eg: raw-veg diet — once I experiment to develop my capacity and tolerance, it is baked in.
  • battery: BMI deep-green deep-green zone — usually short-lived i.e. fast-decay battery. Over a few years you can accumulate a deep-green condition, but it can be depleted within a few months. At that time, you need the bao3shan1 battle
  • battery:  endurance — I now run more than 10km every week. After I slow down, I am confident I can pick up again. The accu is /baked-in/.
  • battery: swim — the techniques takes years of practice. Techniques improve efficiency and endurance. The accu is /baked-in/.
  • battery: Wellness habits …
  • battery: [e s3] personal research and experiments on diet + fitness — every weight-loser must experiment to find what work for “me”. Ditto anyone hoping to maintain more than 3 workouts a week.
  • .. For the research and insights, some dram-refresh needed
  • battery: [s1] piano … not directly “restores” wellness, but can enhance wellness like sex does.
  • battery: [s2] karma. more good deeds

Biggest batteries: localSys and IV learning:

  1. These batteries “warehouse” spare ammunition for the upcoming battles. These batteries maintain (if not store) competitive energy. Those battles have profound impact on long-term wellness
  2. These batteries protect livelihood, and protect against the heaviest and most persistent stressors.

— [s4] fitness goods and services, better nutrition. Some call these “investment” but I reject this notion.
— [s5] migrate .. to locations with better healthcare infra. Many financially wealthy families choose to live in healthy locations:

  1. better healthcare infra
  2. shorter commute to free up leisureTime 
  3. better weather, highly sought after by retirees. Extreme weather as a health hazard probably shortens life expectancy.
  4. workout facilities
  5. better air quality
  6. more sight-seeing places nearby, to encourage more outdoor activity

— [s3] lower paying job… MMM believes that the successful career individuals should really let go, and enjoy leisureTime. The OC-effective manager peers probably live with inferior work-life balance.

  • have less leisureTime for workout,
  • have worse nutrition balance, often having meals in meetings or at desk,
  • They also have higher responsibilities/stress .. always on the ball, and always seeking delegates/deputies capable of 独当一面.
  • .. These OC-effective managers are always benchmarked against a high bar for organizational effectiveness. Remember
    • Youwei, who worked hard as a team lead in MS
    • I worked hard to fill in the big shoes of the Macq leadership role but couldn’t clear the bar

On cash-flow high ground, I can afford to accept lower-paying jobs.

— [s4] leisureTime .. can be “bought” by financial means
for the vast majority of the world population, as a rule of thumb leisureTime is a prerequisite for active lifestyle with a Planned diet. As an exception to prove the rule, some highly effective role models can pack daily workout into a busy lifestyle, and avoid buying unhealthy foods, but they are a distinct minority in all populations.

Many financially wealthy individuals spend more leisureTime on wellness including

  • workout 5+ times a week, a critical mass
  • .. coach their kids to do the same
  • cook healthy food at home
  • .. coach their kids to do the same
  • meditation (including breathing) + slow workout
  • dancing

Commute eats into leisureTime that is otherwise usable on health activities such as cooking, family time. I think train commute is good if I can always sit. I hate driving for commute. Therefore, I feel those WallSt guys who waste 3H a day on commute is paying too much a price for a marginal gain in salary.

— own url:

##layers@ buffer|alternative|batt ⇒security

k_tectonic ,,, k_office_sanctuary

See also spare time as slack resource + [20]random list@ Protection+reinforcer #early planning

This blog is /fairly good/ at focus — focus on 1) buffers or 2) alternatives or 3 batteries

Multiple layers of cushion/buffer/slack-resource … always give me a deep sense of enhanced security. I’m very sensitive to this kinda thing. I feel our life is a small dugout canoe in the high seas, battered by the high waves… soooo many storms, perils, blows, threats, dangers,

Defining example of buffer — the past reserves can tide over the SG economy and buy time, but this buffer can be depleted. Therefore, the current term of government must use the past reserves in a sustainable way, not to consume the fruits of the previous generations and leave a reduced reserve for future generations.

Note on optimism — layers of buffer sounds defensive and pessimistic, but is optimistic at a fundamental level. If you don’t believe in the buffers, why would you bother to build them?

I wish the list below can be more focused on a specific theme. On the other hand wide-ranging is kinda good.

  • [b] strong family — protection for every family member
  • [b] social support network … beyond family-n-friends
  • [bt] UChicago brand creates a protective buffer over my self-esteem
  • ——– wellness (including mental) protector
  • A [b] plenty of spare time for workout and rest, rather than fully stretched .. to protect against spare time “resource” depletion
    • A [b] plenty of paid leaves to protect against depletion of “slack resource” such as spare time
  • [b] office — (even MRT) as a harbor with wifi for my laptop … is an invaluable alternative venue when home becomes too “hot” with tension and distress.
  • [d] EAP counsellors, Cigna-accepted psychologist, even trusted friends like Raymond … as “redundant support network”, to help me deal with various challenges. Note SG offers more social support than other countries.
  • [b] early rise — good for wellness, but under stress I tend to “eat into this buffer” i.e. slowly delay early rise
  • AAA+ [b] #1 eg: low BMI / cholesterol / blood pressure; pull up + fitness …. to protect against wellness “hazards”.
  • AAA [b] high fruit/veg, low fat/starch diet …. to prepare for stress binge
  • AA [b] on belly, low visible fat to protect against (almost inevitable) bulging
  • [b] light body weight relative to my strength, as shown in my pull-up and curl-up
  • ——— alternative gz (+ school) choices
  • [d] teaching and research as an alternative career, thanks to my branded master’s degree
  • A [dt] internet and finDev as two alternative job markets
  • AA [dt] SG and U.S. as two alternative job markets
  • A [dt] c++ in addition to java; jxee in addition to coreJava to provide many times more job opportunities
  • A [d] SG, U.S. and Australia schools for my kids. Many would see them as viable alternatives.
  • See also my “juice meetup” email to Ash.S
  • Ash.S suggestion: Consider small firms .. I agree that either in Singapore or the U.S. small firms are less selective, and less strict in hiring.
  • Ash.S suggestion: Consider quant dev .. I hear you that quant dev roles are possibly growing in Singapore job market. This could become a promising green field for my next job search. I’m good at math, with a branded qualification.
  • My intern’s suggestion: Once I reach a high salary, and have enough of the associated stress + responsibility + expectations, I can hope to find a slow-pace semi-retirement job, at a lower pay like 120k ~ 180k..
  • ——– career buffers
  • [bt] plenty of coding drill and QQ accumulated over the years, fully digested in my own words in blog and github. If there’s a decline in my learning, this visible, measurable built-up buffer would be valuable. Remember the aging Batman in the Bane movie — he relied on his past training to rebuild strengths.
  • [b] sustained traction and engagement (at least neutral attitude) on tech xx. See reliability @ effort^talent. If there’s a decline in my level of engagement, I think it will not drop to zero. I can feel an invisible buffer therein.
  • ——– personal technology++
  • multiple browser brands
  • [bd] multiple low-cost laptops for coding drill and git blogging. In crunch time, I need this backup support.
  • [b] diskHog/landGrab files to be released when I run out of disk space
  • [b] simple smart phones. Don’t get addicted and dependent on the newer smart phone features
  • [b] low-cost commercial VPN, gDrive, wpress… can help reduce stress (via buffering)
  • buy cheap but reliable furniture and gadgets to reduce stress
    • [b] have spares, thanks to the low cost
  • ——— cash flow planning is my strongest hand, so let’s avoid the obvious or the familiar
  • When I reduce my family BR, I feel my buffer/cushion growing
  • [bt] bx: hospitalization cash payout as additional buffer
  • AAA [b] wife able to make a living; sister able and willing to help support my kids if something happens to me
  • [d] MYS and China as additional/alternative retirement destinations, if SG becomes difficult
  • [d] currency diversification — USD assets, SGD assets, RMB assets
  • [AAA etc = reliability rating of the buffer/shield] See locus@control:current carefree high ground mostly due2%%effort
  • [b = buffer. I like the imagery of energy-absorbing buffer stop. They absorb impacts from unexpected adversities and buys me TIME.]
  • [d = diversification … to put my eggs into multiple baskets]
  • [t = battery of accumulation]

— defense ^ protection ^ shield ^ buffer ^ ^^

“Defense” and “protection” are more proactive, more adaptive, while “shield” and “buffer” are more passive and static. A defense/protection may not have any physical form — it can be an attitude, a psychological preparation.

buffer .. even more static than a shield.

alternative .. often an effective “defense” (not a shield).

battery .. less clear. Definitely a form of defense. Not a static shield.

Note that a buffer, shield, and esp. a battery all require periodic /reinforcement/, therefore never “100%” static.

G.W.Bush: politicalCapital to spend{reach`ffree


See also similar concepts:

G.W.Bush famously said in 2004 “I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it”. I have accumulated my political capital — layers of buffers and batteries, but these batteries are very different.

  1. career security due to c++/java, dnlg,
  2. career longevity due to WallSt contract market ,
  3. diversified non-work income, SG citizenship

How could I spend it, and on what?

  • I want to have more time with grandparents
  • I want to have more time coaching and giving reward my kids, 1) without losing my cool over 应用题 pattern-recognition 2) making a real impact
    • If insufficient leaves, then I would look to take some unpaid leaves? spending/wasting the capital
  • wellness: more time on yoga, jogging and group workout
  • wellness: buy more expensive healthy foods like fancy fruits