L@Ctrl^dailyBattle ^avail^ badFoodList ^sustainable


  1. t_supper and t_y4h4@home automatically imply t_dailyBattle
  2. I feel t_dailyBattle and t_L@Ctrl should not appear on the same blogpost.
  3. t_badFoodList is strictly for lists
  4. if possible, availability category blogpost should avoid those tags above. A blogpost in this category should be mostly about temptation.

t_Sustainable is about life-long habit and adjustment

## extremely calorie-dense food ranking

  1. 900: ghee is more pure than butter. This is the max possible calorie density because pure fat is 900 cal/100g and protein/carb is 400 cal/100g
  2. 700+ butter and mayo — tied at 720 cal/100g, but luckily I seldom eat them directly 🙂
  3. butter cookies and pastries
  4. 600: peanuts and almonds — 550-600 cal/100g, but more heart-healthy than animal fats. Has fiber
  5. 500: brownie 500 cal/100g
  6. 400+ croissant (butter) 410 cal/100g. I saw small croissant at 300 cal and I can eat four in one meal.
  7. 400: cheese 400 cal/100g
    • 🙂 i don’t eat cheese in bulk
    • 🙂 cheese alone isn’t tempting
  8. 300+ cheesecake 300+ cal/100g
  9. potato salad with mayo. Due to the fiber, I probably will stop after 1000 calories. Without mayo, it’s only 110 cal/100g
  10. ice cream is often 600 cal/pint but the range can be 300-1200 cal/pint. I think the H2O concentration is much lower than in my milkshake.
  11. avocado 250 cal/mid-sized piece, 160 cal/100g
  12. white sauce

Pattern — Every item is fatty, and many of them sugary or starchy

Water content can be a saving grace but not in creamy soups

##[18] binge: interleave + low_cal fasting@@

Until I started counting calories, I wasn’t aware of these calorie binges —

  • froyo —  I can easily eat 600 cal in one go
  • 汤圆 — 350 cal/10 pc. I can eat 700 cal in 30 minutes
  • ice cream — one women’s fist would be 300 cal. I can eat 4 of those, or 1000+ cal in one go. However, far less dangerous if with raw veg — ice cream: controlled indulgence
    • always eat with plenty of raw veg
  • peanut — (roasted in shell, Chinese flavor) without control I can finish a 400g packet in one go without realizing it … probably 1500-2500 calories.
    • always eat with plenty of raw veg
  • [u] chee**cake (#1 biggest calorie binge) — I can eat 4 slices quickly, up to 2000 calories over a few minutes. See cheesecake #1 high-cal food I eat
  • [u] pecan pie 2000 cal for 16oz .. I can presumably finish in an hour.
  • [u] pound cake — about 2000 cal. I can presumably finish 66.6% – 80% in one go if nothing else
    • always eat with plenty of raw veg
  • [u] tuna subway — see tuna subway: not low-cal at all I can finish a foot-long in one meal, topping 1000 cal even without cheese. Staff usually add 6 cheese slices i.e 300 calories so total 1300 calories in one meal
  • [u] Philly cheesesteak — I ate a footlong within an hour. At least 1000 calories.
  • [u] potato salad — I can eat 1000+ cal in a day, over 2 meals.
    • 🙂 I believe due to fiber and starch, potato is more filling than other binge foods so I only finish 1000+ cal over 2 meals
  • [u] creamy white sauce — in a noodle or rice. I would think the sauce alone contributes 300 calories (400 if I ask for more) With the starch I could top 500-700 calories in one go
  • [u] creamy soup — less fatty than white sauce… 200-300 cal for 16 fl oz i.e. 2 standard cups. I I can eat 400-600 cal in one go.
  • Indian buffet — probably 2000-3000 cal in one meal without fried stuff
  • … However …
  • chocolate binge is never as big as potato salad, or ice cream
  • cheese pearls — as part of a salad, presumably and theoretically, I could eat 700 up to 1000 cal in one go, but I guess this is more like chocolate
  • [u=popular in U.S. only]

Pattern — fat and starch are most dangerous, devastating, destructive, hard to contain, like a tornado. This is one of the biggest long-term challenges to my wellness (long-term challenges 1)starch 2)binge) so the hours and hours of deep introspection, experiments, discussions are worth it. I’m willing to spend a lifetime total of $50k to get rid of this uncontrollable habit, but that’s not realistic.

I tend to question if the calorie numbers are accurate but I have no evidence against them.

#1 Solution discovered @ X’mas 2018 — what2go with raw veg #celery

Suggestion — interleaving — is it possible to deliberately introduce a few days of low-cal dieting? Ideally before the binge, but afterwards is also a reasonable idea, but not as a self-punishment. Key idea is to convert the binge into a controlled, planned part of a program.

##valuable but hardest food abstinence over long term

Except water, any food that’s hard to live without is a weakness in my “system” and a threat to my wellness.  I will focus on the unhealthy (not only calorie-dense) foods:

  • 150 = creamy, cheesy, buttery foods listed in ##binge: can I interleave with low-cal fast@@
  • 100 = ice cream defines top of a “composite” scale measuring 1) difficulty and 2) value of abstinence
  • 100 = cookies and chocolates … are less addictive than anything creamy
  • 70 = nuts esp. peanut — 🙂 luckily not as harmful as as animal fats though a lifelong favorite
  • 60 = tuna subway — 🙂 luckily not so easily available
  • 20 = white rice is not that unhealthy and not so hard to resist, though a lifelong favorite. If I find a strategy to reduce rice dependency permanently, i would be free of the overall calorie footprint indirectly linked to rice
  • 40 = cooked meat is often dangerous with hidden fat and too much processing. Some meats are much lighter but not as easily identifiable as turkey breast without skin. Cooked meat is labor intensive to produce, cook, package, transport … one of the least sustainable foods.
    • In some less developed cities cooked meat can be expensive or hard to find. I may have to cook meat myself — an unwanted dependency
  • 30 = cooked flavored potato — 🙂 luckily not so easily available, though a lifelong favorite

## self-control levels@indulgence foods

“Indulgence” foods are not equally unhealthy or equally addictive. Among the indulgence foods, subconsciously I assign a category on each. Looks like most of these foods are western.

— hard2resist, extreme temptation, esp. when offered free
brownie, chocolate cakes, cheesecake, birthday cakes — often available at huge quantity.
fancy bakery including pastry and cookies
ice cream

— hard2resist but ez2manage as portion control is easy, or for other reasons
Indian dessert
chocolate — easier portion control
onion rings — not so widely accessible

— ez2resist —
butter, cream cheese
croissant – butter-heavy
Singapore desserts
fancy pizza
fried chicken with skin

========Here are some delicious foods that aren’t so harmful:
milk-shake, yogurt drink
most non-fried fish
air-fried chips
roasted sweet potato
Old Beijing yogurt

## worst foods IMO #beyond calorie

Among the big 3 [ fat, sugar, salt ], looks like I’m fatally attracted to fat including commercially prepared food rich in trans fat.

  • #1) worst: trans fat — cookies, deep fried, frozen pizza/pie,
  • #2) other animal fats including cake, mayo, pastries, ghee (60% saturated fat), skins, butter
  • #3 full cream ice cream, cheese, pizza, cheese cake.
  • .. The above are the most tempting.
  • #11 sugary foods including Singapore desserts
  • #12 salt
  • — not unhealthy, but bad for weight watchers only:
  • full cream milk and yogurt — not so addictive
  • full fat coconut milk — most of its fat is saturated
  • low-fiber processed starch like white rice, white bread
  • nuts containing safer fats and starch
  • — not so bad
  • natural sugar in fruits
  • raw sugar