“Indulgence” foods are not equally unhealthy or equally addictive. Among the indulgence foods, subconsciously I assign a category on each. Looks like most of these foods are western.
— hard2resist, extreme temptation, esp. when offered free
brownie, chocolate cakes, cheesecake, birthday cakes — often available at huge quantity.
fancy bakery including pastry and cookies
ice cream
— hard2resist but ez2manage as portion control is easy, or for other reasons
Indian dessert
chocolate — easier portion control
onion rings — not so widely accessible
— ez2resist —
butter, cream cheese
croissant – butter-heavy
Singapore desserts
fancy pizza
fried chicken with skin
========Here are some delicious foods that aren’t so harmful:
milk-shake, yogurt drink
most non-fried fish
air-fried chips
roasted sweet potato
Old Beijing yogurt