noHunger到家..appetite out@ctrl

See other analogs in in libido ≅ Availability situation

— Analog 3: you sustain an injury [like a bruise] during a basketball game, you notice the pain when you take a shower, or carry a chair. The fixation of your attention during the game tends to numb your nerves and protects you from the physical pain, so the physical pain wasn’t felt. When the fixation is removed, the pain invariably kicks in. This has nothing to do with weakness or loss-of-control. In a similar way, I sometimes come home not feeling hungry because 1) been preoccupied with office “engagements” 2) no unexpected enticing foods in office stash. As soon as I reach home, the recent memory reminds me to look in the fridge.

  • If (on the rare occasion) there’s nothing enticing, then I would be disappointed yet relieved. Unaffected by any appetite out of control.
  • if there is some nice food I have avoided for a while, then usually the separation has intensified the craving.
  • if there is any nice food even if recently eaten, then automatically, naturally, in an entirely healthy and human process, the suppressed appetite wakes up, and derails my diet plan.

Q: However, in Bayonne home, my fridge did have enticing foods, so why was I in better control of my appetite?
A: unexpected foods ! Those Bayonne foods [ice cream, pudding..] were carefully chosen and well-hidden in my stash so that they won’t wake up the suppressed appetite.

The noHunger sensation is unreliable. It’s unfair to accuse myself as a weakling, based on complete misperceptions. The appetite on rampage is completely natural, and triggered by identifiable stimuli.

— reaching home after dining out
Q: re the unexpected food in the home stash, why it’s not a problem when I come home after a buffet?
A: no prolonged separation. no compensation-seeking.

Jolt: If a previous restaurant meal was a controlled_indulgence i.e. not satisfying enough, then the unexpected food in home stash would still awaken the appetite !

— prolonged endurance, on the verge
Analogy 2: after a 24H connected flight, I often felt “not sleepy”, but I would fall asleep often as soon as I reach home. It proves that the noSleepy sensation was unreliable.

Similarly, after fasting 16 (or even 20) hours, I often felt “no hunger”, but as soon as I release myself, the suppressed appetite would emerge. The noHunger sensation easily wiped out by any unexpected enticing food. It is on the verge, but a healthy human could maintain that sensation for probably a few days, pushing the limit of endurance.

As explained in prolonged separation intensifies attraction, a prolonged separation could appear to weaken appetite significantly, but the appetite is dormant.

— watermelon in Bayonne ^ TPY
In Bayonne home, when I return home after yoga and feel hungry, I sometimes eat lots of watermelon + other fruits to satisfy the hunger. Why doesn’t it work in TPY home? My answer is the availability of many unexpected enticing foods. Some hit separation->attraction. You can call it wrong-time, wrong-food, wrong-quantity temptation, but is very natural reaction.

Apr21EAP: appetite失控 #compassion #poison


Problem description — You come home without hunger (like Bayonne), but when you see food you start to feel an appetite out of control.

Counsellor challenged me — Can you say to yourself right now “I won’t compare to the past. I will focus on the present and what’s within my control.” Well, I won’t give up and accept things like “my kids have disappeared, or my legs are now useless..” However, the environment changed hugely from 2019.

— out-of-control appetite.. I hope there’s a more powerful phrase like “appetite on rampage”, but “control” is a power phrase in my mind. See also wins+control ]Bayonne

Now I think the appetite on rampage is normal. How do you decide that’s not legitimate hunger? Your yardstick is elastic!

You find this new appetite so irrational (hunger is never rational), so random (it actually is), so out of control (human nature). But that’s probably the case with a lot of people, when they have not tasted that particular food for a long time.

— Compassion .. is a keyword from the 13 Apr 2021 Cigna counselor. See powerless guilt #self-hate for the opposite of compassion

I gave the counselor a graphic metaphor — patches of poison on the surface of an internal organ. This counselling session helped me open up, spot the poison, wash it off, while keeping, not rejecting, the organ. I felt cleansed. I know how ugly the organ looks, but it’s part of me and I embrace every part of me. I am OK as an fallible, weak human being. It’s OK to lose half the nightly battles. In unusual j4 S$7.50 salad, I recorded my chat with another Cigna counselor Bindi when I said “everyone is weak.”

Las Verrugas Anales | ASCRS

wins+control@appetite ]BayonneHome

One big reason I can’t accept the appetite on rampage is the 2018-19 winning experience. I think it’s important to focus on the recent winning experiences and not to focus on the recent losing experiences. I told the counselor that perhaps 2018 was so positive because I had a string of wins which created a positive feedback loop for more wins. Jolt: Actually I had many wins 2020-21 [1], but not in BMI !

The so-called “control” and “wins” in Bayonne was a theory to explain the BMI reality. They are perceptions (perhaps illusions) built on one pillar — my improving BMI.  In reality, compared to now, I had a similar number of control failures, if you count the office free foods, the ice creams, the starchy foods.

The real reason for the unheard-of BMI improvement? I am becoming less and less sure and more and more skeptical, but I guess my overall calorie intake was well-controlled, due to one huge factor (the elephant in the room) — I had full control over my home stash, so there was no unexpected enticing foods. When I give in to the appetite, I had effective damage control.

[1] now compared to Bayonne, I eat more cooked veg thanks to my lovely wife. I sometimes suspect that cooked veg has more calories than raw veg. Now I believe there’s insufficient evidence.

good appetite could b a bad thing #Buddhist

See ##list of big addictions I am able to fend off. Today’s blogpost is first and foremost about appetite:

  • In my twilight years, I wish to have a good appetite to enjoy healthy food.
  • At my current age, a lower appetite is life-enhancing. Out-of-control appetite is currently a real problem for many.

At any age, appetite for unhealthy food is a sign of bad genes.  In reality, most foods fall into the grey area between healthy and unhealthy categories. In other words, moderate/controlled [2] amount of such foods are harmless to most healthy adults.

Problem is with the moderation and control. Most people don’t have enough of that, so even with the “grey” foods, we would overeat i.e. beyond what we know is good for our health.

I’m relatively lucky to enjoy a good-yet-under-control appetite.

— Buddhism advocates self-restraint
Q: Do you eat to live or live to eat? Some Buddhists would probably say “eat to live” as they eat the minimal amount just to stay healthy. They are at the polar opposite of “Live life to the fullest/You only live once” types.

System2 workload n late night appetite #w1r1

A G5 reason for the “out of control” appetite after 11pm [1] is System2 workload. For decades, I have found my System2 productivity highest sometime after 11pm. Nowadays, at least a few times a month I would find myself actively “working” at that time, and need an energy boost.

The out-of-control appetite is subconsciously related to the desire to capture the peak productivity.

System2 work is slightly similar to (probably much broader than) mental stress. The precise meaning of this jargon could be overwhelming and not worthwhile.

[1] Note even if I already finished dinner at 9pm, I could still feel this appetite (not “hunger” or “craving”) at 11pm.

— energy boost comfort foods .. Sugary, starch or nuts are often needed, whereas raw veg alone was seldom sufficient. However, it has proven worthwhile and crucial to complement the high calorie comfort foods with raw veg or fruits.

[18]try2sleep b4 impending appetite kicks]

— My experience in Nov – Dec 2018

Half the times I come home without the doomed, fatalistic mood about my impending need for a big dinner. I often eat fruits/veg anyway. Even after 9pm I am often free of that dreaded urge. I don’t use the word “hungry” since my system is actually not in need to calories, thanks to all the recent snacks. The psychological trigger kick in sometime after 10pm. I basically can’t fight it once it starts. But why wait for it to start?

The appetite is like an approaching train coming in to crush me, so over the years I have developed a deep fear for it, but in reality, I am bigger than it. I need to keep accumulating positive experiences to combat the negative ones. Sleeping early is arguably the #1 strategy.

Daily battle, as Alex puts it


I believe if I managed to fall asleep before the appetite kicks in, then I may not feel wanting. Next morning I might feel genuinely “hungry”, but it’s easier to manage than at night.

May need to break the “not-hungry,don’t-eat” rule

During a very low-stress period, on 21 Dec 2018, I tried this technique for the first time and it worked

  1. I don’t remember any real breakfast
  2. lunch meeting with CSDoctor was nothing but chia
  3. snacks consist of 1 tiny brownie (office treat), no other starch; tomato, persimmons, grapes, carrot
  4. Around 8 to 10pm after coming home I had a half avocado with honey, and a big persimmon
  5. Before the urge kicked in, I decided to sleep.
  6. I fell asleep fairly soon around 10.30 and didn’t feel hungry and was not feeling afraid of the impending “need”
  7. In the morning I felt completely fine. So I went to gym and took a 20 minute boot camp, without negative symptoms
  8. I guess this is intermittent fasting, which is widely practiced and proven safe for many people.

filling foods may!! reduce hunger or hurt BMI #w1r1


See fullness^availability: hunger for the background.

— category: Starchy root plants like potato, yam, lentil, (perhaps konjac too) .. do feel very filling. I FEEL (and believe) they are fattening to many people including me, but in reality, I’m not sure. Perhaps their dietary fiber pass through my system without adding to my weight?

My personal experience seems to suggest they do increase my weight.

— category: Various nuts feel very filling. I FEEL they are fattening, but in reality, I am not sure. The overall quantity I eat tends to have a weight effect that is way, way below half the amount of starchy foods.
— category: fruits .. like melons, grapes, mangos
— category: smoothie .. always with lots of ice + milk

There are many other starchy or high-protein foods that are supposed to create satiation and suppress appetite? I had no positive results, , until I found protein milkshake in Bayonne, with lots of ice ! Nowadays I regularly eat milkshake and chia seeds, but I remain doubtful about the rest of those foods — Whatever nutritional feature they have are no match for the temptations.

In theory, these filling foods could reduce hunger/appetite, but in me, the appetite would come back within 3 hours ! See the fullness^availability framework. Basically, these filling foods operate on the physical level, but physical condition is a minor factor compared to availability and stress. You can get the hunger signal, sometimes very strong desires for some food, one hour after a full meal, simply due to availability. Conversely, on a nearly empty stomach I can operate for hours without feeling hungry.

So far, most of the satisfying foods do add weight to MY system, with exceptions.

Chia seeds are filling. I FEEL they aren’t fattening at all.

Ice cream? perhaps it is not as fattening as feared. I am speculating that ice cream with chia could provide fiber, water, ..