[24]effectively bilingual #

EffBL stands for … (In this bpost) Effectively Bilingual (people, skill) in -> English + Chinese, esp. Mandarin. This combo is relevant in my own community and in my countries.

Looko .. This post goes beyond my small world.

Q3: Beside Sgp and HK, which cities and which industries require a large number of effectively bilingual professionals in Chinese+English? Not the U.S. or China. In fact, over there I (like other EffBL) have a disadvantage compared to those “native speakers” posessing a richer vocab.

— yardsticks of EffBL ..
listening/reading, including vocab, is essential and a universal yardstick. Beyond that, there’s no universal yardstick. Some EffBL individuals as defined in one “system” may show a basic standard in compositions or public speaking.

Street vocab .. usage of colloquial phrases.

— 1GCA [first-generation Chinese Americans] vs Chinese in Sgp, HK etc

I feel oral standard (esp. accent) is no higher among the 1GCA than Singaporeans on average.

For second-generation, I think the Chinese Americans are as effective as native speakers, and higher than the average Singaporeans simply due to exposure.

— I consider myself EffBL. I won’t grade myself but my obvious weakness is oral English. I improve when I practice asking questions in public. (The unexpected strength is my writing….)

My EffBL is not a real advantage in U.S. and China…. See Q3. In Sgp, I feel more at home due to EffBL. the social support network is also bilingual. Some _important_ /resources/ are available in Chinese only, They are _important_ to my wife and my son.


teams who chose me≠2ndClass

Background: https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/45218/inferiority-projection/ describes a broader pattern. As a specific sub-pattern, People who _believed_ in my potential are often perceived as inferior, unwise, second-class.

Actually, they are often successful/admirable/attractive.

— Sgp (ICA, government or the nation).. did choose me for PR/citizenship, and for my wife’s PR/citizenship. For decades I felt inferior about Sgp. I wanted to emigrate to Europe, or N.A. See my email on 2020 National Day.

— my employers .. are comparable to the “women case” desribed later — they chose me, therefore perceived inferior. In reality, many of these employers are iconic — NYSE, Macq, Verizon,, Many of them are highly selective in hiring — MLP, GS, MS,, Many of them were market leaders [mvea, Macq, GS, volFitter, EPA,,,]

Limitations of the employer who chose me? Every employer has limitations. However, when we are still paid by a company (either as employer or client), we need to be careful about bad-mouthing (painting a negative picture). It’s indirectly biting the hand that feeds you.

— my alma mater ..(母校) for many years I projected my inferiority to NUS, HCJC/Shiyan, and UChicago (nowadays I recognize them as prestigious elite schools, with long track record of competitive excellence.). I considered “my school” as second-class precisely because they accepted me!

Now I think even if I am one day accepted by MIT, I would still question the reputation of the school after I witness some limitations. There are comparative weaknesses in every college. Some weaknesses would support my skepticism. In reality, UChicago and NUS have real quality in teaching, students caliber, exams, research etc.

After we graduate, we become lifetime ambassadors of the college, unless we have been mistreated (UChicago treated me well). Therefore, whatever negative comments, whatever shortcomings, need to be handled diplomatically, as ambassadors do.

Q: Which school, like an employer, actually chose me for my background, my self-presentation, rather than my (anonymous and objective) benchmark scores?
A: (Not NUS and Shiyan). UChicago chose me in an admission exercise of 10% selectivity; HCJC chose me with a big risk.

==== women who liked me or some attractive quality in me (including some white and some ethnic Indian girls)

(A woman who chooses me can be classified as a one-person team.)

One of the earliest examples: From primary school to college, some girls would notice attractive qualities in me, without a crush. I immediately classified all “admirers” as unattractive, or leftovers. This is a projection of my inferiority self-image.

In reality, many of these girls were truly perceptive, intelligent individuals and sharp observers. ChunMei is one of few individuals I would name. We were not friends for long before she got to know me pretty well.

In early 2015, I met my first “girl friend”, a PhD medical researcher, another sharp and intelligent lady.

— As to my wife, she is the opposite of those young ladies. However, the same projection continued i.e. I often feel, at different times, that she is inferior as a person precisely becuase she chose me. This example probably shows the depth of my self-inferiority.

In reality, what did the “similar”girls choose as life partners? I would guess a businessman, a manager, or a government official wouldn’t automatically make a better match. In fact these Chinese guys are less likely to choose “a pretty women without a degree”.

— White women are an interesting case. For many years I had (or have) held a racial bias which assigned a superiority to white women. I don’t remember too many individuals but a few white women actually showed appreciation for some of my personal qualities.  Same result — immediately I classified them as .. less attractive.

In 1993, after we moved to Pasir Ris, our family met with a British Chinese lecturer in Architecture, and his British wife. Some days later, for some reason, my mom commented that the Caucasian women was probably not the most attractive women in her community (she didn’t say “leftovers”), because she had chosen a non-Caucasian husband! I immediately objected my mother’s projection of racial inferiority — “I’m inferior human species. You chose me so you are inferior too.”

— Zoe Tay married an air force pilot. If I were him, I would question why my wife, this glamorous woman, didn’t choose a rich businessman. Now I think Zoe is one of the smartest actresses. She didn’t need a rich businessman, full stop. Successful actresses often choose someone reliable. As the chosen man, I ought to feel proud of my character, rather than inferior to the rich businessmen that were brushed aside by my beautiful wife.

— ex-classmates’ husbands .. When I think of a specific female ex-classmate, I often ask myself what kind of husband she may have. I don’t know any of those husbands, but I usually assume them to be 高富帅. A self-invented inferiority!

  • How about BMI and belly? I bet more than half of them are inferior.
  • How about flexibility? I guess 1/3 of them are even worse than me.
  • How about active days/week? I bet most of them are inferior.
  • How about bonding with the kids? I probably fare better than half of them.
  • How about retirement healthcare and income, long-term inflation protection, stable rental income,,, to support the family?
  • How about career longevity?
  • What’s more important in a husband — brank or health?
  • if you are one of these women classmates, what kind of father and role model do you want for your kids?

So I think for many of these women classmates, choosing a guy like me is probably smarter in hindsight.

If that’s true, then we should all agree that I am a decent man.

[18]how I achieved%% Comfortable Economic Profile by44


(I want to keep this blog in recrec or open blog, not tanbinvest. I want to be brief yet incisive.)

See 3 ffree scenarios: cashflow figures. What capabilities enabled me to achieved my current Comfortable Economic profile?

  • — top 3
  • by earning SGP citizenships
  • by developing my own investment strategies, via trial-n-error
  • by staying healthy
  • — the obvious
  • by high saving rate thanks to salary + low burn rate — efficiency inspired by SG gov
  • by consistent body-building with in-demand skills -> job security. I think rather few of my peers have this level of job security. Most of them work in one company for years. They may be lucky when they need a new job, but they don’t have my inner confidence and level of control on that “luck”. Look at Y.W.Chen. He only developed that confidence/control after he changed job a few times.

When I say “Comfortable” I don’t mean “above-peers”, and not complete financial freedom, but rather … easily affordable lifestyle without the modern-day pressure to work hard and make a living. In my life there are still too many pressures to cope with, but I don’t need to work so damn hard trying to earn enough to make ends meet.

A higher salary or promotion is “extremely desirable” but not needed. I’m satisfied with what I have now.

I can basically retire comfortably.

快餐店 quietime-innovation since%%college


— history .. I discovered this opportunity first in West Coast Ginza plaza. I often stayed till restaurant closing time.  I did the same in Bedok.

Then in the 2010s I had access to laptop + wifi. Quietime “effectiveness” improved dramatically. Effective in terms of

  • blogg
  • tech xx, coding
  • recreational xx
  • email

— $Cost is up to $2/session for an icecream or simple burger. I get to sit for hours in a clean, lively (no loneliness) environemnt with free wifi.

I always pick a non-peak hour, unpopular tiny seat like near the trash bin. I kinda prefer window seats, but those seats tend to be popular.

This experience/habit is an example of frugal indulgence. Middle-class and low-income individuals alike .. should explore this option without guilt or embarrassment.

##locus@control: carefree high ground mostly due2effort

The Locus-of-control question — Q: is my current carefree high ground mostly due to (NN) 努力 i.e. effort or (XX) eXternal factors such as inborn talent, karma, dumb luck, timing without analysis etc?

This question is NOT academic or egocentric. Like the explanatory styles explored in [[learned optimism]], this perception-of-reality could shape individual behavior. NN answer leads to internal locus of control, and XX answer leads to external locus of control.

In reality, answer is never precise like 51% A + 49% B. Instead, I prefer a simple binary system — either mostly-NN or mostly-XX. Pattern: most of the success stories below hinge on personal effectiveness and self-management, rather than leadership or interpersonal capabilities.

— Warning: If you attribute success to NN or talent, you may sound cocky, conceited, vain
— How about the G5 personal winning bets? They sound like mostly luck. Well, For most of the winning bets, I had to work hard to make it a winning bet.
In general, I believe we can’t rely on PAST lucky bets. We face so many decisions at every stage of our life and have no choice but keep betting and keep improving our betting skill (analysis..)

Therefore, winning at these bets is mostly personal effort.

How about the poster child — the lucky investments? I think they are the exception that prove the rule. 1) You need analysis and accumulation of capital 2) Those who over-rely on luck is likely to lose it. Luck seems to favor the diligent.
— now the big list

  • [d=conscious detachment needed]
  • ==== sgCitizenship? XX [timing]
  • ==== [d] stable marriage? mostly XX [luck] but some personal effort
  • ==== academic achievements? Mostly NN, esp. in taking up MSFM.
  • ==== emerging freedom from FOLB/FOMO (XR, CSY…)? NN [[analysis]]
  • ==== my brbr, Fuller wealth, my cashflow high ground amid covid19 job insecurity? NN
  • ==== MLP job
  • — [d] excellent commute? mostly XX but I insisted on buying a location with short commute
  • — [d] flexible hours? mostly XX but I also work weekends and evenings
  • — [d] reasonable workload? XX
  • ==== wellness
  • — flexibility: above average for guys, due to NN .. huge uphill battle
  • — no illness for years? XX
  • — cholesterol under control? NN
  • — [d] relatively few bone (+joint) problems? mostly XX but jogging improves bone density
  • — [d] eyesight stable? XX
  • — hair loss not leading to baldness? XX
  • — memory aging not so fast? XX but I do keep my brain active
  • — good sleep and vitality? XX
  • — excellent heart health? XX
  • — [d] excellent dental health? mostly NN
  • — [d] excellent sexual health? mostly XX but exercise does help a lot

==== [d] BMI green zone?
— NN. Without a harmful starvation diet, reaching [1] a target weight is damn hard for everyone (exceptions are trivial) so I ought to seriously celebrate my achievements. I think this achievement is comparable to my c++ interview improvements or getting into UChicago MSFM program. 40% luck + 60% effort.

[1] “Reaching” means maintaining for 7 days. This criteria excludes crash diet and water weight effect. I stayed within 136.4 lbs longer than a week. Maintaining a target weight for 6M is even harder and is 99% effort, but let’s not digress.

Resilience against temptations? Tough efforts.

— XX (Let’s ignore those who don’t try to slim down.) Apparently, 20% of us can slim down to a healthy BMI. The #1 factor seems to be external.
Assumption: our effort levels are mostly comparable, but each “resistance” level is different. So those who make it are lucky. 50% luck + 50% effort.

In my case, the effort level is much higher than others.
==== cashflow high ground
— [d] barebones ffree? NN
— retirement planning? mostly NN with some XX [sgCitizenship]
— housing portfolio and reasonable plan? NN [analysis] with some luck at #04-116
==== career longevity and health
— slowly growing confidence with large codebase in greenfield or brown field? NN
— explosive demand for global tech talent? XX
— tech IV success? Mostly NN. I think many people have comparable talent but don’t have my position.
— [d] java? some XX [luck] but why am i head and shoulders above other candidates?
— c++? NN
— CIV? mostly NN though I had some innate talent which needed a lot of polishing.

[19] am taking on the toughest of ALL absorbency endeavors

Look at absorbency[def#2]worn_out by endeavors . Incredibly, as of late 2018 to early 2019 am making visible progress on the very toughest endeavors in terms of absorbency, such as

  • daily stretch at home or in RetroFitness + chin-up
  • starch abstinence + delaying meals
  • coding drill
  • … and some other tough endeavors like
  • standing desk
  • raw veg

By my own standard or external standards, the current level of progress, willpower, and personal effectiveness is heroic, probably unsustainable.

I may not have the environment or the willpower to reach this peak performance again, but I don’t have to. I will aim at 1 or 2 tough endeavors at any time.

grateful 4 my absorbency with… #yoga

Below I say “grateful” or “lucky” but actually, these are mostly efforts rather than luck. See locus@control: carefree high ground mostly due2effort

roughly ranked in rarity and value (i.e. amount of benefit)

== wellness – diet
— grateful with my absorbency to eat a variety of …. raw veg
— grateful with my absorbency to enjoy …. fruits as 50% of my daily food intake.
The MLP pantry lacy said that most people can’t take in so much fruits.
— lucky to have no hunger until afternoon

== wellness – workout
— grateful to enjoy … jogging
— I hope to become lucky with absorbency for … yoga home practice
But not lucky with my late-night hunger

== tech learning
— grateful with my absorbency for QQ self-learning
— grateful with my absorbency for coding practice
Actually, some individuals have even higher absorbency for it.

== finance
— grateful with my capacity to … save money without suffering or loss of control
— grateful with my capacity to enjoy life in a smallish HDB apartment