[20]G7shields@ family_livelihood #severance



See also

I now spend lots of time (over thinking?) blogging and analyzing my various protections, which make me feel deeply satisfied (safety).

##layers@ buffer|alternative|batt ⇒security explains the semantics of defense ^ protection ^ buffer^^^ but in this bpost, I prefer the physical feel of a “shield” rather then the abstract concept of “protection”. In this blogpost I will use other metaphors besides “shield”. Pillar and Levee (黄河) each has unique connotations.

Multiple shields on multiple fronts are important to both my heart and mind. Despite their limitations, these shields can even make me feel superior. Together, these protections constitute one of my key strengths, though not competitive strengths per se, as in a scarce-resource context. I don’t need to but often want to compare within my circle.

Note this blog is strictly on livelihood proteciton, not ego protections (like PIP, stigma, trauma,,,) or family pains (like kids delinquency)

— all pillars/levees/shields are precarious, fragile and vulnerable. In a way, human existence is fundamentally fragile, and whatever protections always fragile. A big dose of detachment is needed on a regular basis. Overall, I (and presumably wife) feel less vulnerable in SG than the Chinese immigrants in the U.S.

  • MLP job (not within G5) is the most precarious of all pillars supporting my carefree ezlife. (The tech career longevity shield is better.) Lossing this pillar would expose me to
  • .. large or opaque codebase .. speed of figure-things-out relative to teammates
  • .. painful commute
  • SG citizenship is a stronger pillar/levee because its vulnerabilities are widely analyzed.
  • other vulnerabilities are discussed below.

— legends

  • [4|5|9=among G4|G5|G9]
  • [b=let’s ask those with relatively high branks like Siddesh] — these “Siddeshes” fly high but vulnerable without my protective armor.
  • [d=conscious, active detachment needed]
  • [$$$ etc = value-for-the-family of the protection, and reliability to a lesser extent]
  • [AAA etc = reliability rating of the protection, and value to a lesser extent] — I used to assign higher rating to external protections, but now need more self-reliance and self-confidence. See locus@control:current carefree high ground mostly due2%%effort

==== short-term protections

[BB $] [9d] MLP medbx + sancturary + severance

===== medium-term protections

[B $] [7bd] My growing nest egg and nonwork incomes (beyond rental). Reliability of each income stream depends partly on my active management. CPF-life is more reliable like “A”.

  • Jolt: the investment seminars always exaggerate the value and reliability of this particular protection, which is actually much lower than SG citizenship, wellness etc.
  • 2025 update: To a family on the cashflow low ground (like [39]), a SGD 100k cash nest egg would be an effective shield. For a CMC[ChMidClass], a SGD 2M net (incl some liquid) asset would be a solid shield. See [40]

[AAA $$] [2] robust tech career longevity is arguably the #1 bedrock of my ffree

  • Actually career longevity depends a lot on physical longevity, but in this list, I separate out wellness.
  • continuous, self-driven learning attitude, with plenty of refresh/reinforce, 温故知新
  • [A $$] [b] IV competitiveness including theoretical skills. If I lose my job during covid19, but demand remains, I would rely on IV skills to get another well-paying job.
  • [B] [d] WallSt contract job market — protects against early decline of demand
  • [C] [d] robust demand for java across industries
  • [A $] [b] dev-till-70 as a mentality is an effective shield.
  • [B $] my on-the-job survival skill is slightly less reliable as protection.

==== long term protections

[AA $$] [3b] conserver lifestyle  — good burn rate as Family [6] — protects against many cash-flow threats including job insecurity during covid19.

PERSONAL burn rate would be rated AAA

[A $$$] [4bd] wellness — lifestyle + current condition. title is vague and broad.

  • [A] [d] diet habit, BMI green zone
  • [AA] exercise lifestyle
  • [d] good sleep — protects against workload, ,,,

[$$$] [5d] stable marriage — is a cornerstone and protects against many threats.

  • Is this a livelihood protection? Grandpa would say yes as he pointed out how marriage affects the kids and my own livelihood.
  • How reliable this protection is? Up to me. Grandpa would say you can choose to show more tolerance (包容), more respect,  more understanding, more kindness
  • [$] harmony at home — long term is best, but any harmony is valuable protection for kids and aging parents.
  • This item is an under-appreciated pillar, esp. for the kids.

[A $$] [6b] SG citizenship — protects against healthcare inflation, long-term nursing cost, housing cost, general inflation. Some protective benefits of SG citizenship are not measured by money —

  • protection against poor service (common in many countries) when I’m in need of help
  • protective environment for up-bringing of kids — drug-free,,
  • protects against covid19 job insecurity. Job support (Singaporeans’ livelihood protection) wass the biggest medium-term concern of the Singapore government, arguably a bigger concern than 1) outbreak management 2) food supply
  • the middle/low income working families [11th~60th percentiles of SG citizens] are well-taken care of by the nanny state including NUTC union. In the U.S. the church seems to provide a similar (much smaller) safety net
  • See the full list in ## SG citizenship: value imt GC
  • As listed, all other shields require active, high maintenance effort (Nonwork income is lower maintenance). This shield requires zero effort on my part, as the government puts in a huge effort maintaining this shield.
  • This item “defines” and “anchors” the A-rating. This item has lower reliability because it’s beyond my personal control. Singaporeans tend to have too much confidence in the PAP leaders as if they are Gods and never misjudge, mis-calculate, lack strength/vision. Well, there are very capable leaders in other countries, too, but their citizens don’t have such naive perceptions.

##underrated j4blogg

Background: the blogg t-allocation is increasing year on year.  I often receive zsms.

Key benefit: We grow wiser via adversities + reflections [including expressive writing]. Without reflections, the growth is slower. We may even forget the details of the adversity and fail to learn from it.

broad but vague benefit: blogg→evaluation@life→more satisfactions

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/benefits-of-journaling-_b_6648884 lists several underrated benefits.

  • [d = true, but often neglected, discounted, dismissed]
  • blogg can stretch your child’s IQ. One of the best single measures of overall intelligence as measured by intelligence tests is vocabulary.
  • Writing has critical connections to speaking. I need more improvement in speaking than writing.
  • [d] Blogg increases chance of achieving personal goals…
  • [d] Emotional intelligence (both self and inter-personal). Even without sending out my writing, whenever I write down another person’s perspective, I get a better understanding.
  • [d] Blogg can spark your creativity, esp. when facing a tough challenge that requires creative problem solving.
  • [d] Blogg can enhance self-esteem and self-confidence. Reflections on positive experiences can build a catalog of personal achievements that you continue to go back to. Indeed I revisit my positive experiences
  • via blogg. I also blog about negative experience for learning and coping.

— In the Nov 2022 parent-teacher meeting, I told my daughter’s English teacher that I write everyday.

Background: She said reading for fun doesn’t help kids improve English, even if the kid reads a lot. I said I had many classmates in secondary school who read a lot but didn’t write so well.

For writing, the most effective learning is daily writing.  Even if no one reads it but yourself, writing (and reviewing) periodically can improve your thinking, writing, IQ.

Humans learn and understand complex things through words and sentences (not pictures), so sensitivity with a rich vocab improves overall intelligence.



Looki := a habit, and philosophy, an orientation, a conscious, deliberate _choice_ to look inward and focus on those unique parts of one’s own psyche not shared with other individuals.
Looko := the other choice, including a focus on other individuals…

Q: why invent my own words
A: I don’t want to look for an English (or Chinese) phrase, as those phrases invariably and eventually show unwanted connotations. Every (minor) connotation would lead to uncomfortable distortions in some contexts. I can’t tolerate any distortionas — they feel like tiny food residules stuck between my teeth.
A: also, looki/looko are short and easy to search.

— feeling good about a gradual move towards looko. An excessive looki increases the chance of depression, anxiety, self-hate over OTh,,

However, looki is not shameful, not a stigma, weakness. Looki requires huge sys2 effort (introspective self-help), and many individuals are not in tune with themselves and don’t understand why they react in unexpected ways.

The blog tag showcases blog topics that decades ago I used to put-off/put-aside due to my looki habit and “no time”.

Leisure reading .. Since the 2020s, I have more leisure in my lifestyle. However, beware mindless leisure. News reading is time consuming, and not as rewarding/fulfilling as my recreational xx.

— scope of the “t_looko” tag .. Look at the bposts with this tag. They offer the best illustration of the scope.

  • Psychological discomforts .. sounds rather bookish, but might be an apt descriptor of many looki topics. Self-care is another descriptor.
  • Country comparison .. in scope
  • social studies, and some topics in economics, education .. in scope
  • Parenting is usually out of scope.
  • Pff is usually out of scope.
  • tech learning, wellness .. out of scope

roti@blogg ^J4reflect ^aboutOth

The t_aboutOth, J4reflect and rotiOfBlogg help me locate first-aid ideas. The J4reflect is focused on the first-aid.

These ideas help me defend my habits (blogging habit and reflective habit). Overlap? Normal, to be accepted.

  1. t_aboutOth .. usually about need4reflect
  2. roti@blogg .. is not always a j4. Often about micro-optimizing ROTI
  3. j4reflect/vidicate4reject/need4reflect .. may Not be blogg …. and not about roTi. Often an evidence that proves the value/need for reflective thinking.


othRisk^overspenT ^fuxiTitle ^ tcost@DramRefresh #200w

In the “open” blog, I will maintain multiple tags related to overthink as the oth risk is highest and more visible in this blog than recrec or tanbinvest blogs

The overspend grows with the blog volume.

— These 3 tags all cover tcost of blogging esp. overthink, over-analysis.

  • overspenT — overall tcost Already overspent, including fine-tuning, critical reviews, dram refresh…
  • tcost@DramRefresh — specifically about dram refresh.
  • … Some of these blogposts have vague titles instead of unique, original content. Consider deletion. Apply t_fuxiTitle
  • othRisk — Risk…. NOT a recorded incident.
  • …. Some othRisk items also have t_fuxi and t_fuxiTitle

See the tag descriptions.

Blog posts in the “log” and “effi” categories are prone to overthink.

— Soul-search and historical reviews
Similarly, most of my t_tectonic/T_defense blogposts are big, sweeping commentaries, not addressing an immediate question/decision.

They tend to get vague titles + too much dram refresh.

Each blogpost often starts with a seed and builds up incrementally. So it can take a lot of laser focus, care and feeding.

In a way, this is similar to the challenge faced by a creative writer (BoRong?)

— eg: bedbug blogposts: I spent hours reviewing bedbug lessons in my blog, years after the traumatic experience. This deep review is crucial. Similarly, After the SARS outbreak and the Asian financial crisis, Singapore government had serios reviews.

def[utopia] y SO much analysis@ffree, Defense,carefree #Inception



Q1: what motivates me to spend so much time blogging on Defense, carefree, ffree, FOMO^livelihood?

My current carefree utopian bliss feels fragile, fleeting/impermanent, almost surreal, like a dream, too good to be true.
Also, no one (except my dad) seems to be endorsing my priorities, my habits, my perceptions

Therefore, just as [[inception]] characters constantly check the totem, I feel the urge to review my blogposts in T_defense, T_carefree, T_ffree, in an attempt to make sure my carefree life is real not a /utopian/ dream. I don’t want a rude awakening.

Jolt — perhaps it’s ok to live the (almost surreal) utopian life without questioning it, just like the last scene of [[Inception]] — “Using Mal’s totem – a top that spins indefinitely iFF in a dream – to test if he is indeed in the real world, Cobb does not observe the result and instead joins his children.

— a related question: Q2: Why writing so many blogposts comparing my ffree with peers?
A: since my teenage years I have witnessed the vast majority of adults (99% of the people around me) struggle and suffer the stress, and later experienced the same myself. Since 2017 I started seeing some reasons to feel free — so surreal and tantalizing as to demand an examination and clarification. After some research, I now believe there are a few /identifiable/ differences (between me and peers) not only in attitude but in actual and projected cash flow figures.

A: FOMO esp. due to brank (a lost game). This is a powerful driver for my comparative analysis.
A: ( secondary j4 ) rationalize my U.S. housing decision. The mainstream choice is a $800k school district home.

See blogposts on HaiFeng discussion, and rely to Genn

— utopia/surreal .. are increasingly used in my blog. It has rich connotations. As used in my blog it can refer to

  • SG as a utopia
  • WSt as a harbor and my tenuous career security
  • finDev as a blessed domain for a given age range
  • my current carefree ezlife
  • my barebones/minimalist/tenuous ffree

— T_FOMO^livelihood spotlights the intersection (rather than “boundary”) between my carefree surreal world and the real world of “other people”.

SDXQ remains a real FOMO, real pain, real dilemma, though it doesn’t affect livelihood.
— My monthly expense tracking exercise is another “reality check” in terms of livelihood, ffree, carefree, brbr
— OC_effective, brank, slowTrack
These are my weaknesses, 短板. Paradoxically, they serve to highlight my carefree livelihood, brbr, barebones ffree, my career longevity
— For a insightful contrast, I also spend lots of time on these other topics but for subtly different reasons:

  • T_bless — I don’t feel any urge to deep dive on this topic. I’m happy with a quick introspection

career longevity= #1 Bedrock@ffree
As to my carefree bliss, wellness is even more important, more fragile than career longevity.

leisure reading ^ blog review

Leisure reading, though fresh content, is less ROTI than blog review. Therefore, I now allocate close to zero hour each week to leisure reading such as but not limited to

  • [[读者]]
  • 刘墉
  • [[Fortune]] [[Time]], newspapers
  • listen to BBC

! Warning — beware risk of becoming self-absorbed, self-isolated, disconnected, inward-looking in my outlook, with permanent blind spots. For this reason, it’s good to have some soulmates, but reading can be more effective.

Tech reading is not same as leisure reading.

Blog review is comparable to leisure reading. I think it’s much more relevant to my pains, my goals, my satisfaction,,,. However, I don’t need to compare blog update — a different activity altogether.

tcost@blogg=comparable2.. #wellness++

k_soul_search  k_therapeutic_reflective_blogg

My high tcost of blogging is comparable to

  1. the extra tcost of exercise (yoga/jogging/..) beyond the actual workout minutes
  2. diet preparation, nutritional research…

My reflective blogging is critical to diet (and exercise, to a lesser extent) because ..

  • my overall wellness and vitality is the #1 deciding factor in my dev-till-70 long-term plan,
  • weight is the (#1 wellness factor) surprise tail that wags the dog, in my case
  • the psychological element (hunger, temptation, motivation..) is the #1 challenge in my case. Temptation is the (#1) deciding factor and #1 obstacle to my diet
  • blogging is my #1 essential effort on the psychological elements, esp. temptation.

My introspective blogging is effective because diet (and exercise, to a lesser extent) is all about self-management — self-discovery, self-understanding, self-motivation, self-monitoring, self-adjustment, self-experiment, (Note I didn’t say “self-discipline”)

— parenting — the tcost of blogging is a critical part of parenting, because the mindset, mentality … of the parents is a fundamental part of the parenting challenge.

Parents get emotional. Parents are imperfect humans. Some grow as parents by reading, discussing with partners and friends. I choose blogging.

Therapeutic — I can become less irrational about my son’s studies and weight, via blogging. Therapeutic Blogging takes lots of mental energy + time.

— more j4 thinking/blogging about tcost, tbudget etc

My time allocation strategy, roti … is crucial to my self-esteem/self-hate, dissatisfaction, regrets, emotional pains … In this battle, I can become more rational via blogging. Therapeutic Blogging takes lots of laser energy + time.

erase^move /relic/ bpost→open blog #FXO

The Problem — in the recrec blog, the search result often becomes noisy and littered with outdated blogposts.

Therefore, I feel it’s useful to relocate some of them to the open blog.

  • Risk — these blogposts won’t receive enough attention once relocated,
  • .. but … actually I don’t want them to, as they are distracting.
  • tcost — out of habit, I tend to read each post rather carefully, multiple times, before relocating. After relocating, I need to clean up the new categories, tags…
  • verdict — hold off the relocation

alternative — moving these outdated blogposts to under a new author ..  Did it solve The Problem?

  • Not fully. I can choose “Mine” to filter out the old_blog_owner, but when I click on a tag, that author-filter is automatically removed 🙁
  • Verdict — keep experimenting this alternative.

— erase: tcost too high

blogposts on FSM funds and FXO trading: consider removing.