##Recurring sense@PERSONAL strengths #specific

English speaking

English writing

k_soul_search k_tectonic

I won’t bother to make the title more /identifiable/. To make this blogpost more unique, we need to be even more specific, perhaps very low-level. The most interesting, memorable items are all highly specific. Let’s avoid the big common items that feature in 30 other lists in my blogs.

Q: which among these items are the most long-lasting?
Q: strength is usually felt relative to other people… is there any exception? See [v]
Q: when do I feel weak? Another blogpost?

  • [g=I feel strength when I manage to overcome a common resistance like gravity. This is almost a defining feature]
  • [a=absorbency. This implies strength-against-gravity]
  • [n=relatively new strength. May not last but that’s fine]
  • [v=strength felt as compared to an earlier version of self]
  • when I count the number of laptops I have, I realize they have provided time-saving convenience, at a fraction of the cost …
  • when I enjoy the convenience of git-blogging, dhost, Rbh … which required effort and knowledge
  • [g] when I realize my cohort tend to watch a lot of TV/netflix , providing no self-improvement
  • — some examples of vague sense of strength
  • [n] when I write down my observations of the U.S.^SG systemic weaknesses .. A personal strength in experience. I don’t have specific examples
  • when I realize I have SG and U.S. as two bases for my career and my kids’ education
  • — wellness .. ought to be the biggest category
  • [anv] when I jog on the street and I feel few people, even the younger ones, are able to do 5 times a week
  • [anv] when I eat lots of raw veg () and fruits, and when I manage to reduce starch intake by 80%
  • [gn] when I managed to reduce my weight to …while most people are unable to
  • [gnv] when I could sit in lotus on MRT every day, overcoming years of resistance
  • [anv] when I could do 15-30 minutes of self-yoga practice outside office.. something unthinkable for all my life.
  • [a] when I stand more (hours per month) than most of my cohort, in office or at home.
  • [g] when I walk up the stairs while others queue up to use the escalator
  • [g] when I hear the addictions of my cohort like substances, gaming, spectator sports
  • [n] when I show off my nutritional knowledge, which is not common among my cohort.
  • [n] when I tell people my healthy longevity target + my career longevity target (thanks to WallSt)
  • [g] when doctors tell me my bone density is good, perhaps due to jogging.
  • [g] when friends point out my small belly is rare at my age.
  • — pff
  • when I look at my [n] brbr, FullerWealth, nonwork income
  • [n] when I gain insights from exp recon while my cohort are clueless about their …
  • [gn] when I explain to peers why I don’t save up for top colleges for 2 kids .. strength of insight, strength to resist herd instinct, peer pressure
  • [n] when I count my DYOC winners, I feel strength as such high payout rate is rare in any asset, among my cohort. I didn’t experience such high payout for my investing career except some HY/PE, at high credit risk.
  • [nv] when I count the variety of my assets.. I feel proud of my risk-appetite
  • [nv] when I count the number of stocks.. I feel lucky, smart and a bit of strength
  • [n] when I write down my definition of liquidity .. an intellectual strength. I feel most investors have only a vague understanding of their own risk profile
  • — gz
  • [a] when I could absorb (absorbency) so much dry tech stuff
  • [a] when I could revise boring, old tech stuff including CIV, and learn something new.. 温故知新
  • [a] when I could get into the zone on weekends and focus on work for as little as an hour. I feel proud and strong.
  • when I camp out in office during a “honeymoon”

t_tectonic requires four domains, including 3 big domains and many minor domains

obesity: improve public infrastructure

Given that the real world won’t improve fast enough for my life and your life, some of us will have more BMI-life-chances due to personal effort, education, access to better jobs/nutrition,,,,

This article seems to play down the importance of individual effort and emphasize the environment factor. This article is a credible argument, but I maintain my perception — effort is the biggest factor within one’s control. Better jobs and better nutrition is also within our control.

— My reflections on https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/obesity-public-health-problem-solutions-weight-loss-2844661, written by a FinancialTimes reporter.

“Obesity is not the cause of a problem, but a symptom. Over the past 50 years, no country has reversed the trend of rising obesity.”

Q: Given the increasing public awareness, consumer education, why are citizens not improving our waistline?

There is now a scientific consensus that whether or not someone becomes overweight is, for the most part, the result of the interplay between genetic predisposition (responsible for around half of variation in body mass index), and environmental factors… The ‘individual responsibility’ idea, that people gain weight due to self-destructive decisions that they can be enlightened out of, has proved false…Obesity shows us primarily what is being done to people, not what people are doing to themselves….”regularity of dietary habit is simply incompatible with irregularity of work and income​​”

Q: why are low-income families more affected by obesity?

The author points to stress, overwork, unreliable income, financial insecurity,,, I feel these factors are indeed important. An outrageous analogy — in an world of increasing work stress, food insecurity, income insecurity, and increasing availability of addictive substances [alcohol, sugary drinks, cakes,,,], is some form of addiction inevitable for most? I guess we already see the widespread addiction to screens, sugary drinks… the curse of our time.

“But if any country is to reverse one of the world’s most stubborn trends, its policymakers must recognize that the solution will come not from haranguing people, but from improving the quality of their lives and their environment.”

Q: will it help if employer (like mine and Macq) provide free fruits in office pantry?

Q: will it help if employer (like mine) provides relaxation facilities in office?
A: I doubt it. I guess most employees prefer to get as far away from office as possible.

Look at the overwhelming amount of food advertising, esp. in malls. How many percent of them are truly healthy like raw veg, whole fruits, skim milk?

Convenience .. is a key factor in our increasingly busy lives. Those convenient locations and food choices are mostly (like 99%) less-than-healthy.


sickness: available!!enticing

Due to my sickness, many “bad” foods become “available but no longer enticing”.

A rare but revealing factor is sickness. Sickness did reduce my appetite and hunger. I tend to perceive sickness as an external factor, because an empty stomach often sends the not-really-hungry signal.

After CAD, my appetite dropped suddenly. I stopped responding to tasty foods present in office or home. Good or bad? I think it’s good for my CAD condition. Adaptation.

##aaa0a=[addict/avail/attract/] no-attraction

AAA stands for

  1. Addictive _things_ .. including e-gaming
  2. availability
  3. (fatal) attractions

The opposite of AAA is no-pleasure (sometimes known as no-attraction)

AAA — fatal attractions in liberal societies esp. for kids

Here’s a full list (growing) of AAA attractions:

  • — half ranked by the (often underestimated) risk to my kids
  • gambling
  • substance addiction .. drugs, tobacco
  • sex
  • — also present in SG but a bit lower .. by a small margin
  • credit card… Example: Aunt Gen
  • e-gaming
  • leveraged trading, day trading
  • alcohol
  • fast food
  • sugary drinks
  • coffee

alcohol attitude: layers of complexity

See also

Alcohol is much more than nutrition or health. Alcohol is social, not only among teenagers. As a more remote analog, golf is much more than a sport.

As such alcohol (and coffee) is highly commercial. Therefore there’s a lot of sponsored research in the health effects of alcohol. These findings tend to dominate the casual or serious discussions about alcohol.

We are judged — Your alcohol attitude is comparable to your attire or your transportation choices.

Alcohol lifestyle might be important for some salesmen and leaders, but not me. Many of those OC-effective types tend to “advise” me to embrace alcohol. Jolt: I used to feel weak and ineffective in my stubborn, “old-fashioned” attitude on alcohol. Well, now I like my attitude.

There’s too much misinformation and propaganda about alcohol. I have little bandwidth for that noise. Instead, I prefer simple, verified facts about alcohol:

  • In human history, alcohol have never been necessary for health or happiness. The health benefits have not become substantial.
  • alcohol presents many risks not only to health
  • the most widespread and popular club drug is alcohol. As a drug, alcohol has minimal health benefit for the majority of healthy people

My self-knowledge advantage — I don’t waste money or time on this “imported” finer things in life.

— The AAA Question: zero pleasure in alcoholic drinks .. is a blessing or curse? How does my System 1 answer? Blessing

System 2? Given my priorities [avoid suffering, healthy longevity], I would say “Blessing”.

Therefore, if and when I start to feel some pleasure in alcohol (Anurag, grandma or wife?) I need to be very careful with the potential AAA risk.