https://www.tembusulaw.com/insights/divorce-rate-in-singapore/ (loads better in MS-Edge) is written by a divorce lawyer in 2022. Obviously his 5 reasons are not a rigorous survey result. These are presented as reasons not mere “factors”
- [s/S = specific reasons]
- [s] AAaddictions esp. gambling and substances… I feel an addict spouse can be as hazardous as a spouse who can turn violent to family members
- [s] domestic VVviolence… “Domestic abuse” is more broad but less specific
- [s] IIinfidelity
- $$ financial woes.. clarified below
- [s] SS: lack of intimacy (primarily physical) … see below
- — other bloggers’ top picks, which turn out to be relevant in any country
- lack of CCcommitment .. (#1 reason in multiple surveys) Marriage requires dedication and long-term consistent effort.
- [s] severe DDdisease/disability/incapacity .. explained below.
- [s] significant WWweight gain .. surprisingly, one of the leading causes of divorce
— the “desire” factor .. affects II SS DD WW
— the aaa factor .. affects II AA
— the self-discipline factor .. affects II AA VV $$ WW
Other phrases for it include self-responsible, self-restraint, prudence,
A single misstep can lead to II / VV, though a serious VV behavior usually grows over time.
— intimacy .. can “grease the wheels” of a smooth-running relationship. 床头吵架床尾和 , 夫妻没有隔夜仇. When it is gone, serious relationship issues often take their place.
I didn’t know that this can lead to divorce. Mostly, when the sexual needs of one partner are not satisfied in marriage, it increases the chances of divorce as intimacy, being an important aspect of marriage, isn’t fulfilled. If I don’t get the intimacy I need, then I would feel a basic, biological need is unfulfilled.
Emotional and physical intimacy is like super-glue to strengthen your love and marriage bonds.
— financial .. I like Jonathan’s short and sharp take.
I suspected couples break up for this reason more in yesteryears, but actually, all the “top reasons for divorce” lists include this item.
Finance is the most common reason cited for divorce during Malaysia MCO. I think it is often the #1 among several concurrent reasons.
— DD .. U.S. Government’s National Health Interview Survey of nearly 50,000 households in 1994 said 20.7 percent of the disabled adults (among those polled) were divorced or separated, compared with 13.1 percent of those who reported no disabilities.
Among the reasons are the stresses on the health of the spouse caring for a disabled partner, and the pressure on family finances, especially if one spouse has to stop working to stay home and tend the other.
For better-off couples, a hired hand can save work and relieve tension. Dr. Weintraub said: ”There are spouses who say, ‘In no way will I diaper my wife.’ So you go out and have somebody else diaper your wife. It helps to have money.”
”It’s no longer considered necessary to hang in there with the disabled spouse,” said a former chairman of the family law section of the American Bar Association. ”The real message we get from the icons of society is if the marriage is too hard, you’re not expected to keep it going.”
In the U.S., elderly spouses coping with a disabled partner rarely resort to divorce. But younger generations are more likely to say it’s not worth it.
Confirmed: men leave wives more often than wives leave husbands.
— Women’s growing independence .. a likely cause of divorce. See the MSF survey described below. Women are separating from their spouses because they have more opportunities to live independently.
Among Jonathan’s five reasons, I see five driver to push a women to break away, but without her belief in her independence, every driver can prove insufficient. One exception is an unfaithful wife. This driver alone can lead to divorce if the husband is fed up.
See also #1 #7 #8 #9 answers below.
— Singapore sociology .. https://blackbox.com.sg/everyone/honey-you-can-have-him-rising-divorce-in-singapore mentions an attitude survey conducted by MSF sociologists. “Why do you think more couples in Singapore are getting divorced than before?”
- #1 Women are more economically independent today and do not have to be trapped in a bad marriage any more
- #6 Couples today are less resilient than previous generation
- #7 Modern society has made marriage less important/relevant.
- #8 (W>M) There is now less stigma to getting divorced
- #9 (M>W) Couples simply get tired of each other sooner than in the past… See CC item
- #10 (W>M) There is a lot of pressure on couples these days to be “prefect” .. driving couples to breaking point