anti-aging muscle workout

muscle loss is normal as people age.

Use multiple tools and equipments. Variety is good.

— prevent falls

— protect joints

— prolong mobility

— boost bone density

resistance_training to prevent or control t2dm says “Most forms of aerobic/cardiovascular exercise will lower your glucose levels, while activities such as high-intensity training and weightlifting can raise it.” “suggests an inverse association of the skeletal muscle mass with blood glucose level, which encourages the implication of muscle-building exercises as the preventive measure for T2DM”. This research uses a healthy population without T2DM.

Muscle mass is considered a physical “shield” against blood sugar deterioration as we age. suggests “Prevent Diabetes by Increasing Your Muscle Mass”

pinyin standard[汉语拼音方案] #er is the full learning sequence in my Primary 1. is a compilation of all known combinations of consonants and various vowel components. This page may be missing some combos, but not if you click into each subpage. is the 1958 official document. has similar but enriched content:

  • ü 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 yu(迂),yue(约),yuan(冤),yun(晕);ü上两点省略。
  • ü  行的韵母跟声母 j,q,x 拼的时候,写成:ju(居),qu(区),xu(虚),ü上两点也省略;但是跟声母 n,l 拼的时候,仍然写成 nü(女),lü(吕), to be separate from nu (怒) / lu (路)。Other examples: lüe(略), nüe(虐) though “lue / nue” are nonexistent.
  • ün is nonexistent.
  • iou,uei,uen 前面加声母的时候,写成 iu,ui,un。例如 niu(牛),gui(归),lun(论)。iou/uei/uen are nonexistent. (They always follow a consonant.) See and
  • .. These components were tabulated for theoretical discussion.
  • ~~ A pair of twin rules:
  • i 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 yi(衣),ya(呀),ye(耶),yao(腰),you(忧),yan(烟),yin(因),yɑng(央),ying(英),yong(雍)。
  • u 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 wu(乌), wa(蛙), wo(窝), wɑi(歪),wei(威),wan(弯),wen(温),wang(汪),weng(翁)。

— 伊欧/”iou” special rules … tricky to many students. The theoretical form is “iou” i.e. i-ou i.e. 伊欧, but “iou” is not in use in any dictionary i.e. nonexistent.

  • rule (see twin rule): i 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候 , replace leading i with y.. “iou” -> “you(有)”
  • rule: iou 前面加声母的时候,写成 iu. Examples: niu, liu, jiu(就), qiu(求), xiu(修). In each case, if you remove the “i”, then the full pinyin would match a different Chinese character.

— e(额) vs er(二/而/耳/尔/儿) .. two distinct sounds

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HSBC PLOC: anger mgmt


This is a useful case study of my growing anger management issue.

Look in the mirror. What do other people see in me? Impatience.. unhealthy expectations… a demanding customer?

I think it’s best to apply some mild pressure on HSBC but keep cool. Have faith that the application will be taken care of in due course.

In reality, the review team is not reachable (i.e. won’t speak to end customers). I can only speak to the telesales team. This team is not always available (by phone or email), same as in other banks.

Whatever pressure need to go to the review team, but I can only apply it on the telesales team. This pressure is not really effective. The review team is oblivious of whatever pressure we apply.

Since there’s nothing I can do, I need to accept the delay. Pushing for a replacement rep is counter-productive.

— zqbx + serenity .. As soon as I decide to accept the delay, I feel the unwinding and the Let-Go.

— In some countries [U.S.] and organizations [wechat], such bureaucratic red tapes are commonplace. Look at my BGC title.

## unnoticed #1 concern in/of…

  • returning an from a method — it is the risk of returning null
  • dev-till-70 — it is physical health (according to Jenny, Sudhir and grandpa), rather than SnD
  • ffree for our mere mortals — it’s passive income rather than windfall.
  • bmi — availability, temptation, esp. wrong-time temptation. See temptation=#1(short-term)challenge4weight watcher and fullness^availability: hunger

horse riding: y many ignore high risk@@

I don’t know why many (usually white) Americans enjoy horse training and riding. Statistically, it’s very dangerous. Whenever you fall, there’s a real probability of injury. I sometimes envy their enjoyment, but that enjoyment is not so important to me, whereas the risks are important to me.

I guess that many motorists won’t wear helmet if no regulation. These individuals choose to ignore the risk even if they attend a safety course..

How does it compare to motorbike or car driving?

How about keeping a dog? I think there’s a real advantage — my kids would be more confident about dogs. Dogs are quite common in the U.S.

How is yoga in comparison? Is yoga that important? I guess it motivates me to keep working on flexibility. In that way it is life-enhancing.

## fire-n-forget +!confirm`

A pattern worth remembering

  • eg (classic): I’m in a hurry so I leave the home door unlocked, and I shout to my family member “Please lock the door for me.” What I often forget to do before leaving is to confirm the person actually hears it.
  • eg: after you hit winKey+L, we often walk away assuming windows would lock screen
  • eg: after I run “gd2” I often walk away, assuming …
  • eg: after I click “restart” I often walk away assume windows would restart, but quite often it couldn’t.
  • eg: after we sent a phone message or email (say, a short ye/no answer) we often put it aside assuming the recipient has seen it.


Cooling mat is an energy-efficient but inconvenient alternative to AirCon + fan. Need to reduce the inconvenience. (Similar to electric cars.)

— ice crystal .. explained in and

Any ice-crystal based cooling device, such as air cooler, are much less convenient than A/C.

— dependency .. I feel the mat is a less severe dependency.

— limitation: after a few months, it would become ineffective. Those mats are probably designed to be disposable after a few months. is a marketing article not a critical review

  • reusable
  • water-based, without ice crystals …
  • refrigeration is optional; freeze forbidden
  • water amount not too much or too little
  • simple repairs at home
Posted in zoo


Language matter. If a Chinese immigrant to U.S. is unfamiliar with the language of the hypnotherapist, then the patient won’t be easily influenced and hypnotized. Even if a Chinese hypnotist is brought over, it won’t work well if she comes from a different province or cultural background. For the language to build a bridge, both sides must tune in to the same frequency.

— active ^ passive listener

Sometimes the listener gets hypnotized involuntarily (sys1), without paying attention. (I may have a psychic block so my sys1 is not easily hypnotized.) Most listeners need to pay some attention (sys2) to be hypnotized.

However, a hypnotist knows how to attract your attention at a subconscious level (sys1), and turn a passive listener into an active, engaged listener.


— movies .. so fake … often require a (sys2) willing suspension of disbelief

Similarly, If you feel  a set piece or a sales presentation or preacher comes across as too predictable, then it’s hard to get yourself hypnotized or fired up…. Psychic block

— usage scenario: persuade your partner to have more intimacy

— usage scenario: listen to instruction during labor

— usage scenario: instructor-led relaxation exercise, or hypnotherapy

optimism, faith #illustrat`abstract concept #XR

boy’s situation
SGD strength
Sgp inflation

k_soul_search .. k_CAD

— resilience, adversities are central to optimism
— optimism after WPress site block
— optimism with sexual difficulties
— optimism with BMI challenges
— optimism with boy…
— optimims with my twilight years
— Hi XR,

Optimism has a rich meaning. When I say a person is optimistic about a difficult endeavor [2] (undertaken by herself or an organization[3]), this person maintains her positive energy, her effort [4], her hope for that endeavor, at least half the time[5]. The hope and the optimistic perception is often based on some evidence[6].

Some pointers:

[2] The endeavor could be personal growth, family bond improvement, anger management .. If something doesn’t involve a long, difficult effort, then optimism is irrelevant. (As an analogy, without resistance, strength is irrelevant.)

[4] In most cases, optimism must translate to action. No action, no change. I am optimistic about U.S. so I proactively plan my career, my children’s education, my housing …

[5] For a difficult struggle like improving body flexibility, I frequently lose heart but at least half the time I am hopeful that my stretch practices would enhance my later life. My attitude on ahboy weakens my confidence and hope but half the time I’m hopeful.

[6] There is positive evidence and negative evidence, about a difficult endeavor. When we are optimistic about something, we tend to notice the positive and filter out the negative evidence. For example, I hear your son’s progress. Sometimes the negative evidence is overwhelming, putting our optimism to the test. I don’t want to describe examples.

In some cases, our optimism is not based on evidence… that would be “faith”. (Blind optimism can be reckless and I seldom see that in myself.) I donated blood a few times because I believe a good deed by a father will bring good luck to himself and his kids. Blood donation generates massive and lasting positive energy.

[3] Most of the time I feel optimistic about Singapore as a nation, despite its inherent limitations and comparative weaknesses. Also, I often feel optimistic about the U.S. economy and U.S. stocks. With my investments in Cambodia, I feel slightly optimistic about Cambodian economy. On the other hand, I’m less optimistic about Philippines where I bought some property.

By my definition of optimism, I don’t think you are all-pessimistic. You do show positive energy on parenting, on tech learning. You clearly prefer U.S. because you see brighter future for your family in this country than any other country.

— (realistic) Optimism in Leadership
Leadership in any organization always requires optimism. I see that in Lee Kuan Yew, in Obama. In my family, I can see it in my dad at a few junctures. He chose to focus on the positive evidence when other people see the negative. As leader of my family, I have a duty to hold up the optimism in the family. Can I choose pessimism in some cases? I would say rarely, and it would usually affect our energy level.

— optimism in competitive endeavors
Optimism in health, career longevity, family bonding … are non-competitive and less tricky. But some endeavors are fundamentally competitive, like getting into Facebook or enrolling my son into a top college. What if all other students are bright, motivated and optimistic? Not everyone can get into the top 10%. Tricky. In those cases, I choose to rephrase my goals. My dad had the wisdom and audacity of hope to tell me “I would be satisfied if my grandson graduates from a Singapore polytechnic or a U.S. community college”