sleep easy; Japanese diet advantage: small portions

Doctor Lynne Lim pointed out that Japanese diet features many small dishes. She said those small portions are important.

When asked about “challenges posed by modern life”, she again mentioned meal portion control as a challenge of modern life. She compared us to pre-modern (I would say pre-industrialized) people — “They gardened, farmed, walked to reach places, ate simply, reveled in communal gatherings, laughed and slept easy.”

Among those items, the last one “slept easy” strikes me as the most enviable.

I would say easy sleep is not a complete test but an acid test of healthy lifestyle.

My father is full of wisdom, but is weak on this front. Dr Lim herself is also coping with occasional sleep issues, and she repeatedly emphasized sleep , as an element of physical and mental health in modern life.

In the same interview, she also pointed out Sweedish healthy diet features low-carbs

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SGH pharmacy bill #Cigna

SGH can accept accumulating unpaid bills.. paid in one go. (If high overdue, then SGH would block orders.)

After payment, you can use HealthHub (or HealthBuddy) APP to generate official receipt for Cigna.

Cigna policy .. for each medication delivery date, within 12M you must submit claim.

— to generate invoice

On 8 Nov 2024, I had difficulty on HealthHub so I called SGH 6321 4110 to send me bills.

SGH self-service portal .. no help.

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Desaru waves: father swept away

misstep .. 一念之差

How similar this case is to me and my son.

— based on

The 49-year-old was in the water off The Westin Desaru Coast Resort a day earlier when he was swept away by waves.

“The victim, who wore a black pair of shorts, was found by members of the public about 5km from where he was reported to have gone missing.”

Mr Tan and his 16-year-old son were hit by waves while frolicking at the water’s edge before being swept away. 

17 rescuers were deployed following the distress call, and Tan’s son was eventually rescued


teams who chose me≠2ndClass

Background: describes a broader pattern. As a specific sub-pattern, People who _believed_ in my potential are often perceived as inferior, unwise, second-class.

Actually, they are often successful/admirable/attractive.

— Sgp (ICA, government or the nation).. did choose me for PR/citizenship, and for my wife’s PR/citizenship. For decades I felt inferior about Sgp. I wanted to emigrate to Europe, or N.A. See my email on 2020 National Day.

— my employers .. are comparable to the “women case” desribed later — they chose me, therefore perceived inferior. In reality, many of these employers are iconic — NYSE, Macq, Verizon,, Many of them are highly selective in hiring — MLP, GS, MS,, Many of them were market leaders [mvea, Macq, GS, volFitter, EPA,,,]

Limitations of the employer who chose me? Every employer has limitations. However, when we are still paid by a company (either as employer or client), we need to be careful about bad-mouthing (painting a negative picture). It’s indirectly biting the hand that feeds you.

— my alma mater ..(母校) for many years I projected my inferiority to NUS, HCJC/Shiyan, and UChicago (nowadays I recognize them as prestigious elite schools, with long track record of competitive excellence.). I considered “my school” as second-class precisely because they accepted me!

Now I think even if I am one day accepted by MIT, I would still question the reputation of the school after I witness some limitations. There are comparative weaknesses in every college. Some weaknesses would support my skepticism. In reality, UChicago and NUS have real quality in teaching, students caliber, exams, research etc.

After we graduate, we become lifetime ambassadors of the college, unless we have been mistreated (UChicago treated me well). Therefore, whatever negative comments, whatever shortcomings, need to be handled diplomatically, as ambassadors do.

Q: Which school, like an employer, actually chose me for my background, my self-presentation, rather than my (anonymous and objective) benchmark scores?
A: (Not NUS and Shiyan). UChicago chose me in an admission exercise of 10% selectivity; HCJC chose me with a big risk.

==== women who liked me or some attractive quality in me (including some white and some ethnic Indian girls)

(A woman who chooses me can be classified as a one-person team.)

One of the earliest examples: From primary school to college, some girls would notice attractive qualities in me, without a crush. I immediately classified all “admirers” as unattractive, or leftovers. This is a projection of my inferiority self-image.

In reality, many of these girls were truly perceptive, intelligent individuals and sharp observers. ChunMei is one of few individuals I would name. We were not friends for long before she got to know me pretty well.

In early 2015, I met my first “girl friend”, a PhD medical researcher, another sharp and intelligent lady.

— As to my wife, she is the opposite of those young ladies. However, the same projection continued i.e. I often feel, at different times, that she is inferior as a person precisely becuase she chose me. This example probably shows the depth of my self-inferiority.

In reality, what did the “similar”girls choose as life partners? I would guess a businessman, a manager, or a government official wouldn’t automatically make a better match. In fact these Chinese guys are less likely to choose “a pretty women without a degree”.

— White women are an interesting case. For many years I had (or have) held a racial bias which assigned a superiority to white women. I don’t remember too many individuals but a few white women actually showed appreciation for some of my personal qualities.  Same result — immediately I classified them as .. less attractive.

In 1993, after we moved to Pasir Ris, our family met with a British Chinese lecturer in Architecture, and his British wife. Some days later, for some reason, my mom commented that the Caucasian women was probably not the most attractive women in her community (she didn’t say “leftovers”), because she had chosen a non-Caucasian husband! I immediately objected my mother’s projection of racial inferiority — “I’m inferior human species. You chose me so you are inferior too.”

— Zoe Tay married an air force pilot. If I were him, I would question why my wife, this glamorous woman, didn’t choose a rich businessman. Now I think Zoe is one of the smartest actresses. She didn’t need a rich businessman, full stop. Successful actresses often choose someone reliable. As the chosen man, I ought to feel proud of my character, rather than inferior to the rich businessmen that were brushed aside by my beautiful wife.

— ex-classmates’ husbands .. When I think of a specific female ex-classmate, I often ask myself what kind of husband she may have. I don’t know any of those husbands, but I usually assume them to be 高富帅. A self-invented inferiority!

  • How about BMI and belly? I bet more than half of them are inferior.
  • How about flexibility? I guess 1/3 of them are even worse than me.
  • How about active days/week? I bet most of them are inferior.
  • How about bonding with the kids? I probably fare better than half of them.
  • How about retirement healthcare and income, long-term inflation protection, stable rental income,,, to support the family?
  • How about career longevity?
  • What’s more important in a husband — brank or health?
  • if you are one of these women classmates, what kind of father and role model do you want for your kids?

So I think for many of these women classmates, choosing a guy like me is probably smarter in hindsight.

If that’s true, then we should all agree that I am a decent man.

stand-desk: micro-workout


— ska .. This analysis is another evicence of self-knowledge-advantage. I takes introspective effort to understand why something like this works for me much better than other people.

low mood .. [low-energy or sad mood]. In this mood, the act of standing at the desk provides … a small boost. Somewhat similar to exp recon.

My habit of keeping track of standing minutes each day … helps me focus on the positive, esp. in low mood.

— easy incremental workout .. Similar to squats, climbing stairs, lotus sitting,,,, standing at desk provides easy ways to “improve” the physical condition and induce positive energy.

Usually I need an hour of standing, but sometimes, even 10m can make me feel good about myself… ctbz

Q: why some people enjoy standing on train, but I would rather stand at desk?
%%A: no right or wrong. I like to read/write on train.

warehouse curiositySou[def] esp. when”working”



Scope of this bpost .. is mostly about curiositySou, esp. when engaged in some task at hand[1]. Reading news frequently triggers a curiositySou and is (loosely) related to the topics below.

Q: why do I spend so much time analyzing and blogg about curiositySou?
A: the weekly total hours spent on curiositySou (+ online news) is staggering for myself and family

[1] CuriositySou would make us put down what’s on our hand 🙁

Personal Statistics — when I look back at my google searches, most of them are low value and zero urgency. I wonder if you can ask google to show your own search history.

case study: when I researched on “richest country of latam”, I was drawn into the different ways to measure national wealth. Unplanned. Energy sink !

Many coworkers (including my managers) have a habit — immediately search on-line when a particular news catches their attention. Or it could be a name, a product, a jargon, a question, something search-able, but something not related to their immediate task and don’t require immediate investigation.

If we warehouse the curiosity, very often we realize Aha that curiosity topic is not worthwhile. This Aha is similar to a help desk’s unpublished policy:

“Depending on the urgency, wait N minutes before reacting to a request. When you do reach out to the user, she will likely need it less urgently than if you ask her now.”

This guideline requires self-discipline, something most adults and kids lack.

This guideline applies not only during office hours. It applies whenever you need concentration including deep_work. Non-trivial learning is one major area affected. This is esp. important when we find ourselves in the absorbency/engagement mode. Therefore, we need to train ourselves to identify it, like identifying fatigue while driving.

How do we warehouse?

  • Write it on a piece of paper
  • take a picture
  • voice recorder

— topics, problem patterns to notice and target our “treatment”

  • [u=curious search usually ends up on wikipedi++ or UGC rather than published by an organization with editorial QC]
  • Google Doodle is a classic nudge for curiositySou, esp. when it appears to be about your compatriot, your profession,,,
  • [u] a memorable detail in a movie plot or movie scene,
  • .. a subtle act of a character
  • .. one of hundreds of details intentionally planted in movie scenes.
  • a memorable part of a lyric
  • a title of a book, play, story, or a characcter therein … often suggests “must be in wikipedia++
  • a historical event, personality or place
  • a well-known city, river/late, mountain or country
  • celebrity news .. we don’t need to search. The important news would find its way to me.
  • a witty phrase, or a trendy phrase,
  • an unfamiliar English word/phrase/idiom to confirm its nuances, connotations and appropriate usage
  • any curious jargon, statistic,,,,, Influencers/marketers like to drop these “names++” as a nudge for curiositySou. Don’t fall into those traps.
  • a news .. This category deserves a section “news junkie”

— news junkie .. See also Lia’s comment below. I think reading a quality newspaper [CNA, printed newspaper] is a socially acceptable recreation, better than many “addictions”, and better than many other curiositySou topics.

Q: how is curiositySou different from (encountering and) following a curious (news++) article  title in print media?
A: with print media, if you are curious about something mentioned in the news, you can’t immediately search
%%A: less tendency to get sidetracked
%%A: curiositySou often involves filtering search results and discarding irrelevant info. Reading news for an hour, we don’t discard so much.

— blogger says “I am a supporter of intentionally discerning what is appropriate to be curious about…. Our information age has made unbridled curiosity a constantly available distraction…. We would be wise to limit our curiosity. We simply don’t need to know all that we want to know.”

As to news junkie, reader Lia commented “I haven’t watched or read the news for about 10 years. Instead I trust that if I need to know something that it will come to me through friends…. The one exception to this is before an election, at which point I seek out information through web searches and talking with friends…. I can’t think of something important that I’ve missed because of it.”

microsoft account synch across devices

Background: I appreciate the value proposition of synching my google profile. In my company computer, my google account is inaccessible, so I have no synching… tolerable.

Microsoft account offers a similar synching feature, with a questionable value proposition. Password synch is tricky.

Q: what if I update my account password on, but frequently (like 90%) need to log in on my laptops without inet connection?
A: the laptop log-in could fail. A show-stopper. For this reason, I don’t use micrsoft account at all. It is an unwanted dependency on something beyond my control.

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##habit2brush-aside %%achievements + cohort

I have a habit to dismiss/brush-side/ my competitive achievements by … brushing aside the cohort ! I tell myself things like “矬子里拔将军”. However, this is a distorted perception of reality about the cohort. Most the time I lack minimum knowledge about the cohort to reach that assessment.

— eg (trigger): 2023 JPM5.6km | I won 2nd place among MLP runners but I tend to brush it aside by assuming that my peer group are not fit enough.

I was #344 among 6000 “visible” finishers, but there are total about 10,000 participants in Singapore. All participants are serious about CRE.

The large sample size gives credibility to the statistics, so my city-wide personal ranking is far more accurate than the company-wide personal ranking, but I tend to ignore this fact and brush aside even a large-sample, highly credible assessment.

— eg: 2026 Tyco sport event | #1 in 400m.
Whenever I am #1, I would brush aside the cohort automatically ! However, there were good runners! I have no justification to ignore it.
— eg: 1989~199x I was the top physics student in Shiyan (lower and upper years). I routinely brushed aside my entire Shiyan cohort, saying that Shiyan cohort was strong in math, not physics.

That perception of reality was unfounded. Math and (theoretical) physics talent are highly correlated.
— eg: 1993 HJC | AO level Chinese exam .. HJC was the strongest JC in this subject. The exam actually featured composition!
— eg: 1992 or 1993 HJC | American high school math competition | international champion team. I was the first among 4 or 5 team members to go on stage to receive the prize.

HJC was a powerhouse in high-school math across Singapore and SEAsia, and I simply ignored that and brush aside the entire Singapore cohort.
— eg: 2016 UChicago | GPA 3.75.. There is really no weakness in this cohort, but still I brushed aside the cohort .. _irrational_

Even if I were to score near the top in MIT or Stanford, I would still brush aside the cohort.
— eg: 2010 Citigroup superday | #1 pick ..
Q: is there any justification to brush aside this cohort? None. I actually worked alongside these guys later in Citigroup, so I know them personally.
— eg: Over the 2010s I was an elite WStC candidate. Then I was told that Europe candidates and WSBA techies were visibly stronger on average. Wholeheartedly I have since accepted the inferiority of the entire WStC cohort.

Basically, I brushed aside my cohort to devalue my own achievement and preeminence.

Putting on a critical hat, this perception of reality is flawed, unfounded and biased. My first-hand assessment of those “external” counterparts was unconvincing. Europe salaries are measurably lower than WallSt. Europe clusters (London, Frankfurt, Zurich,,,) won’t beat WallSt in talent diversity.

##EQ/EI #Y I bother

Q: Why do I bother to blog about EQ when I don’t care to improve my EQ (it’s fairly innate)?
A: many people in my circle talk about EQ frequently. They are mostly Chinese. Many of the most important “talks” are about my EQ, usually in private. (In contrast, some less in-depth “talks” mention EQ as a generic personal strength/weakness.) In any case, I often have to reflect on my EQ and reflect on the broader framework of EQ, because it is usually a hot potato that I can’t swallow/ignore.

BTW, China follows a loose definition of EQ (qing2shang1) that’s different from Goleman’s definition in many ways.

j4 bpost: EQ/EI has a rich literature around it. Bulk of it is about leadership, but irrelevant to me and brushed aside in the bpost. The remaining “relevant” literature is still rich in quantity and quality. The literature makes for a good topic in my blog.

j4 bpost: I do see some actionable pointers in the EQ literature. Perhaps I can take some action in some of the domains.

— domain: communicating with grandparents during their last few years

— domain: parenting

— domain: strengthen our marriage
conflict resolution

— domain: job interview

— domain: keeping a (good) job
performance review

— domain: cross-cultural communications esp. on the job