I decided to trust the authenticity of this story.
— https://www.businessinsider.com/retired-early-put-on-performance-improvement-plan-2024-4
After working for nine years as a communications specialist for a healthcare association, I was put on a performance-improvement plan during my 10th annual job review. “Has my performance changed so much from my last exemplary review?” I asked, knowing that my previous review had been conducted by a former boss who was no longer at the company.
As a result of the PIP, I was sent to human resources to fill out paperwork outlining how my boss would closely supervise my work. I had three months to improve. As a 58-year-old, I worried about what this would mean for my career, but it became an opportunity for me to retire early.
I signed all the paperwork with HR and went back to my boss. I wanted to ensure she understood what was happening and get additional guidance on avoiding termination. I started to get nervous. After an uncomfortable meeting with human resources the following day, I left the company voluntarily.
I didn’t want to stick around to see how this situation worked out because I already had enough information to know my days were numbered. Leaving my job with no plan was unsettling. My normal approach would not be so rash; I prefer to have a plan and know my next steps. I was especially worried about my financial situation. (r-ikigai, social interaction,,,)
[victan: I would wait for severance package. I would also use the 3 months to look for next job or prepare for job loss.]
— I had several interviews, but I felt forced to retire —
Shortly after I left my old job, I worked part-time for a vendor I had previously done business with. I eventually started applying for full-time positions and going to interviews. Many of these interviews went well but somehow never resulted in an offer. I wondered if it was because I was close to retirement age.
I could’ve continued working for the vendor, but the money was not worth the effort or the long commute. Meanwhile, my personal life was getting complicated. My daughter wanted help planning her upcoming wedding, my mother needed more oversight as she approached 90, and I craved more freedom to travel.
So, I decided to retire — in my 50s.
I’m younger than most retirees by almost a decade — which is a blessing and a curse.
I decided to keep freelance writing. I also started writing a longer project about my father’s teenage experiences as a Holocaust survivor, so having more time was welcome. In addition, I began volunteering as a docent at the Newseum, which brought me a lot of satisfaction.
Plus, being young enough to go on some adventurous journeys is a nice perk: I enjoyed going on safari and on bike trips to California’s wine country. It was also nice to have extra time to help plan my daughter’s and son’s weddings and be involved in all the pre-wedding activities. Having time to do what you want is a definite benefit of retiring young.
Sometimes, though, I wish I wasn’t.
I can’t help but feel I still have a few more years left of full-time work in me, so I sometimes regret retiring so young. I was cut off early from building up Social Security for a few more years, so from a financial perspective, I feel like retiring early has been detrimental.
I’m also worried I will quickly lose my grip on technological advancements. I kept up with those advances through work, but as a retiree, I’m worried I’ll fall behind.
— Either way, I wonder if my age played a role in all of this —
In the end, it all worked out, but I do wonder if my age is what caused all of this.
I won’t ever know for sure if I was put on a PIP because of my age, nor will I know if I struggled to find a new job for the same reason. But I now stand by my decision to retire and start a new phase. After all, I was given the opportunity to reinvent myself and try new things.
Retirement is a time of rediscovery and transformation, and exploiting that opportunity is the best way to win the game of life.