flight: ##check 1D|60m{leav`home

See also “PEK ⇔ SG “Don’t forget”

Pack your phone earlier if possible. If you assume it’s impossible to forget your phone, you will realize the impossible does happen quite often 😉

— Difficult to wrap up in advance.. half ranked by importance

  • phoneS+cables+5 SIMs
  • local coins, keys .. leave at home
  • shoes — heavy shoes in backpack, slippers on foot
  • local cards: MRT, mlp badge, NTUC, ccard
  • laptop  + cable + SD card
  • [! = people do forget this]

— night/morning before

  • minor distraction: shut down laptop to preserve battery
  • reading material pack-up
  • ensure no luggage is too heavy or too empty
  • banking tokens .. DBS
  • all stroed value cards .. movie cards
  • pouch, cash pouch, wallet
  • passport
  • online check-in? Not so important. Still need to print boarding pass at airport.
  • LG2 picking blog printout in the final 24 hour… Low ROTI
  • medication
  • yoga block
  • roaming .. cmlink self-service

— zsms, self acceptance .. I notice a fixation on the minor items. I feel this is typical of  OCD symptoms — “If self2 refuses/forbids my repeated checking, then self1 anxiety grows.”

Tip: deal with those bposts only on last day. Be confident.

Tip: Keep a steadfast focus on the really important items

  • passport,
  • physical cash safety
  • smartphones ..
  • having enough ePay cards
  • — LG2 items, half-ranked
  • pills .. can buy
  • [b] charging accessories .. can buy
  • keep all my devices fully charged on the last day
  • [b] warm clothing
  • [b] reading materials
  • [b] stationaries .. can buy
  • [b=blackhole items that suck up infinite amount of sys2 resources]

I refuse to surrender to the perfectionist self2. Those minor items will breed imperfections, and I will embrace imperfections, as I embrace the imperfect self1.


##flight: operational errors #sys1/2overload


The paradox of “frequency”. On one hand, based on Poisson distro, the more flights I take, the higher the Pr[at least one mistake on a given a trip]. On the other hand, after a year[1] of frequent flights, my sys1 (and sys2) become efficient, reducing the probability.
[1] However, after a few years of quiet, sys1 “forgets” the learning.

— on flight, prefer cheap, ez-to-replace, “throwaway” tools. They reduce Sys2 load —
blog printout

–Below are real mistakes I made, half ranked by severity and dram-refresh

  • Sometime in 2017-2018 left leather jacket at security check
  • caught the cold after the winter long flight. Had to see Newport doctor.
  • 2018 HK flight miss, and 2016 KL flight miss
  • 2012 left phone charger behind at Waltham
  • 2019 left travel pillow at security check

— sys1/sys2 overload

忘带啦!/forgot2carry .. [ exiting planes/HSR-train, leaving security checkpoints/hotels,,,] is the most common Sys1 operational error. Sys1 overload? Sys2 has limited bandwidth and has to focus on “those few important belongings[2]”.

To reduce Sys2 load, I try to avoid en-rout rearrangment of cash, SIMs, various cards. Instead of en-route, I try to do it at home or destination, when the consequence of leftBehind is mild.

[2] important belongings include SIMs, gadgets, 易碎品[3], wallets, heavy luggage[5]. Unimportant belongings are too numerous to name, like dirty shoes [4], phone chargers, travel pillow, pencils, throwaway reading material, yoga block, food boxes,,,, You can see it’s a mountain of “workload” for Sys1.

Avoid charging devices en-route. They become sys1 load.

Even during the flight, “Less forgettable” items can still be forgotten and misplaced, due to sys1 limitations.
* passport
* charged phones
* laptop
* laptop cover

I allow myself to relax and accept the possibility of losing bottle, travel pillow, yoga block,,

charging cables .. If you need to charge devices, do it early on the flight, and pack them up hours before landing, to reduce sys1 load.

— [3] Fragile items in hand luggage .. always generate anxiety and sys1 load, so I prefer cheap, sturdy

— [4] Dirty shoes overload sys1 as they are bulky and they need a shoe bag 🙁

— [5] heavy luggage .. creates sys1 load, leaves me with less sys1 “bandwidth”, so my memory becomes more lossy.

— hurry .. increases operational risks.

Example: Wrong-passport .. sys1 was in charge as I became confident. After the Sys1 blunder, I have learned to use sys2 i.e. SlowDown_n_doubleCheck. I do that when leaving plains/hotels, but you are sometimes not allowed to slow down 🙁

  • real eg: forgot to take phone when trying to leave early to catch Light Rail
  • principle: the more moving parts, the more load on sys2. We need to slow down, and possibly use a written list (gadgets? I don’t prefer.)
  • .. winter travel involves more separate clothing items. They increase sys2 load and increase the chance of forgetting
  • principle: don’t leave important tasks to the last minute before a trip, as in the last minute my memory system may not operate well.

— stitching en-route .. can create distraction. Need to ensure all important luggages are closed asap


flightN2H: wellness tips #sleep

  • floss to be separate from tokens
  • VitC 1000mg each day
  • frequent stretching in flight, or airport. Bring band!
  • take flu shot 2W before travel

— Sleeping pills etc

  • Start off with a full sleep by booking an airport hotel the night before departure. More effective than a bulkhead seat and often cheaper.
  • Diazepam …. used by grandpa. He said very safe unless overdose.
  • Estazolam …. also used by grandpa extensively. He said this is faster but lingers till next day.
  • See http://www.rxlist.com/benzodiazepines-page2/drugs-condition.htm
  • alcohol can keep one awake for the first few hours. Alcohol has never really helped me sleep.
  • eye masks or long cap that can cover your face.

— nap between flights to US

  • if there’s stopover more than 6 hours, I think it makes sense to check in to a transit hotel, and sleep for 2H. See http://travel.cnn.com/explorations/life/transit-hotels-around-world-712461/
  • [1] If not possible, then bring a small pillow and extra layers to lie down on a bench. See post on sleeping in airports.

— travel light:

  • send heavy stuff by post
  • check in luggage in advance or drop off at airport so as to sleep more before boarding

flight++: MINOR convenience items #usbCable

I collected these minor items here as a LG-secondary, and offload an overloaded sys2.

  • [$=money can solve the problem]
  • [$] spare foldable luggage bag
  • [$] light foldable box for organizer — in hotels, or on empty neighbor seat
  • flat water bottle
  • [$] floss threader, inter-dental, double-floss with handle ,,,  too much time to kill
  • food/drink boxes with tight lid — to prevent spill
  • [$] clip-hook on knapsack
  • [$] I have found the need for simple binders, string, hooks..
  • .. strings needed for makeshift check-in luggage
  • plastic bag hungable from my bottle .. good for acceptable rubbish, my food box, reading content..
  • extra clear bags for various small items
  • Singapore-style hangable coffee bag — needed on CE air planes.

— 3 types of charging cables .. increasingly, I need to cover the risk of no-charging for any of my devices [mlphone / android / laptop]. In most place I can buy a USB charging cable, so this item is a minor item. However, I tend to spend hours optimizing what to bring

  • favor 3-head or 2-head cables
  • spares .. keep some light-weight cables in luggage


PEK⇔SG别忘 recurr #tokens

This bpost has lots of overlap with other bposts. For some trips, this format is intuitive, with a memorable bpost title.

Focus .. forgetables

— bring back and forth

  • which cards .. MRT, MLP badge
  • which tokens .. DBS
  • small laptop + SD card
  • ccard+basic amount of cash
  • — Tier 1 important
  • phone+laptop with chargers
  • passport+NRIC

— leave at #1169

  • local coins
  • keys

— hardware tokens … chance of usage is low (below 10%)

  • the longer I’m out, the higher that chance
  • the more “events” take place, the higher that chance. One event is accidental transfer-in too much — I would need to transfer out.
  • chance of physical loss of token .. is lower.
  • As a by-product, the token can reduce the reliance on the xxx13516 SIM card when it is kept outside any phone.
  • altertivies to token while outside Sgp
  • .. daily small transfers, but DBS threshold can be very restrictive.

flightN2H: light reading^techXX #cod`drill

Towards the last days, spend some 1-2 hours picking blog printouts to read en-route.

  • Priority #1: productivity — avoid wasting the learning impetus/energy/power-surge. Since we can’t get exactly the right amount of books, I’d prefer having some books unread rather than having too few tech books to satisfy my learning appetite.
  • Priority #2: light weight, esp. when I need to carry the small luggages long distance
  • .. If I have a laptop with git repo, I could cut down the number of books.
  • Favor two thin books over one thick book for the same weight
  • Favor new, unread books
  • Favor print-outs and magazines — can discard
  • avoid tombstones – (counts as 2 books) only if you read it for 2 hour or more
  • Magazines in Chinese like 读者? higher “value”. I did carry but didn’t read
  • Magazines in English like Reader’s Digest and Fortune? I did carry but didn’t read

Total weight — of books should commensurate with end-to-end trip duration. Note some unpredictable portion of the entire journey would be sleeping hours, so no exact proportionality. For example, my current goal/guideline is

  • for a 20-hour long flight (assuming extra hours in hotel), carry 4-5 books of average size excluding magazines and print-outs.
  • xp: 25 and 31 Mar 2018 trips I only needed 2 such books and no movie
  • xp: late Jan 2019 flight I carried about 3 tech books but I don’t remember reading any of them

flight++: sweater,shoes..

— extra warm clothing in hand luggage is a high-cost insurance

carry loose, cheap, light layers on a warm->cold flight.

As a traveller and office worker, I know myself as really sensitive to cold. Parts of airport and flight were sometimes cold to everyone. Even though they said 66 F in cabin, and I didn’t sleep, I actually needed more than the leather jacket. I remember the knit sweater was proven effective. May need a turtleneck which is hard to find, so I often make do with small garments to cover the neck

I guess it’s even colder if I were to sleep for a while on flight. May need light but warm pants.

black jacket (but no pockets) or the MLP jacket is lightest.

— winter trips .. entail many big/small concerns. I will carry more than the minimum garments, and prioritize:

  1. intangible cost of buying garments under pressure — Unwanted due diligence, self-hate, zsms,,,
  2. weight of luggage .. there is non-zero chance that you have to carry multiple heavy bags(no trolley).
  3. $cost .. avoid buying expensive clothing
  4. $cost .. avoid losing expensive clothing
  • — Now the clothing items:
  • office pants + shirts. Prefer warm, light yet presentable garments
  • thermals .. heavier but more effective than office shirts. Cheap to buy in winter locations.
  • winter coat .. more expensive but “can be” inexpensive
  • torso and neck is more sensitive (to cold) than limbs
  • jogging pants ..
  • turtleneck ..
  • socks, underwear, glove

— shoes ..
For winter trips with huge volume of clothing, let’s avoid changing shoes and wear running shoes and not carry slippers.

I usually change to slippers ASAP and carry my warmer shoes in hand luggage (but sometimes I check them in.). Main cost is sys2-cost .. cumbersome shoe bag as part of hand luggage. Hard to manage enroute.

I need slippers on both directions, so avoid the throwaway type! Shorter trips .. less needed
slippery — avoid! Get good quality ones
slippers should not be fabric as it can get dirty in the bathroom and hard to wash.
Need a breathable bag for the shoes + slippers. I think a clear plastic bag is enough. Ideally
* something that can be attach to hand luggage without dangling
* air flow to help dry wet shoes
The lower compartment of my big red backpack is good choice.

[24]depart Changi: prefer Fri evening

— depart Friday evening

I often question myself
Q1: if I have too many AnnL days to clear by EOY, then why not work half-day Fri morning, and go to Changi by MRT, without haste?
A: “too many days”?  too confident. For many reasons I may use up a lot quickly and have insufficient AnnL.

Q1b: what about a Friday departure close to EOY?
A: Yes in that case I could work half-day on that Fri.

Q2: if I do work half-day, then why favor Friday evening?
A: At the time of flight booking we prefer Fri night flight as it offers two flexible choices

  1. half-day leave .. to reduce stress and reduce operational risks
  2. full-day work .. to conserve AnnL

At the time of booking, this flexibility is a valuable insurance like this example below. Like most term insurance products, when it expires without claim, some consumers may feel “regret” and “money wasted”.

Thu night: If good sleep, then reach office early to prepare for
Thu night: If poor sleep, then work from home from 10am
To use up leave balance, and save on taxi, go by MRT. Leave office 6p (crowded)
.. If something forgotten, then go home 5p [1] then leave home before 6

pickpocket #Channel520

It takes an Italian pickpocket just 4 seconds to steal your wallet.

These protections below are comparable to Shringles vaccine .. pain relief. I believe my exposure is high and the hazard is real.

  • carry cards, rather than cash. Turn on card transaction verification
  • Minimize the valuables you carry in tourist hot spots, including iPhones.
  • (If you must carry valuables) spread those valuables to multiple pockets/bags/persons, but keep each amount small.
  • for bigger amounts, use a money belt
  • carry your bag in front, not behind, as Jason.Fu does
  • consider travel insurance.. comparble to PA and fire insurance

— https://singlife.com/en/blog/money/2024/pickpocketed-abroad-here-is-what-i-did …

“I did NOT let my guard down, and tried to maintain my personal space …” Not enough! I feel theft is like catching covid19… you can’t avoid contacts. Even if you are vigilant as this blogger Keith, you will be /exposed/.

— It reminds me of the /threat/ of remote hacking .. In both cases, most ordinary folks are at risk.

We tend to assume we won’t attract their attention, but I do have a habit of carrying thousands of dollars for my flight

Real pain and regret when we become a victim.

— Singlife travelBx

  • covers flight delays/cancels, luggage loss/damage, medical
  • For theft, you need police report. Singlife hotline said usually police wouldn’t question a tourist.
  • 3 regions ranked by premium rate .. ASEAN < Asia < worldwide

flight: passport(+wallet) safekeep


Passport is a constant concern that tires down sys2. My simple rule:

  • OK to keep it hung on chest throughout the (however long) flight, but better to put it in the backpack.
  • — two-passport
  • keeping 2 passports together is not ideal. The old passport gets in the way when I frequently take out current passport.  Perhaps keep old passport in pouch
  • .. The old passport — Don’t leave in hand luggage. Instead, keep it with current passport like in pouch. Just ask yourself “what’s the cost if lost“. For Jan 2024, will leave it in hand luggage.

Wallet with low cash amount — keep in backpack with passport.

Note cash is more “attractive” than passport, to those “other people” since passport has no cash value.