buy`eye-glasses #hook

— Points of failure? With the non-metal frames, I have hit two failures
1) Jersey City basketball
2) late 2015, before I bought the blue from Evershine

Based on the failure analysis,

  • I would go for large lens, which can be trimmed to fit into a smaller frame.

— spares:
jolt: The cheaper models have confirmed my assumption that brand doesn’t matter whatsoever in my case.

A related goal (already satisfied) — have multiple cheaper alternatives to reduce the stress of safe-keeping. Needed

  • after an unlucky basketball game, or
  • after a misplacement, or
  • after a drop,
  • frequent hairline scratches

However, I was advised to wear each one for at least a few days each year. Otherwise they might deteriorate faster.

— light-adaptive .. (SGD 150~200 typically)
Q1: how important is light-adaptive? Given the 100%reimbursement, I will accept the extra cost. I guess in 10% of the sunny days it could prove useful, but much less effective than traditional sunglasses.
Q1b: (as comparison) how important is progressive? I guess in 15% of the days it could prove useful.

For the pricey Transition lens, better use big frames, so that the lens can be reused in a later frame.

The color change is triggered not by how bright you see things, but by the amount of ultraviolet light directly falling on the lens. Therefore, I think a hat may slow down the change.

jolt: The maximum color change is probably seldom achieved. I guess that is for extreme radiation.

— ear hooks .. Priority is 1) pain 2) protection of lens as over 30Y I won’t always have so many spares 9) symmetry
* sugg: bend the long temples slightly less downward, assuming I will always have some ear hook as stablizer. If you consider the level of security (#2) without hook, it is much lower.
* sugg: when painful, just rotate the hook upward, off the ear
* Sugg: trim
* Sugg: without reimbursement, buy online for cheaper, but unlikely more comfy. 

  • — pain contributors
  • superthick temple .. /precludes/ some specialty rubber hooks
  • overweight frame
  • ^^ considering these unique factor, we should consider special hooks for the first progressive.
  • slanted angle of the temple
  • mask fastener pulling the ear hook forward

— Q: taking a step back, what are the really important things to me

  1. eyesight maintenance as I age .. so far not declining fast
  2. avoid wasting my own money
  3. spares where needed
  4. sunlight glare protection .. simplest sunglasses are best for me.
  5. ear hook
  6. — important to other people not me
  7. brand
  8. light weight
  9. light adaptive

Chn: smoker population profile

One study found that 45.2 percent of surgeons surveyed in China were smokers.

— is a 2020 China research

In male participants [smokers, presumably], the daily cigarette consumption was 17, and the mean age of smoking initiation was 21, and becoming lower over the years. (Recent decades have seen younger starters among smokers, perhaps due to wider accessibility.)

There are more than 300 million smokers in China, nearly one-third of the world’s total. More than half of adult men are current tobacco smokers. In addition, over 700 million non-smokers in China, including about 180 million children, are exposed to second-hand smoke (SHS) at least for one day in a typical week.

Two-thirds of the young men in China start to smoke, mostly before age 20, according to a study, led by researchers from Oxford University, UK, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control. Around half of those who start smoking cigarettes as young men will eventually be killed by tobacco.

In recent decades there has been a large increase in cigarette smoking by young men…  The proportion of all male deaths at ages 40-79 that are attributed to smoking has doubled, from about 10% in the early 1990s, to about 20% in 2015. In urban areas this proportion is higher, at 25%, and is still rising.

Y gulf oil nations != considered industrialized has two quasi-expert answer

— These countries are all oil based economies, and they produce little else. Most work is performed by foreigners, and the locals just live off oil income from the government.

— Basically, there is nothing of value produced in the Gulf, from a industrial or technological point of view. There are no autos mass produced in the Gulf. No semiconductors. No steel produced in the Gulf… And that is the primary way that technologists assess how mature a society is. If you produce things of value, then your society is probably industrialized.

But the Gulf has a terrible problem with just having countries that are just hot, sandy, parched deserts, with 50C heat in the summer, very limited fresh water (Saudi Arabia actually has no rivers, at all, in the entire country!), and a terrible scarcity of raw metals in the ground.

The Gulf doesn’t produce anything because – simply put – it is usually far cheaper to ship it in from another region, than to build a factory in the Gulf to produce it. As a result, it is very hard to call the population developed.


Many sites are written by travellers for travellers. I try to be more broad. is very personal and truthful. Somewhat biased as author admitted

  • cost of travel – Korea slightly cheaper
  • English — both poor
  • technology is slightly more important than tradition in Korea, while slightly less so in Japan.

##14countries 过亿 #density

Based on

#1 in Africa is world #7 — Nigeria
#1 in latam is world #6 — Brazil

Only 14 nations exceed 100M .. 3 African….. 2 Latam (BRZ, MEX) …… 1 European (#9 Russia) …… 1 NA (US).
Among the remaining 7 (all Asian) countries .. 3 Indian [2], 2 east Asian, 2 S.E.Asian (Indonesia, Philippines [1])

[1] Vietnam is projected to break into the club soon as world #15.
[2] #2 India + #5 Pakistan + #8 Bangladesh together is 22% higher than China.

— population growth rates:
China is slower than US, Brazil,,,, and soon to shrink.
— migration rates:
India “drains” faster than China.
World #1 recipient is U.S. but I think each government has its own counting criteria.
— density ranking worldwide:
#3 SG
#4 HK

India is 3x China.

Japan is lower density than India, Bangladesh, Philippines !

— statistical accuracy .. is probably better in rate of change vis-a-vis current population snapshot.

one-belt-one-road #OBOR

  • China invited youth representative from 65 countries. The 65 are mostly developing countries. Many of the population sizes are below 2 x SG.
  • most of the countries are somewhere below China in terms of economic or technological capabilities.
  • No western-European country. Very few pro-west or pro-US countries (Israel, SG)
  • Notably no Japan/Korea. Australia pulled out.
  • Many of the countries are former colonies. National language (native) and official language can be different
  • Russia population: 77% ethnic Russian

I feel China has excellent expertise and excess capabilities in infrastructure, but the poorer countries along the bent and the road are “starved” of infrastructure development. These infrastructure projects help China import raw materials and export manufactured goods. Without this new infrastructure, the existing trade networks were mostly created by other economic powers, and are insufficient for China.

When China or the colonial powers of the past century build a transportation facility for a developing country, the creator/debtor nation has a privilege using the facility though the facility legally belongs to the land it stands, the host country. China is not taking over the land to build it.

The propaganda is 100% positive, like win-win, but not in reality. There is surely lots of opposition. is critical but not completely biased. There’s an audio version.

— naming .. I find OBOR more memorable than BRI. OBOR is closer to the Chinese version. I feel the two words translate imperfectly into English but let’s accept them. One has right to name one’s creations, esp. where substantial financial commitment is backing the words. I guess a lot of other initiatives by other national governments have more “correct” names but not backed by real actions. Xi’s two words are directly translated from Chinese, sounds a bit odd but paradoxically memorable.

  • “Belt” … is short for the “Silk Road Economic Belt,” referring to the proposed overland routes for road and rail transportation through landlocked Central Asia.
  • “Road” … is short for the “Maritime Silk Road”, referring to the Indo-Pacific sea routes through Southeast Asia to middle-east to Africa

— How official member countries? While Beijing boasts that the official list of Belt and Road participants is up to 137 countries, in most cases the criteria for “signing up” is a vaguely worded, non-legally binding MOU.

def[involution] #Chn 婚介/dating club

— defining involution (more searchable than 内卷).. Involution means many things to many people. In my blog, it means inefficiency, zero leverage, questionable productivity, limited value-creation,,,  Competition is a key factor in the “contemporary China usage”, not in my blog.

内卷 ^ 躺平: 一个指向“过度竞争”,一个代表“退出竞争”,折射出年青一代对中国社会竞争白热化的挫折感。内卷成为2020中国年度“十大流行语”之一。

内卷在中国的语义与竞争白热化高度联系在一起。(somewhat similar to midlife crisis) 年轻人不断感受到竞争的压力,如果不努力、不竞争就会落后、淘汰、出局……但他们一直在同一个水平上,像一个陀螺被敲打,却没有突破,他们最直观的感觉就是很累,觉得自己重复性的投入没有形成突破,看不到意义。– 社会人类学教授. Involution is not really equal to hyper competition. Involution is a subset of hyper competition. Negative harmful competition.

NY1: China young professional’s involution is “the experience of being locked in a competition that one ultimately knows is meaningless,” — Xiang Biao. It is acceleration without a destination, progress without a purpose, Sisyphus spinning the wheels of a perpetual-motion Peloton.

Feature of involution: no real growth or personal improvement; no seeking real happiness or long-term companionship.

  • top example of involution: coding drill for CIV. Can you lay flat? No I take it as a mental exercise.
  • example: HFT arms race. zero-sum game.
  • eg: proliferation of bccy, without creating real value

— based on
在婚恋市场,内卷这个词也是很有解释力的。比如女性客户会去整容,这个现象越来越普遍. 在其他条件没办法短时间内去改变,这种相貌上的改变是立竿见影的,男生的参与度和后续联系都会更好。







ChnM^ChinaTelecom ^Unicom

China Mobile is not burdened with fixed-line operations. Unicom and Telecom still have to maintain their landline systems. The fixed costs in those systems are big and, all else equal, revenue falling in that business will squeeze profits.

China Mobile has international business in Hongkong and Cmlink countries. At least, this management is making a serious investment.

At end of 2022

  1. ChnM had 970 M mobile customers
  2. ChnTelecom had 390 M mobile customers
  3. Unicom had 320 M mobile customers
  4. A distant #4 is ChinaBroadnet中国广电 (broadcasting), probably below 10M

college rank`table: international students留学生

— international students .. I believe international students are on average more motivated than local students.

  • International students (me included) pay much higher fees than locals.
  • International students do more comparison-analysis before enrolling, so they are more committed to the program.
  • International students go through more personal adjustments (on average more personal effort), so they have more purpose and motivation.
  • Anunay Gupta pointed out “international students are likely more motivated since they see this degree as a step to getting a job” or immigration.

The extra comparison analysis by international students and parents serve as an _independent_ quality assurance. I believe that international students (and their parents) mostly choose high quality universities, so percentageOfInternationalStudents serves as a yardstick of quality.

I guess this comparison analysis can reveal the relative ease of admission for foreign students.