This bpost has two focuses.
— Mixed abbreviations are flexible.
- BrE .. break even
- ChnM… Note Chn is a well-established abbreviation, so ChnM is better than ChM
- DSnA .. DataStrucure and Algorithm
- MSff .. tolerable, but “MSOffice” is more common
- For MSOutlook, maybe use MSOL, but I’d rather use MSOutlook
- SGrn .. Singaporean. The “rn” can stand for “ren2”
- SiV .. silicon valley
- WStC
— Some of the two-letter abbreviations can benefit from mixed-case. Two-char abbreviations is often badly overloaded, so as much as possible, I want to use longer forms.
- FB, HK, UK -> leave it as is
- DP -> DynP
- GC -> GCard
- GS -> Goldman
- IV (job Interview)? JIV, better than TIV (tech interview, because some interviews are not technical at all)
- MD -> MgD, based on “mgr”
- ML and AI .. let’s try to use “ML/AI” to emphasize ML, or “AI/ML” to emphasize AI.
- MS -> MSFT
- NS -> SgNS
- RP -> RffP = raffles place
- RV -> ReVe = RecreationalVehicle
- SA -> SumA
- TD -> FixD, better than TimeD
- ts -> tstmp
- WC (West coast) -> WCBA. Note WC >> SBA > SiV [see ablove]. I like WCBA as a vague and flexible term