##MixedCase, 2char abbr #FixD,BrE

This bpost has two focuses.

— Mixed abbreviations are flexible.

  1. BrE .. break even
  2. ChnM… Note Chn is a well-established abbreviation, so ChnM is better than ChM
  3. DSnA .. DataStrucure and Algorithm
  4. MSff .. tolerable, but “MSOffice” is more common
    1. For MSOutlook, maybe use MSOL, but I’d rather use MSOutlook
  5. SGrn .. Singaporean. The “rn” can stand for “ren2”
  6. SiV .. silicon valley
  7. WStC

— Some of the two-letter abbreviations can benefit from mixed-case. Two-char abbreviations is often badly overloaded, so as much as possible, I want to use longer forms.

  • FB, HK, UK -> leave it as is
  • DP -> DynP
  • GC -> GCard
  • GS -> Goldman
  • IV (job Interview)? JIV, better than TIV (tech interview, because some interviews are not technical at all)
  • MD -> MgD, based on “mgr”
  • ML and AI .. let’s try to use “ML/AI” to emphasize ML,  or “AI/ML” to emphasize AI.
  • MS -> MSFT
  • NS -> SgNS
  • RP -> RffP = raffles place
  • RV -> ReVe = RecreationalVehicle
  • SA -> SumA
  • TD -> FixD, better than TimeD
  • ts -> tstmp
  • WC (West coast) -> WCBA. Note WC >> SBA > SiV [see ablove]. I like WCBA as a vague and flexible term

seed4bpost: prefer online-published(!!personal) stories

For my blogpost titles, I prefer well-published cases because the background is readily available and fairly detailed.

These are better than than a conversation, or personal/family story, a hearsay story, a dream, a personal parable,, which are common in my blogs.  These tend to be forgotten after 5 years, and require many DRAM refresh cycles.

Good examples:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_beauty_contest .. similar to my own parables..
  • Chinese Bamboo Tree, similar to my personal parables
  • Christopher Reeve
  • Jobs’s broken family

##bpost proliferation: tips #optimize title

  • sugg: more soft-deletion of outdated bposts
  • sugg: git blogging now uses less New more Update including comments:) Continue !
  • sugg: more one-liner alias bposts, to be removed later.
  • sugg: more time spent on fuxi using PubDate adjustment and less time spent creating new bposts
  • sugg: more keywords in bpost titles.. In some cases, a post title or its tag/category are more important than the (brief) post content

–sugg: more effective bpost titles ⇒ more organized

  • catchy phrases
  • phrases with rich-meaning
  • sharp (ideally short) questions

These blogposts follow the news journalist tradition, and tries to analyze the given topic from various angles. These titles are one solution to the proliferation of forgettable blog posts.

It requires time and mental energy to create and improve blog titles.

Effective titles help organize my thoughts on a complex and challenging subject such as parenting or diet.

Such a subject may grow to 200 blogposts, so without effective organization lots of content become effectively lost.

bpost title: more memorable content #condense

Background: Most of the time a post becomes useful only via a search or listing, showing the title only. 70% of the titles are not memorable not distinctive

I’d rather pack some short-n-sharp reminders in the title, without making it too long

The verticle bar “|” is more compact than the plus “+”.

— To achieve the shortest titles, use Chinese wording, even though they are less valuable for sharing.

They are searchable.

— tags and category help provide context
Tags can be fairly specific keywords.
The slug can provide even extremely specific reminders.


Many blogpost titles are “still vague” even after I tried to improve it. (If a title has yet to undergone “renovation” then use t_vague not t_stillVague.)

Sugg: accept it. I may need 2 hours to come up with a less forgettable title but the blogpost may get merged or removed.

Sugg: I can apply more tags to a stillVague blogpost, but it may remain stillVague !

Sugg: don’t try to downsize this t_stillVague tag, but do endeavor to improve quality of titles

symbols(math,arrow..) ≅≠→

https://support.office.com/en-US/Article/Linear-format-equations-and-Math-AutoCorrect-in-Word-2e00618d-b1fd-49d8-8cb4-8d17f25754f8?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US is good

http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/linear-format-equations-and-math-autocorrect-in-word-HA101861025.aspx is recommended by Chao Jen

* partial differential symbol — partial _space_ f
* limit of integration —  http://superuser.com/questions/65988/how-can-i-create-limits-of-integration-in-word-2007s-equation-editor
* add tilde or bar or hat over a letter, see http://www.iun.edu/~mathiho/useful/Equation%20Editor%20Shortcut%20Commands.pdf

—- arrows tested in notepad++ :  ↓   ▲▼ ⇔ ⇖ ⇘  ⇙ ⇗


⬐⮦ ⮧ ↴

http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_arrows.html and https://www.htmlsymbols.xyz/arrow-symbols have good listing.

—- blog
👎👍 .. Note there’s no short English token for advantage^disadvantage
☆★ Note half-star (⯨) is not well-supported yet.
→ ⇒ ↔ ← can be in blog titles
⇏ … inferior to the simpler >
≅(Unicode 2245)
≈(Unicode 2248)

≜ can be replaced with :=

μs (microsec)
360° or °C

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_letters_used_in_mathematics,_science,_and_engineering has the html versions