t_fuxi^ PendingReview^ sticky

Why I spend so much time fine-tuning this scheme? Because without these tools we tend to lose insights, information ..

Beware the growing dependency on WordPress !

— sticking point with my “sticky” plan… I have no habit to look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh … I have yet to develope this habit. Looks like a sticking point. To develop this habit, I have to “disable” publicationDate… (by leaving unimportant or new bposts on top)

If too hard, then I would continue to use publicationDate, and I may occasionally look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh.

— ranked by visibility and accessibility:

  1. publicationDate .. has Highest visibility. I often post-date my favorite bposts, so these bposts automatically bubble up on top in the edit page. I feel this is the most effective and simplest, but requires many clicks and no way to mass-update.
  2. search+!searchBox
  3. STICKY flag– “curious blogpost to be reviewed”, often vague
    • sticky flag is a super fuxi-tag, offering mass-untagging
    • sticky flag is a “supercharged pendingRefresh flag”. When too many sticky posts, can we mass-archive a small subset to PendingRefresh? Yes. Sticky should outnumber pendingRefresh.
    • I am experimenting to implement snooze feature using sticky — “snooze” a batch (like 20) of posts for a while, then remove all sticky tags
  4. DRAFT and PendingRefresh flags .. less manageable than Sticky flag.
    • Like sticky, both offer mass-tagging/untagging, but less convenient.
    • Sugg: Can I assign some new, immature bposts (common pattern) to the Draft ? Yes
    • Sugg: Can I assign some outdated, “renovation-needed” bposts (more common pattern) to Draft ? Yes
  5. ^^^ draft,  sticky and PendingRefresh posts … incompatible with the Private status 🙁 but more accessible thanks to quick-links on top menu-bar (beside “Published”), but their specific meanings are obscure (hard to remember) because I can’t rename them. It’s like color coding.
  6. 0project_tag — see below
  7. !fuxi20 — tag for top 20
  8. !jolt20 — tag is similar to STICKY, but also shouts “Let me remind you again”
  9. t_bold — big bold claims and opinions, softer than jolt

—  fuxiTitle .. Given the growing number of blogposts, I feel t_fxt/t_fuxiTitle are more realistic than t_fuxi.

🙂 t_fxt sorts close to t_fuxi 🙂

  • 0project_tag — “current projects” This category ranks on top of all other categories, but still less convenient than “sticky”. I want it to be a temporary tag because it occupies the valuable real estate of the top spot.
  • t_fxt_11 .. a blog should be moved out of this after one refresh. If it re-enters here again, then consider moving it to
  • t_fxt_22
  • t_fxt_44
  • t_fxt_199 .. giving an estimate of the size. This tag name is better than a barename t_fxt.

T_fertile ^ k_X_power_descriptor


  • A fertile bpost is a topic not yet fully explored, worth further exploration or digging deeper, because it is rich beneath the surface, not merely an /underdeveloped/ topic
    Such a bpost may not have the Draft flag on, but is implicitly under construction.
  • a fertile bpost usually (not always) features a powerDescriptor, we could remove the t_powDescriptor tag.
  • powDescriptor .. valuable phrase to help me understand a complex situation. “Power” is shortened to “pow” as in python/c++/java. DESCRIPTOR is more accurate than “phrase”.

too many(Tag^Category)s #keyword-search


Too many categories — is a worse problem than “too-many-tags”. In many case (like assigning a category) I need to scroll a long list of categories.

Q: how many tags would be too many in a big blog?

A: 300. Too many would slow down auto-suggestion when I am in a hurry

A: biggest problem is when two tags have overlapping meanings, so 8 out of 10 under Tag1 also has Tag2. For tags, overlap is a bigger problem than proliferation, so lots of fuxi* or upto* tags are not so bad.

q[ w1rN ]=refreshed N times

If a blogpost has a title suffix like q[#_2] or q[ %2 ] or q[w1r2], that means

“Reviewed, refreshed, possibly revised, 2 times, not counting the initial posting”

Q: how is this different from t_w1r3?
A: I can’t have w1r4, w1r5, w1r7 ..

Q: should this count tally with the wordpress revision history at bottom of blogpost editor?
A: No need. That number is often double-digits

hist ^soul-search ^selfEval ^t_intro ^t_tectonic[def]

k_soul_search … k_tectonic

  • t_soulsearch .. is usually more broad, covers more than 2 domains (cf tectonic)
  • t_selfEval .. self-evaluation within a peer group or by a commona standard but not a competition, or https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/15615/sweepingEval/
  • .. Most but not all sweepingEval bposts also qualify as soul_search, but let’s avoid overloading those bposts
  • t_intro — these blogposts are deeper and most focused and most personal.
  • T_histScan — non-trivial insights from history… with a well-defined timeframe, often referring to specific years, at least a few years ago rather than the recent past.
  • T_histZoom — zoom in on one point, or from one specific angle.
  • .. eg: compare now to one point in history

Q: what if a blogpost covers 2 or 3 domains and is somewhat deep?
A: overlapping between t_intro and t_soulSearch. Judgement call.

— t_tectonic — is the simplest, purest tag among these related tags. These blogposts always cover at least four super-high level big domains[subset listed below], not a random list of low-level items scattered across these big domains.

  1. marriage, family harmony
  2. bonding with kids
  3. edu
  4. immigration .. GC, sgCiti
  5. (pre) retirement planning .. purpose, meaningful occupation, mental health, financial
  6. hobbies, recreations, time mgmt

Should be capped below the stated number of bposts.

A tectonic bpost is often a soul-search , and often a historical review.


xref=#1 goal @ tag/category



Basic challenge — too many blotposts. When I write a new blogpost on an old theme, I often fail to recall some previous blogposts that are highly relevant.

re-visit and creating xref between blogposts — are positive, value-enhancing, value-creating. cross-pollination. Paradoxically, this effort increases overall tcost and can lead to overspend, in non-tech domains. I guess wellness blogging is considered tech domain.

The main purpose of tags and categories is cross-reference from “this blogpost” to “related blogposts”. There are other ways to facilitate cross-reference

— long titles including many keywords

4formats: directed_link between blogposts


Both: the blogpost Must be a question.

— t_sharpQ is for well-defined, short-n-sharp (jolt) often yes/no questions

— t_stickyQ is for non-trivial questions to be reviewed periodically due to real risk of crowding out.

Reality — Mental energy is limited. You can’t focus on many things for a long time.

T_fertile overlaps with stickyQ, when the question is important, and not yet fully explored.