j4 fuxi entries in git-blogg

The “fuxi” entry in git-blogg was a brilliant innovation. Before it, I had to decide how to handle such content.

The content is not worthless to be deleted, but publishing it would lead to either too many low-value bposts, or too much legwork updating existing bposts. There’s already too much content and insufficient consolidation in my blogs.

Therefore, the growing “fuxi” content is a necessary evil, and something of an asset.

color text @dark background: git-bash/conEmu++

Context: Color output from q[ls] and many git commands… Bad text color on dark background affects efficiency, stress build-up, and vision wellness

  • xp: white background .. I once configured my tool to use white background, with color text
  • xp: monochrome .. I once configured my tool to use monochrome… completely fine
  • xp: increase display hardware brightness/contrast but this affects other applications
  • xp: set default text size to 10 or 11
  • xp: zoom .. (ctrl/plus, Shift optional) in git-bash, but not available in conEmu
  • Tip: Dracula is better in git-bash than anything in ConEmu

== git-commit (I would say git-diff is more important than git-commit or non-git commands) Unfortunately, most color schemes are eye-hurting for git-commit message editor. Only the following  choices come /close to/ acceptable.

choice: ConEmu..SolarizedLuke: most acceptable overall, but not as good as git-bash Dracula

git-blogg files growing longer

as of 15 Nov 2020, my git blog files are much bigger than before, evidence of my success in reducing time publishing blog online. More important than blogging is piano, helping kids (on math…), localSys, wellness activities, even family outing.

However, the large amount of no-blog or fuxi content in git-blogging is slow me down… growing baggage. Need to move most of the content to the misc folder

  • git blogging proved effective when growing a post incrementally.
  • it now becomes ineffective when a file grows too big, and review tcost escalates.

git-blogg^paper-blogg #gitConflict



Compared to other forms of thinking, the Additional tcost in git-blogging is merge conflicts.

— mental burden .. Does this “burden” train my mind?

  • always-remember-to git-pull on a299 before leaving home, unless I stock to one_host_guidline
  • always-remember-to git-pull before writing anything
  • always-remember-to git-push from a299 after arriving
  • always-remember-to git-push/gd2
  • always-remember-to

— to reduce gitConflicts
Most common conflict-mistakes: 1) forget to push 2) git-commit–am 3) forget to pull

  • sugg: git_branch_d .. after git-push, delete the local branch. Use git-branch-d not –D. I think this helps me stick to one host and reminds me to git-push.
  • proven: one_host_guidline.. try to restrict all git-blogg to one laptop. Avoid git-blogg in the office PC or A95. Follow git_branch_d
  • proven: new files .. Does this laptop have the latest commits? If unsure, prefer creating new files, then manually consolidate them.
  • sugg: when conflict hazards go up, run q[pp] more, and run git-commit–am less
  • sugg: hooks .. keep trying git hooks. My post-commit … hooks are designed to alert me but somehow didn’t work.
  • .. jolt: was a good try, worthwhile learning

==== Git-blogging-anywhere on light laptop with real keyboard … represents the highest form of active, deep thinking, highest in terms of immediacy, efficiency, convenience,,
— sitting in ikea and watching my son playing on the sofas, I realized that git-blogging helps me get into the “zone” faster, creates faster engagement and focus than paper-blogging, paper-reading etc.

Scalability — editing long sentences, reviewing dozens (not half-dozen) of topics  .. gets me into the zone faster.

In stark contrast,

  • web-blogging is really clumsy when editing more than 3 topics simultaneously. I spend way too much time on shortening the titles, and linking blogposts.
  • recoll has a high cost in terms of file-naming
  • gmail-blogging can’t easily handle dozens of topics
  • git-blogging can be more productive than smemo or blog printout.
  • Similarly, blogging on keyboard is 5 times faster than audio/video blogging or pencil blogging

This is one context to declare git-blogging as the highest form of reflective writing.

— paper blogging advantages .. For light-edit subjects, smemo or 0.txt are more efficient than git-blogging. Git-blogging has the potential to /breed/ unhealthy dependency on gadgets. Perhaps we ought to rely more on paper-blogging or bare hands.

Q: Compared to paper-blogging, git-blogging can breed inefficiency due to polish?
A: Well, in terms of over-polish, git is much better than WP blogging. With WP blogging, I feel the pressure to polish enough to be readable to myself. In contrast, with git i can leave the content in barebones point form because I know I would revise it before publishing.

On mrt, git-blogging can be more productive than smemo or blog printout.

[19] note-taking@smartphone

I think those who use phone in favor of paper or laptop are not serious note takers. The phone has severe limitations for note taking. Inefficient due to screen+keyboard sizes.

During my early 30’s with my $100 Palm + foldable keyboard, I was able to take notes better.

Overall, phone (and smemo) is good for brief notes below half a page.

Tip: in 2018 I started using designated sequence of dots q[.] in place of comma or dash

—–Q: Do phones offer any advantages?

  • A: compared to paper — I was able to separate many small topical notes into “pages”. More pages makes this advantage more visible. With just 5 “pages”, the paper solution became stressful as I worried about losing them wholesale.
  • A: compared to laptop or paper — audio-blogging on phone has proven fairly useful
  • A: compared to laptop — more nimble and light-weight. one-hand operation
  • A: compared to laptop — backup via gmail is more available.
  • A: compared to laptop — battery recharge is easier at any USB socket. Laptop recharge has been a minor stressor
  • A: compared to paper — I was able to insert or delete content. Copy-paste is … feasible though inconvenient.
  • A: compared to paper — mass upload is feasible


blogg@the_go: post-it,phone #G9 blogg`innovate {2010


When overloaded with commitments, spend the MRT git-blogging time on the urgent items

As a thinker, my focus is far better when I write than without paper, or when I talk or …. Therefore, for my reflective writing, I much prefer printer + real keyboard + git + post-it. Other thinkers may rely on their brain alone, but I don’t really need to compare with them.

For lengthy blogging (including QQ), laptop feels better than smartphone or post-it. Blogging on laptop (not post-it) often feels like (somewhat measurable) progress on career, kids, investment, .. Not really burn/rot but I ought to reduce fixation on burn/rot ! As a comparison, how do I feel about yoga or coding drill..? More “burn” and less pleasure but in terms of long term impact I don’t know.

git-blogging often beats wordpress, so I use it even at home !

— A top-3 heaviest tcosts in blogging — searching for related blog posts, and updating some of them.

Git-blogging lets me work on a new content gradually, and only publish it after 10 revisions in git. At that time, it could be a new blogpost or an update to one old blogpost.

git-blogging on laptop lets me chip away at multiple (new or existing) posts, until it’s polished and complete. Can be more efficient than frequent and incremental updates on wordpress! WordPress is not designed for frequent updates.

Still when I have dual-monitor set-up, then /live wordpress blogging/ can still be more productive, but that’s a rare luxury. When I don’t have this luxury, I face no temptation. When I have this luxury I tend to get tempted into a lengthy “reorganization” of some “framework”. When I choose live blogging instead of git-blogging, every minor (even trivial, even temp orary) update would prompt me to start a lengthy process — search for the “best” blogpost, read it, read other related blogposts, then add the update at the right spot. This is the update process for a public website. For my minor changes this is low ROTI, too slow too heavy too painstaking too perfectionist. (In fact, a lot of these blogpost get relegated .. eventually removed.)

— smemo remains the most convenient (esp. cf 0.txt printout). I don’t have to but I could transcribe to git blog (better than wordpress)
smart phone + fake finger is a 3rd option