

The “updateAbove<hr>” technique is now proven. It complements git-blogg.

  • 👎 offline? Not possible
  • 👎 back burner? possible but less convenient than git-blogg
  • 🙂 more efficient when I already know which existing blogpost to update
  • 🙂 more efficient when I need to create links between several blogposts

— keep the update above <hr> indefinitely, in 5000/10,000 blogposts.

For both techniques, I don’t feel the obligation to integrate the new content into the existing blogpost. Integrating can take more effort than adding the content above <hr>.

The new content is often already present, so I used to feel the obligation. Now I learn to let go and give myself /space/ to choose when to take on the challenge of integrating. This is not lazy at all. It is postponing (indefinitely) the unimportant and non-urgent.

wpress: search/replace within a bpost


When I install and configure TinyMCE, there’s a Find-n-Replace icon. IFF you put it on your toolbar[2], then something magical happens

  • Ctrl-F outside the text editor is unaffected 🙂 You get the traditional search box natively provided by the browser
  • Ctrl-F inside the text editor launches a pop-up[1], which can match whole-words and replace 🙂
  • However, with this pop-up the multiple matches in the editor are no longer highlighted as before.  Solution:
  1. click somewhere outside the editor
  2. Ctrl-F and ensure you get the traditional search box natively provided by the browser.

[2] I find it better to remove this icon by default, and add it to toolbar only when required.


30D trash setting: gmail,wpress

— gmail .. no way to change the 30D setting
— windows .. no 30D timer. Trash folder is never automatically cleared
== wpress .. a sequence of devices

  1. tags .. t_del_@
  2. tags .. t_del
  3. title .. change post title to place holder, easily searchable when I need to recycle outdated posts and preserve postId (sequence numbers)
    • .. Alternatively, prefix the title with _place_holder_, but this would be closer to t_del and further from the classic trash

In addition,

  • ChangeEmptyTrashTime plugin .. easiest. I set it to 9999 but untested.
  • without the plugin, default trash (a device in itself) is 30D

— restoring trash item
Sometimes I “trash” a too-familiar (unfresh) item to improve search. I may want to restore it years later. I know the item may be purged any time.

On another note, I tried “restoring from trash” and recycling the postId just like phone number recycling. It is tricky becuase once the post is moved out of trash, I could lose track of it while its content possibly duplicated somewhere else. So I think large blogs like recrec should avoid this technique.

juggling 2 red-hot bposts

A red-hot blogpost is a blogpost undergoing some update in an editor window, even if it’s already “saved” i.e. committed to mysql.

My System2 comes under immediate pressure whenever I have more than one red-hot posts in one computer. The more red-hots, the more I would feel “spread too thin”.

— compassion .. There’s no shame no self-hate in avoiding juggles. At any time it is permissible to sort of shut everything down and keep at most one red-hot.

On one hand, I feel I can learn and improve my juggling skill. On the other hand, I feel at my age I don’t absolutely need this “training” everyday.  So once a while I can challenge myself, but by default, I don’t want and don’t benefit from this juggle.

— sugg: print out one of blogposts and close that editor

WPAPP[def]: search+!SearchBox

Wpapp is the WP Admin “Posts” page. Wpapp1 is the first page and by far the most precious page. How can we improve  it?

  • show [199<-999] bposts on Wpapp1
  • use longer bpost tiles .. so as to /pack/ more content into each list item on Wpapp
  • use more tags .. but too many tags on one bpost may “bulge” to 5 rows. May need to (re AdminColumn) widen the tags column

— search on Wpapp1 +!searchBox .. is a technique proven over the years.

The bpost must 1) have a memorable title[2] and 2) post-dated into “recent history” (rather than pushed to the 2nd page). Under these /perfectConditions/, I can keyboard-search and find it without the (inferior) SearchBox.

After the search, am still on WPAPP1 ! This last point is signficant and explains why I tend to avoid the SearchBox subconsciously for years. It also explains why I don’t prefer the Sticky/Draft links or 0project_tag. The WPAPP is precious.

[2] if you can only remember some memorble words in the _content_ of a bpost, then you must use the SearchBox, and exit Wpapp1.

If a bpost is searchable on Wpapp1, then it need not occupy top 10 slots, and can be #55 on Wpapp

— place holders .. should be reachable [3] without searchBox, but should not take up too much precious real estate on Wpapp1.

Outside top 20, but repeatedly available within first page i.e. top N (configurable)

[3] If not reachable, then when I need to (quickly) create a bpost I would end up using the default New button.

##plugins #tip@Replace

always check the 1-star reviews, not the 5-start empty reviews.

Beware version conflict between theme, plugins and wordpress software.

— betterSearchReplace: must go to top row -> rightmost link -> disable 2nd of four items [HideDashboardNotices]
To update blogpost body+title, Only one Mysql table should be touched — wp_4wmfvs_posts (used to be  wp_posts [https://codex.wordpress.org/Database_Description])

https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=39950&action=edit compares other plugins.

— HideDashboardNotifications. After activate, to to left menu -> HideNotices -> turn on 2nd item
* to hide reminder to upgrade to latest
* to hide warning about AdvancedEditorTools incompatibility with 5.5.3
— classic editor:
* ClassicEditor has 5 million installs .. officially maintained by the official wpress team
* disableGutenberg has 600K installs.
— admin col
— smtp
— email post changes
— force login.. see https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=47187&action=edit
— remove footer credit .. “powered by ..”
config is in tools-> removeFooterCredit
— save/update buttons
0) when your cursor is in the Title or Date, the Enter key works well.
1) ImprovedSaveButton adds multiple 2-in-1 commands, but I prefer to uncheck DisplayButtonAsDefault, to avoid conflict with ToolbarPublishButton
2) ToolbarPublishButton adds two buttons to toolbar (always-on-top), esp. the ViewPost button
3) SaveWithKeyboard trigger an autoSave. Sugg: increase autosave frequency (heavy on server). After autoSave, try Ctrl-S
— GEX course recommended plugins:
wordfence: security plugin
elementor: post editor, but am happy with classic. I assume classic editor is better supported.
anti-spam: to prevent bot comments
updraftPlus: for backup. Can rollback to an earlier snapshot2
all-in-one WP migration

2-window review of long bpost

The context: when I have a big blogpost to review, it often takes a long time and a lot of back-n-forth in the post.

New solution: two windows, possibly on two monitors. One window shows the post editor; the other displaying published post.

Traditional solution: A single wordpress post editor

  • it uses only part of the monitor real estate
  • I constantly worry about accidental edit like deleting a char. In 2-window, I spend most of the time in reader window, and switch to the editor window only briefly.
  • during the /lengthy/ review, I need to Save (my changes) many times. Each Save is slow and disrrupts the flow of reading. In 2-window, I tend to Save slightly fewer times (less scolling in the editor), and the reader window is unaffected.

wpress admin-col

This blogpost collects all the tips around the columns in the admin interface. Each post is one row, so each column is a field about a post.

The free wordpress.com gives me zero customization.

— the wordCount scratches a big itch

— I added a Pub column for publicationDate. It is unsortable, but much shorter (space-saving).
I unhide the original Date column (too wide) when I need to sort by date.

On the post listing page there are two controls: 1) AdminCol config and 2) ScreenOption complement each other .

— by downsizing the Other columns, I leave more room for title. Relieves the pain of “too many posts with unclear title, forcing me to open each to read”
Note category/tag only offer limited relief.