wpress editor customizations


WPress post editor is where I spend most of my time.
— remove unwanted blocks … use ScreenOption
— remove Blaze .. https://btv-eng.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/traffic
— remove ‘addContactForm’ .. go to

.. and disable/deactivate ContactForm.

—  TinyMCE pluggin (to rollback to earlier version)

  • messes up Ctrl-F … see this solution
  • makes the editor text area resizeable, but this is slightly complicated.
  • removes “distractionFreeWritingMode” icon… Use ScreenOption. However, there’s a buggy side effect: Editor textarea shows only 13 lines, and shows a small handle for resizing.

Better uncheck “ 

toolbar icons

  1. bgcolor highlighter … Note font color is available even without TinyMCE, once you click on “ToobarToggle” button. Not bgcolor. Better avoid relying on this luxury feature. It has no cheaper alternative.
  2. fullScreen .. seldom needed
  3. fontFamily .. unneeded
  4. specialCharacter , emoticon.. unneeded so far
  5. —- doable even without TinyMCE
  6. Mark text in yellow (default color) bgcolor.. Without TinyMCE, you can go to source tab, wrap your sentence in <mark></mark>. I think this method is liberating. Note the theme controls how to render, perhaps in a slightly different background color.
  7. fontSize .. rarely used, and always with font color. Without TinyMCE, you need to wrap your payload in <font size=…1 to 7></font>. I think this method is liberating.
  8. more bullet styles.. seldom needed. Lower-greek etc can be created with simple html.
  9. insert table .. seldom really needed
  10. — click on “ToolbarToggle”, then click on the last new icon Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons i.e. question mark in a black disk. Alternative, Sh-Alt-h activates this icon.
  11. Blockquote .. the Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons will show simple tricks to apply blockquote.
  12. Code<> .. the Question mark in dark circle - Free shapes icons will show simple tricks to apply code formatting

blog|wiki ^ recoll #wpress comment


See also [18]drawbacks of blog site for keeping notes

For work or learning, “Active scratchpads” can be implemented as a wiki, or as a file in a recoll folder tree.

— wiki/blog (like all web sites) are designed first and foremost as an info display system, so you can keep a page open forever, as one of 20 open browser tabs. If needed, you could start an hour-long edit session, but eventually, you must save and publish.

  • Most of the time every document is in Published mode, not Edit mode as in recoll
  • 🙂 long title and hyperlinks .. powerful features in blog/wiki not recoll
  • 🙂 Version history is comprehensive in wpress, limited in wiki but tricky in recoll

— A recoll is a data storage /system/. The Edit-GUI and Display-GUI are the same thing, not separate as on a web browser. Therefore, we rarely display a recoll file forever because there is a non-trivial risk of unwanted edit [fat-finger], and we don’t know how to roll back.

  • 👎 Instead of hyperlinks, recoll has softlink .. a feature in unix but not windows.
  • 🙂 frequent update .. much easier in recoll. With blog/wiki, we rely on comments (see below)
  • 🙂 A recoll has more flexible content-organization. A wiki tree is kinda similar, but my blog is not. My blog relies on categories (tree) and tags.

Email (including gmail) draft .. also a data storage.

== wpress comments .. Blog is not optimal/efficient for frequent editing of multiple bposts. The wpress discussion [i.e. reader comment] feature offers a quick-n-dirty solution.

To see all comments, wpress admin interface -> left menu -> Comments

— Traditional solution: push_front() as in STL .. add new content at top, then insert a <hr> before existing content.
— fend off outsider comments ..

  • AutomaticallyCloseCommentsOnPostsOlderThan … I put 1Y or 2Y to keep most of my older bposts less complicated when printed
  • .. Presumably, all approved comment continue to show on the bposts.
  • Each bpost has an AllowComment checkbox. Was a problem with a few bposts.
  • anti-spam plugins .. might be helpful
  • Right now, my blogs require visitors to log in. This is one separate, independent layer of defense against unwanted comments.


wpress redirection: slug,permalink

The basic slug offers some kind of redirect feature. This feature is important to a non-commercial blogger like me as I often embed a slug URL (of an important blogpost) in various webpages, but I still want the flexibilty to edit the slug.

Sugg: I think a slug should be short yet unique.

Compared to other wpress redirection techniques, I think this slug feature is mature and relatively stable.

Other online resources:

— permalink .. can be based on postId or slug.

permalinks – Removing the redirect after changing a page’s slug – WordPress Development Stack Exchange pointed out:

Also, remember that if WordPress can’t find a permalink, it looks for posts with a matching beginning, e.g. if you had a post with permalink /foobar, then /foo will redirect to it.

— previous slug is saved in DB

For example, this very bpost once had a permalink ” https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/slug” and this outdated URL would redirect.

How to Redirect a WordPress Page (with and without plugins) (quadlayers.com) explains

  • the Redirection plugin
  • edit functions.php using the CodeSnippets plugin
  • edit .htaccess using the FileManager plugin

feel`good about%% usage@WPress #self-defense


Background: I attended a WPress course on website construction mostly for commercial usage (not social purpose). Blogging is supposed to be social. Most blogs are published for other people to follow, and has a communication purpose, such as informing, influencing/selling, sharing/expressing opinions …

My site is for expressive, introspective, therapeutic analysis of the self and its relationships with family, peers, money, education system, economy, technology. Content is private and rarely created for anyone but myself. I customize my sites to fit my needs like a glove. This one person is front and center, as the most valuable user and client of this site. I honor this client more than all other clients combined.

In contrast, other wpress players must do everything (that needs to be done) just to engage the audience. It’s a competitive landscape.

  • layout, color, font
  • contact form
  • ^^ These are not dev jobs, more like tweaking. Some people enjoy it. I may need to learn to enjoy it.

Actually, my usage (blogg) is the original, the simplest and best supported usage. I feel lucky.  Those commercial usages require more tweaking.

My usage is a long-term energy sink. How about their usage? I doubt it.

— some analogies to illustrate the contrast. In all of them, I derive more satisfaction/joy from meeting my own needs than from selling stuff to other people.

  • essay practice .. most people do that for exam, or publishing. I do it for my private diary
  • photography .. most people take photos to be shared, but some take photos to keep for herself or himself.
  • singing and instrument practice .. most people practice that for performing. I practice that for self enjoyment
  • cinema and sight-seeing .. most people go out for get-together, where the movie is just a “pretext”. These people would not consider solo trip.

Q: is this ezlife or zqbx?


linking two bposts

4 common formats of “dlink” [directed_link] between 2 blogposts. Below I present them by set-up effort.

Note “dlink” is a shorthand used in this blogpost only. Might become usable outside this blogpost.

[L=usable format for a list of dlinks]

— [L] 1) non-hyperlink ..
like “See the post on xyz of abc when I ddd something”
The description is often enough. Later on if needed, we can enhance this dlink to become an underlined_descriptor .

— 2) raw hyperlink ..
like https://btv-gz.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=9876&action=edit
🙁 non-descriptive

— [L] 3) descriptor_n_url ..
like “see the post on xyz of abc (https://btv-gz.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=9876&action=edit)

This underused format is 20-30% quicker than underlined_descriptor, because I don’t need to “select” the descriptor !

— [L] 4) underlined_descriptor ..
like “xyz of abc
🙁 tcost not worth it when (10% chance) the link gets deleted

44Lifestyle升 {2019



See also growth plateau: 江河日下

* Memorable? I won’t bend over backward to make this blogpost memorable. Right now it simply lacks a good title to be memorable. 升 is shorter than 进步 i.e. improvement. I will hope to make at least some items memorable.
* Unique? Yes I want to make this blogpost unique. Let’s avoid the familiar themes, and focus on the unsung heroes.

PFF and gz are usually not lifestyle.

  • [i=internal, often fundamental change in attitude, focus..]
  • [d=detachment needed]
  • [q=sustainable improvement? questionable]
  • [w=wellness]
  • [v=vague]
  • [z = zqbx required, as we hit resistance in the improvement journey.]
  • [$=entails a non-trivial level of lifestyle creep]

— (worthy of a standalone bpost) Improving on my already-comfortable carefree lifestyle.. 更上一层楼. more wellbeing to the xpSelf

dissatisfaction blackholes .. offers another viewpoint on the same list items. That viewpoint is negative (BLACKhole)

I want to avoid yet another forgettable blogpost. I want the list items to be highly specific, selective/discriminatory. Need to avoid the familiar, high-level or vague items.

  • [w v] early rise ..
  • [z] more standing? Currently 1-2H a day though my intuition tells me “insufficient”.
  • [z] daily yoga increase to 3 minutes
  • [z] coding drill .. some fuxi or some new problems
  • more math facetimes .. extremely time consuming but worth it
  • — the familiar,
  • [z] BMI deep green zone
  • [z] recreational piano
  • more smoothie, less solid foods

— (worthy of a standalone bpost) tiny lifestyle 升 to be singled out and celebrated (organized by category, unsorted)

  • I stitched my pockets to be handphone-friendly
  • suction lamp for mosquito
  • hook/clip for MRT card
  • — tech .. such as [dq$] wpress@dhost
  • [dq] low cost 2-printer setup ≠ creep
  • laptop lock [ff] to reduce my worry
  • gd2 alias to reduce git conflict
  • [d] no worry about idd calling card expiry
  • [dq] unlimited outgoing minutes
  • See also laptop habits
  • — wellness ..
  • [w] push-up with mat (knee cushion)
  • [w] My lotus@mrt practice is improving. I now sit on a plastic bag, so my pants are well-protected and my worry and suspicion about invisible dirt is significantly reduced.
  • [w] workout without expensive stuff ..  I can now use stairs, lunges, jump-rope, yoga block, exercise mat, jump-rope .. low cost and useful
  • [q] easier flossing, with handles

— major lifestyle 升.. Note I want to focus more on effort, less on results.

  • recreational MOETF .. active learning under low stress .. would be improvement on lifestyle, but for many people the effort becomes for-profit rather than for-fulfillment/fun
  • [w] a lot more veggie salad, thanks to maid
  • [w v] yoga reboot
  • [w] more chia
  • [w] elimination of starch and fat in office, under work stress. I used to eat many snacks of biscuits, nuts, .. esp. in late afternoon.
  • [w] family dinner skipped most of the time
  • [w] starch — quit rice for 2 months from Sep 2019
  • [z] raw veg, smoothie, delay meals
  • [w] ice cream — now buying small pieces not in bulk
  • [wq$] classpass .. better than realYoga not only in price
  • [w] late dinner habit
  • [w] resist: dinner on the table when not hungry
  • [w] cake history habit
  • [q] intimacy? Not sustainable 🙁 but let’s just enjoy when we are able to
  • [dq] much more time on reflective writing [emails , blogging ,,]
  • [q] base camp protocol with boy.. Is it lifestyle improvement?
  • — time mgmt
  • higher productivity on commute .. see separate blogpost
  • recreational xx using print media .. see blogpost
  • .. more reading vacations, esp. in office, rather than on commute
  • fewer movie trips, more workout on each trip
  • Reduced the frequency of outing with boy, to a more realistic level. Those trips help bonding, but at extremely high tcost and not cost-effective at all.
  • free books + mag, as a recreation, less movie
  • [v] more quiet idle time … ?
  • [q] weekend hours spent on projects, to massively reduce weekday work load
  • carving out quiet hours in office: mornings, evenings, weekends
  • — familiar lifestyle 升
  • [i] /repertoire/ of new workouts .. stairs, squat, boxing, jump-rope outside office,,,
  • [w] temptations identified — wrong food, wrong time, wrong qty
  • [wq$] home standing desk, with headphone. To sweeten the deal, I set up A95 + lamp + printer
  • [w] 11pm craving effectively managed
  • [w] home-made milkshake


[22]publication date of each bpost #j4

  1. When I first started with blogg, I felt publication date ought to be immutable.
  2. Soon I realized I could and should edit my posts, so this date was supposedly “mutable but authentic”.
  3. Over the last few years, I have often needed to pick a previous post and change its ( publication ) date for various important reasons. My purist, idealist self often feels guilty about it.
  4. Now I have come up with some justifications for changing the publication dates.
  • As author, I have full control over when to publish a post, and what date to show on it. It’s entirely legit to publish a piece today, showing a long-ago publication date. I don’t have a duty to explain why.
  • Usually, when I “increase” (i.e. to a later date) a publication date, it is related to content update.
  • Sometimes I also “decrease” (vector::push_back) a publication date. Obscure but important reasons. As I said, I don’t have a duty to explain why.

— modification date .. is more authentic though not 100% reliable

— [22] .. I often prefix this annotation on my post titles, as a proxy of the real publication date.

##wpress plugin4 greplace

— A few priorities

  • simple regex .. xp shows that once a while I need it
  • show individual search results
  • dry-run
  • choose which tables
  • case sensitivity
  • popularity ? does imply reliability, but doesn’t imply the other “priorities”

— choice: BetterSearchReplace .. the default choice, most popular. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=24953&action=edit

— choice: SearchAndReplace .. is the oldest and most reliable

It lists each change explicitly. That is available in a paid upgrade to Better Search Replace but included in the regular Search and Replace plugin here.

One potential problem is timeout, but how likely?

— choice: SearchRegex .. can replace.