##where a branded degree matters #Gary.Guo

See also email to Gary Guo.

NTU engineering may be better quality in edu, and more research output than NUS engineering, but in terms of reputation, recognition,,,, a longer history does matter. Same for SUTD engineering. When I meet a SUTD grad vs NTU grad from the same major, how do I perceive their talent/capabilities?

— biggest usage of a branded degree.. is (traditionally) employment, but employers increasingly look at recent jobs (for anyone 27+). For tech jobs, employers use tech screening. Nowadays the biggest usage might be

  • dating
  • immigration .. see below
  • applying to postgrad
  • — other usages:
  • lending credibility to a work team.. The team can say “Among team members we have some XXX graduates”, where XXX must be a G5 well-know name.

— immigration: Sg immigration does consider your alma mater …

HK, UK and other gov have special immigration schemes for “Global top 100 university and their grads”. The officials in charge of selection would reference respectable global rankings, but still have control over their final “G100” list. The ranking is usually based on academic research output.

If your college wants to be included, then you need to be well-connected to the global network of academia.

% International students is a key factor. I think international faculty is another key factor. short-term exchange scholars too.

English (feasibility of coping without local language) is factor affecting foreign students/staff.


NUS^UChicago: %%grades



— my academic race during NUS vs UChicago years
In my initial NUS years I was confident about hitting A’s. I was well above average in my cohort of mostly NS-men. I started somewhere close to the Dean’s List but gradually dropped to just above average. In the crucial Year4, I scored lots of C’s and D’s. In hind sight, I was losing my position in the more important “second half”. I ended up with Upper2ndClass honors. Probably I was outshone by classmates who caught up from behind.

In UChicago, I had the reverse experience. I started with low expectations — a pass in every subject. Then I emerged well above average and scored mostly A’s. I maintained high grades all the way, finishing in AAAA-. In the beginning I felt “A is long shot; B would be good; C enough” Perhaps I moved up the competition over the 3 years.

Q: was my UChicago grades as-expected and a foregone conclusion?
A: Obviously not. As the oldest student, I was hoping for a few B’s and mostly C’s. I impressed and exceeded myself, largely due to my outstanding effort. So the top grades are a real ROTI.

— dean’s list fixation.. We all have limited laser energy, unable to examine every concept in depth. The NUS dean’s list concept is never critically examined , and allowed to roam free, and often dominate my self-assessment of JLCJ (江郎才尽). Similarly, the 1stClassHonors concept is also poorly examined, and served to reinforce the same self-assessment. A Dean’s List student (Kar Peo?) may also suffer a JLCJ inferiority. She may point out that she only won twice, out of luck. She may lament about her current income, or her interview performance,,,

I tend to dismiss or forget my book prize, my 2Y EDB full scholarship and my academic achievements before and after NUS.

20 years after graduating from NUS, one thing I remember about my NUS benchmark performance (relative to my earlier schools) was the 2nd-class honors.  In hindsight, I guess a big reason was the final year project (sinking), or perhaps having two D’s (sinking) automatically disqualifies me for first-class honors. There’s no point analyzing it, since we have no verifiable or inside knowledge.

After a good freshman year when I almost made it to Dean’s list, the NUS benchmarks gradually eroded/decimated my positive self-image as a top student, as benchmarked to my cohort. My self-evaluation went through an “NUS-recalibration“. In contrast, my primary schools, Shiyan, HJC, A-levels and Uchicago all gave me better grades than NUS. End-to-end, I developed very early a self-image (reputation too) as a competent, almost top student, up to NUS Y1, and finally revived it at UChicago.

I didn’t get near the top in NUS and finished just above average, but then in UChicago I scored well above average. In terms of GPA there’s no ranking but I assume I /finished/ near the top.

— the sinking feeling with the D’s .. As described in the “sinking feeling” blogpost, the two D’s in NUS brought down my hope of postgrad in a top university. I thought to myself “no chance for any postgrad in a top university, given the many D’s and C’s on my transcript”. In 1993, I missed the chance to get a branded degree. (K.Hu also mis chance, due to ill health.) By 1998, the prospect diminished further. I was lagging behind my peers, with their prestigious degrees in MIT, Purdue. The prestige really bothered me on and off for decades.

Shiyan also gave me a sinking experience in 1989 保送高中. Similarly, the Dean’s List is determined by the school based purely on academic competition (rather than students applying to an external entity). In this sense, UChicago treated me arguably better than Shiyan or NUS. Be Grateful to UChicago. 饮水思源.

— renaissance @ UChicago..

UChicago believed in me.. As explained in teams who chose me≠2ndClass, UChicago reviewed many applicants with self-statements and professor recommendations, and they liked my profile.

UChicago accepted my application despite my NUS grades. I ought to be Grateful. (I guess my application essay helped as it was very personal and truthful. ) My UChicago grades were mostly A’s with two B’s. Self-image restored. Grateful again. This qualifies as one of the G3 ROI’s of my huge allocation to UChicago.

Q: Between the two, do I rather have better grades at NUS or UChicago?
A: Obviously UChicago, because of the prestige and calibre.
A: also, I want my “last grades” to be highest, Ending on a high note. This result is much better than the alternative scenario: NUS [1st-class honors, Dean’s list] -> UChicago [mediocre grades]. I would have felt that I’m only good enough for Singapore , not strong enough on the world stage

Without uchicago uplifting, my mental self-portrait would be permanently blemished with tiny scars, labelled with a B .. all due to the NUS grades [2nd class]. Look at Venkat of OC, Gary.G and the Shankar of Polaris. No amount of professional accomplishment would be sufficient to overcome that permanent label. The most one can do about that label, is to look at the big picture and refuse to be enslaved by the label.

Q: how common and unremarkable was my benchmark improvement after NUS 江郎才尽? Would I predict the same for other bright but mediocre students like Venkat (OC), Rahul, Genn,,,?
A: I won’t predict the same for them.

Looks like I fared much better in math than engineering!

Q: Did I end up on a high note due to luck, effort, or something else?

— coding IV vs theoretical IV.. self-perception

  1. The NUS grades “re-calibration” cast a long shadow over my self-confidence, esp. in the crucial game(s) of tech interview.
  2. Once I entered WallSt 10 years later , I started cracking a series of QQ interviews and regained my self-confidence in my mental power.
  3. Then came the web2.0 CIV. So far I had mixed but slowly improving results, as recorded in the Pass/Fail blogpost. Those Fail experience echoes the NUS experience of re-calibration at NUS exams. In my discussions with friends, I have repeatedly linked these two experiences.

Note multi-threading CIV and Probability IV (not CIV) are my favorite games. BigO CIV is a second favorite. Math-oriented CIV is a third favorite, including geometry, counting permutation/combinations. In these games, most candidates have no clue no insight, but sometimes I have some. The more theoretical and abstract, the less likely I get outpaced by other candidates.

I want my UChicago (strong) grades to strengthen my self-confidence in future interviews. Self-talk, self-explanation is key.

chain@credibility #dating/bccy


Trigger eg: [[MindOverBusiness]] author (Ken) is a high-school dropout without a degree. He pointed out that “master’s and PhD students are researching my work” but hey, what universities are these students in? Is the mention of Ken some one-liner in a 20-page research, along with 50 other entrepreneurs? So this author is trying to hint a chain of credibility. Some unproven “things” greatly benefit from or need a chain of credibility:

  • eg: new educational entity or product
  • eg: unfamiliar, unproven investment products
  • eg: bachelors on a dating market [1]
  • eg: candidates competing for a top-tier company or university [1]
  • eg: When applying for visa, PR, citizenship [1]

[1] Recurring theme: In general, the most important “product” in need of chain of credibility is the individual person. Branding, credentials/qualifications, quality-of-candidate,,, are the terms we use.

— eg: entrepreneurs [1] often badly want a reputable university affiliation. It can lend credibility in a crowded field.
Many start-up would try to recruit individuals with credibility, including graduates of world-renowned universities, and ex-employees of world-renowned organizations like WorldBank, BellLab, NASA, FBook

special case: a new bccy .. treated like a start-up .. See ##key players legitimizing bccy

— source_of_credibility: big reputable market player .. CapitaLand lending credibility to MIH
— source_of_credibility: government, but some governments lend more credibility, such as Japan, Canada, Germany
source_of_credibility: ambassadors… of Brazil invited at RitzG5 lavish dinner
— source_of_credibility: leading research institutions .. university branding (and national academies, but to a lesser extent) lend credibility to their researchers
— source_of_credibility: major newspapers (and news agencies) .. lend credibility to their journalists.
— source_of_credibility: international standardization committee
IEEE .. is an eg
— source_of_credibility: Swedish Nobel committee [1] over the decades.. Nobel committee lends credibility to the laureats… most commonly in Econs and bio-medical domains.
— source_of_credibility: top colleges … Note only top, reputable colleges can lend credibility
Their graduates [1] often stand out in the (forever crowded) dating “market”

When applying for visa, long-term pass, PR, citizenship, my top-college degree lent credibility in no small measure.

See also my email to Gary Guo [[branding of college]]

source_of_credibility: PhDs and professors [1] .. Most folks don’t question what domain, from which university

In some cases, the “professor” is just a short-term visitor or part-time teaching staff.


[21]long battles won/done →fat_n_happy

I fought the EE-DL battle, then the FCH battle .. Now I won it with UChicago degree.

k_quietime  k_soul_search  k_tectonic

Compared to …

… this blogpost is unique in its emphasis on fat-n-happy and on extended battle. Fat-n-happy doesn’t means “battle won”.  See also ##progressive growth: 江河日下, written around the same time.

fat-n-happy is almost the opposite of zqbx …

To avoid becoming another vague, all-encompassing list, we need to careful about what NOT to include (more than what to include) in this list. Even though I’m careful what to include, the focus is shifting to the on-going battles where no fat-n-happy exists. This shift threatens to homogenize and commoditize this once-unique blogpost.

The Trigger — nowadays I feel fat-n-happy, not engaged in too many of those long drawn-out.  battles/struggles like IV, PIP,,,

When I say “battle”, the adversaries are usually not human enemies, but difficult systems, complexities, high bar, or myself.

How specific? With some battles, I want the analysis to be very low-level and specific. With other battles like personal finance, I don’t want 88 specific battles, but I can list them in the section below the table.

— burn or rot? Not rotting. Am more serious about wellness, parenting (and pff), less about gz

— 躺平 ? My fat_n_happy / mellowness are marginally related to the 躺平 movement, and only in the career dimension.
When I think about the 躺平^内卷 (involution) struggle, I realize my non-trivial success [not luck] in 1)cashflow 2)career 3)credentials.

However, these pair of Chinese terms are abstract, arcane, not widely understood even in China, and therefore hard to use in any writing. They may become largely unrecognizable within 10 years.

==== Now the list of battles
[p=personal battle, mostly inside my own world]
[m=mellowing up]
[e= improved my “position” mostly due to personal effort, rather than external factors like luck. See locus@control]

battle years         headline sub-items or related items won/done/
notes #detailed notes.. below table
1990s-2006 [e] sexual needs won
2010s-2017 marriage stability NB
2010s-NOW [p]wellness: BMI heart risk[family history]; visible belly fat; body fat%
2000s-now [mp]yoga,pull-up.. weekly workouts;
2010s-NOW boy 沉迷
2010s-now boy academic mtv winning
P2-P6 boy’s grades done worry subsided
2000-2019 [p] competitive IV career longevity, churn, scarce quietime4self-study won
2007-2016 [em] PIP GTD, PIP .. were the battle of my finDev career done
2000s-2019 [em] FOLB brank, fake role models done
   ———— — minor battles, and unrelated to fat-n-happy or mellowing —
2000s-NOW tech churn done now I focus on c++, coreJava
2010s-2017 aging #as dev IV; on-the-job won
2000s-2017 [mp] per finance housing(high rent]U.S.); medical inflation, bx, won
P1-P6 boy’s diet, BMI won
2007-2009 [p] U.S.commute SG: won
2007-? [m]car dependency see numerous blogposts done
birth-2017 branded degree 2nd-class honors in a world 2nd-tier college won
1991-1999 English listening comprehension; speaking; won expr writing = rewarding
1990s-2020 [p] stay organized EMC/visio, mgmt of own content won
2000s-2010s [mp]book ownership won
till age 6 妹: 边喂边看 wife worried about underweight won
1990s limited 关系网 self-identified as 不合群 done growing confident

— IV battlefield ..
For example, see https://btv-gz.dreamhosters.com/2016/10/30/civ-weaker-than-java-introspection/. Now I no longer try so hard to enter a tough field like quant or HFT.
— survival on the job .. struggled in GS, Stirt, Macq only. I chose well.
— battles against tech churn, aging and out-sourcing .. affect livelihood in two distinct contexts 1) competing for jobs 2) keep-the-job (promotion is never a concern to me)
I always emphasize (1) over (2).
— stay organized .. is a common battle as our belongings and our personal content keep growing
I feel things stabilized after kids grew up.
— marriage .. now I realized how important wife is to the kids
— pff .. Why the struggle? I subscribed to the brainwash/propaganda, and carried the burdens of SDXQ housing etc.
Inflation was portrayed as so high that you simply can’t beat it with your paltry salary and savings (need investment).

However, my suffering was lighter thanks to my brbr[saving, conserver/minimalist]. My struggle was smaller than my peers’ struggles.

My family livelihood needs are well taken care of. This battle is largely symbolic…
— wellness
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Cholesterol is a long but small battle. Didn’t require tough lifestyle changes.
— sexual needs [searching, courting] .. a decade-long battle. Fierce competition (battle) for the desirable women. In college I was coping fine, but not the decade after. See involuntary celibacy + sexual needs since 2000s. I feel lucky now.

Why not labelled a “personal” struggle? I actually engaged in courtships many times. I had to position myself and adjust it frequently.

Why I consider it my own effort? I chose well. After years chasing the wrong targets, I chose the right woman to satisfy my (not all selfish) needs.

[20←04]changes: TPY泳池reflection #61kg


See also ##factors underpinn`key changes since first summer]US — a similar soul-searching.

In mid March 2020, I visited the same Toa Payoh swimming pool and couldn’t help comparing with my last bachelor phase around age 30, when I had a weekly afternoon swimming routine over a few months, around my self-employed years.

An exhausting exercise often leads to deeper reflection and a fresher look. As I reflect on the various changes (in my life) since then, I noticed my main focus starts to /drift/ from wellness to career , then to family livelihood. Somehow at my current age, wellness is Still not receiving as much sunshine as deserved.

  • — a random list, but I want to have some items bubbling up, like unconventional and specific items
  • i was pushing myself harder on coblood, self-improvement, biz wing. I felt completely left out, in the outskirts… watching the high flyers flying inside the walled city. We can look at SWOT in the Snd context.
  • UChicago — I didn’t have UChicago brand. I didn’t have any insider info on the global elite universities. Also, I saw myself as 江郎才尽 after my EE-DL and FCH failures.
  • [g] java — I couldn’t access java as a huge, lucrative pie
  • [g] livelihood security — I didn’t have a dev-till-40 plan (let alone 70) or the associated security in livelihood for a family of four. In contrast, I did have the security in livelihood for myself, to the extent that I quit my job to pursue my dream of self-employment.
  • [g] I had no idea how to get into U.S.. I had some appreciations for Singapore citizenship but no deep appreciation that I have now, after comparing with U.S.
  • [w] I didn’t know any way to reach 61 kg
  • [w] I didn’t have my currene level of commitment to yoga
  • [w] I was then more committed to weekly workout but not about yoga.
  • [g] I didn’t know any way to earn more than 5k. I didn’t know my killer talent at theoretical QQ topics like low-level, math, concurrency principles
  • [f] I was young and healthy and didn’t care to know the low cost and relatively efficient long-term care infrastructure in SG, possibly supported by government.
  • [f] shield plans — I didn’t know the Shield plans would be strategic to my long term financial planning
  • — some of the familiar, the obvious or the high-level vague items:
  • [f] I already had a good burn rate and savings habit, but my NAV was much lower.
  • [f] I had no overseas properties in Beijing, S.E.Asia; I had yet to see windfall in my HDB flat
  • [w=wellness]
  • [f=cashflow]
  • [g=gz]

Q: Looking through these changes, what is the #1 turning point in my life since then? It will not be wellness (my wellness has always been pretty good), or financial.
A: my crossing of the moat (i.e. tech screening) into WallSt dev job market, and becoming a proven veteran in c++/java.

[19] not leftBehind@any front: real feat

I used to feel that my son is one part of me that’s left behind. Now I think he may not go to a top college but he will go to college and find a decent job.

See also wake up1day..left behind #serenity

Since my teenage years I have suffered so much from, and endeavored to avoid, the pain of “left-behind” by so-called peers (chosen so randomly !! )… This pain is fairly similar to FOMO. This pain is the opposite of “other peoples’ envy” concept.

  • early eg: Chinese compo
  • early eg: Y-junction flexibility — I was visibly the weakest in middle school
  • eg: income and brank including startup — see notes below
  • eg: academic kids
  • advanced education credential (UChicago) is an achievement in itself, like a competition title, even if it creates no increased earning.
  • see also the list of “freedom_from_unwanted..” in ##[19] living%%dream life,here-n-now #Detach, such as
    • immigration concerns
    • debt and cash flow concerns
    • overweight — affecting more than half my peers
    • PIP, damaged goods

Remember the movie [[Brad’s status]]? Somehow, miraculously, by age 40 I have achieved at least average status on the east front, north front, south-west front, … virtually ALL fronts. What an incredible feat. I can’t emphasize this point enough.

In other words, on every [1] game important to me, I have achieved enough to avoid the deep emotional pain of left-behind. I wonder how many people can say the same. Pretty rare achievement.

Some of these pains are possibly /neurotic/, but I don’t want to activate the self2judge today. In real life, there are many very real pains not related to left-behind, such as neck pain, appetite, sleep, divorce, family tension.. but these more “real” pains are actually less important to my personality (than to the average guy). From age 15 till now, my #1 frequent pains and deepest pains have always been … left-behind. See the t_1stAid blog tag.

[1] There are some “games” I did care about in my 30’s and 40’s …

— [1] startup dream — for years I had a romanticized dream about tech startups, mostly created in the U.S. pop culture. I often felt left behind when I hear of someone (either considered a peer or not) getting into the startup game. Best example is Zhu Jiang !

— [1] brank — best example is Yiyang. Still a source of deep pain of “left-behind”

— for all of the above.

I have achieved a lot (cf my peers) in many games like wellness, ffree, branded degree, career longevity,,, but still, to earn the worldly, materialistic OtherPeople’sEnvy (OPE), I need to move up (or start up).

This has been the stonewall I hit over and over throughout my career….

Not my game, and I gave up years ago. I think it was wise of me to give up. Over the years I have been working on the give-up, the stonewall, the OPE, and slowly mellowing up.

Now I’m older and wiser. Zhu Jiang, Yiyang… may not have my blessings — my SGP citizenship,,,, my retirement provisions,,,,, my low-stress easy life,,,,, my dev-till-70 path and depth-of-market providing choices,,,,, my overall health,,,,, my healthy and loving parents,,,,,

Q: what’s more important? Other people’s envy or my blessings.

##wake up1day..left behind the pack #serenity#NUS

k_soul_search .. k_mellow .. k_sinkingXp

See also semi-high-fliers, has more to say about about fake high-fliers.

See also ##[20]won%%battles against FOMO #mellow. This blogpost is not about battles, NOT another ranking. This blogpost is about the fear of waking up to a desperate catch-up. Up to my mid 40’s, I always had an /unchecked/ FOLB about this scenario —

Like the hare in the race with tortoise (+  other contestants), I wake up one day to find some previous peer has got ahead, in one of those “envy domains” [1], and I immediately sink into despair. In the ensuing months and years, I keep sinking, and endure the self-hate for not playing a better game, of wasting my (or kids’) potential.

Real personal examples (below) sometimes serve as better definitions.

This FOLB has been a self-judge sitting behind-the-scene (垂帘听政) throughout my adult life (introspective). This fear drives me into real actions …

Yu.Wang? YY.Tao?

— left-behind is real and inevitable:

Saranyu Lavanyakul, the MS-Carbon ExecutiveDirector, told me he got ahead “mainly by Drive”. In the places of my career, people can indeed get ahead if they keep a steadfast focus on brank + some subset of the envy domains below. ( In contrast, I have chosen to focus on other domains like cashflow, IV body-building…)

Web2.0 salary figures #realistic described RMB 1200k/Y salary in “BAT”. For a 20-something China SWE, hearing those salary figures among one’s cohort is a wake-up call.

So after N years, indeed the gap may (no guarantee) emerge i.e. 拉开距离, as described in BGC: pull`ahead@the pack: personal(!!organizational)effectiveness. We need to live in peace with the gap … Serenity

[1] Some envy domains (mostly successC domains):

  • start-up stardom. Remember [[Brad’s Status]]?
  • brank, OC style of effectiveness
    • eg: Siddesh, LSagain, GS ex-colleagues, CSDoctor, Benny, HY.Cai
  • c++ (and web2.0) interviews
  • top schools for kids
  • trophy university — achieved with UChicago. See NUS section below.
  • lucrative investments, esp. properties
    • Eg: One of many such peers reveal that he has acquired some properties in Shanghai and made a killing
    • Eg: the Wuhan couple HuJun and ShiSha are probably rather rich to own multiple properties in Singapore.
  • green card or Canadian citizenship? But now I appreciate my SG citizenship more than those.
  • high double-income? But now I appreciate my beautiful, hardworking and thrift wife, with her fine judgement and stable career.
  • big house (high maintenance), big car? Now I believe these pseudo assets are liabilities in disguise, and unnecessary in my life. I prefer a minimalist lifestyle

Now I tell myself to be more rational, more mellow, more selective in hearing the news about other people. At my age, what I do care :

  • Freedom and resources to support reflective blogging
  • A realistic amount of additional free time + freedom from stress
    • commute
    • other buffers, slack resources
  • unblocked communication channel with ah-boy
  • healthy kid, beautiful wife, stable marriage
  • Wellness including vitality, sleep, sexual health, strong teeth, aging eyesight+hearing under control,,
  • burn buffer ratio i.e. income relative to burn rate, Fuller Wealth, retirement destination
  • affordable healthcare including nursing care

— NUS and my self-esteem over the years

In 2007 when I received my Education evaluation report on my NUS degree, I sighed a sigh of relief that NUS “is a known entity to the U.S.”. Now in 2022, NUS has improved its standing in the minds of U.S. employers.

Q: Am I still “behind” my mainland Chinese cohort? It depends on the context:
A: Inside China, NUS is probably lesser-known than the top 20 China universities, or most Ivy League + MIT + Stanford
A: In the U.S. , Greater China, or other countries, NUS is possibly better known than most universities in China

The progress of NUS is a sweet revenge, satisfying, victorious, rewarding (for my huge 1991~98 effort)

NTU is still lesser-known than NUS, due to shorter history.  History of a college really matters to public name recognition.

While in NUS, my self-esteem also underwent a roller coaster ride. I felt envious of the medical students, and superior to fellow students in other faculties. For a while I felt envious of the PhD students in my faculty.

Looking back at those years I spent in and after NUS, my self-esteem was vulnerable — naked, unprotected, unshielded from the rampant peer comparison typical of the age band [early 20s]. My self-image was battered, beaten-up regularly, like after every exam, or whenever I’m given a rude awakening due to some random peer comparison with other students across the faculties.

impac on my self-esteem: brand>FirstClassHonors> EE-DL>book prize

personal branding: UChicago > NYSE/GS

In terms of personal branding, I would say the alma mater has more impact than a past employer:

  • reason: a branded university has better longevity, durability and sustainability. A branded past-employer may lose much of the brand value over a few decades esp. in technology and esp. online .. Sohu, Motorola, Merrill, Microsoft, SUN, Bell labs, HP-way, big-blue
  • reason: degree is easily and routinely verified
  • reason: a much larger number of individuals can put NYSE or GS on the resume after a very short work project. No differentiation between long-term, high-ranking employees vs short-term junior contractors

What types of personal branding would have even higher impact than the alma mater? Nobel prize. Gold medals. high-profile publications/inventions

broad-stroke characterizatn @学业/HK-expert #wife

In broad strokes, I used to describe my wife as notHighlyEducated, but today (X’mas 2021) I told a NCH counsellor “Actually she has a diploma and worked as a preschool teacher, so I was wrong to say she was not well educated”.

In broad strokes, I always described my sister as … not a strong student and didn’t go to a top school. In reality, in some subjects she was possibly a strong student. These details are missed in the broad strokes.

In broad strokes, my wife described boy’s P5/P6 teacher as “graduated from RGS”. She also described LZ.Yu’s 2 gifted kids as NUS-High top students. Well, I don’t know what prestigious college branding they would get in the end.

In broad strokes, I tend to assume international students are more motivated in colleges.

I feel in East Asian societies, such characterizations are powerful and effective, because people are very used to hearing/reading them. The general pubic don’t (care to) know that Princeton/Harvard are not so strong in Comp Science research, so broad stroke characterizations favor the big brands.

— my kids
In broad strokes, I used to describe my son as average in Math, but in late 2021 I realized he is above average (among his cohort) in math, either in Singapore or across developed countries. My broad strokes are too broad .. those characterizatios were implicitly based on myself and the China students either at his age or my age.

In broad strokes, I used to describe my son’s Chinese as very weak, due to effort deficiency. Now I think his speaking/reading skills are well-above average in his Singapore cohort. His writing is not as bad as my earlier characterization. Those Broad strokes are misleading.

In broad strokes, I often describe my daughter as strong in Ch/En but not so strong in math. The latter characterization is possibly unfair to her.

— self-characterization .. In broad strokes, I always describe my math/physics as strong; I used to portray my academic image as “top student up to high school”, but after the UChicago renaissance, I can reuse the broad strokes “top student from primary school to UChicago”. See also

Q: how do I feel about the broad strokes?
A: I know the details, so I don’t need to use broad strokes to “impress myself”. But paradoxically, as I keep using this broad-stroke characterization to present myself to others, it reinforced a positive self-image.

Q: is the positive self-image exaggerated, weakened in the center, 金玉其外败絮其中 and harmful?
A: this self-image is substantiated with certified transcript.

In conclusion, the broad strokes actually help me 1) build a reputation and 2) maintain self-esteem. Now I have a better appreciation of the UChicago brand value, which is higher than CMU, NYU .. in broad strokes !

— top experts (any domain) in US/Japan/Germany
Depending on the field, each of us tends to assume U.S. top experts are world-class in that field.

I think only 2 other countries, Japan and Germany, are universally considered leaders in virtually all fields.

Britain could be a #4. Russia and China are perceived as less integrated into the international community
France? Not perceived as a scientific nation
Most European countries are too small in terms of population.

For all other countries, their national experts are less trusted internationally.

In my first and only visit to Thailand (with my dad), the tour guide brought us to a snake farm, selling snake oil. The presenter was a medical doctor from Hongkong (accent-wise, probably mainland Chinese medical professional working or trained in Hongkong). As soon as we heard he is from Hongkong, we we started paying attention. I asked my father why a Hongkong doctor in a Thailand snake farm.  He said “so that Chinese tourists would believe it”.