Many people consider the BS-Model a simple and easy model. Well yes when compared to the dozens of other models in use. However, C language is simple, but not simplistic; cooking is simple but it can be a fine art; drawing in pencil is simple but there are great artists in it. There are really too many non-trivial details in/around BS. As an example, I used to feel I must become thorough with PCP, but now I think a thorough understanding of PCP doesn’t help me gain a deeper understanding of BS model. In fact, the increased knowledge doesn’t stick. After a few years I am again slow with PCP.
No thick->thin.
Some of the core concepts I can’t skimp:
* the basic dS / S = m dt + sigma dW equation is a stoch integral equation, so understanding the precise meaning of a stoch integral
* Ito’s formula? Many practice problems, many blog posts, but still unable to relate to the BS equation
Some “foundation” topics to skimp:
– all the confusion about the fwd contract vs fwd price. Wrong focus – I wasted too much time trying to go thick->thin but failed.
– arbitrage construction. Not possible to develop deep intuition and go thick->thin – super-replicate/sub-replicate.
– “complete market”
– how to calc historical vol – another wrong focus
– RN measure vs physical measure – another wrong focus. Just remember RN measure is the only measure relevant to the math
Here are some worthwhile and central topics to postpone to Day 2:
– div
– various interpretations of N(d1), N(d2) — only for European options.
– greeks moving towards maturity
– all the intuitive heuristics about greeks — important to traders, not much to a quant developer
Here are the topics that are supposed to be intuitive, … but not “sticky” for me – call/put “restrictions” in [[Crack]]
– “directionally correct”
– tradeable — why is interest rate not tradable?