fairness with med bx claims

fairness and professionalism are rather important to me. I think most of our rejected claims are partly our negligence + partly provider’s negligence.

Every time provider should ask for our insurance ID. I think each time we provided.

Each time we meet a new provider, both provider and us have the duty to check insurance. Provider has professional duty.

PPO network, deductible, …

Assuming Duan (OON) bills UHC under her own name, then her amount ($x) falls into OON category. We know the ultrasound amount ($y) is OON. In this case, the first $300 [1] of x+y is out of pocket. Remainder is covered 70% [2].

[1] annual deductible, since x and y both in 2007
[2] coinsurance

myuhc Choice Plus

There’s another post on choiceplus doctors

subscriber id = 822607842


U don’t need any id number to search.

U can use zipcode alone, but better to input your street address.

Thank you for contacting GS HR Direct Americas. You can locate doctors in your area via the United Health Care website. The website address is : www.myuhc.com Click on the Find Physician or Facility link,

the Plan type is UnitedHealthCare Choice Plus.

If you have additional questions please call United Health Care at 1-866-203-8407.

The group policy # is 203922(Goldman Sachs Group ID# at United Health Care)