##[17] extra tCost – U.S.^SG lifestyle


What’s a better title?

Compared to other people, my happiness, stress level, career success, and ability to achieve my goals … are more dependent on the time available to me. In other words, the extra tcosts hurt me more than they hurt another guy of my age. It’s like an allergy. These tcosts are small costs that really add up. (On the other hand, I am unaffected by some common “allergies”[1] ) In this post, I will try to be rational and objective about the extra tcosts in the US.

  • + school work is less
  • + I might be able to work from home sometimes
  • – house repairs — I may have to DIY. Condo might be better. – car maintenance
  • – driving everywhere
  • – fewer holidays (but I still can take unpaid leaves).

— [1]

  • food choices,
  • clothes,
  • small home
  • lack of car convenience
  • average schools
  • hair loss

Re-entry to U.S.: some high-level decisions

  • Let’s go with Jay, to minimize surprises.
  • Location — JC or NY
  • Initial home location — Bayonne, or JC. No car
  • Job security ? Less important than expectation. Therefore, I favor contract. ibanks are 80% likelihood. Alternatively a 3rd-type including exchanges, with lower-caliber colleagues
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##discard b4 big U.S.relocation

J4: discard early, to avoid painful decision towards the end

  • electronics tend to become outdated
    • discard external disk since I have many USB drives? Yes less reliable for valuable backup
  • tech books tend to become outdated
  • discard citibank.NA checkbooks
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融入美国社会: 年岁,语言…

最近我注意到许多过去或现在的印度同事, 在美国适应的很不错. 英语是一个原因 — 大多数印度移民平均英语水平比较高, 另外, 我也注意到印度人做管理的比例挺高, 感觉好像每10个就有一两个. (中国人也有, 但比例低, 感觉10个里不到一个. 然而在纯技术领域, 中国人看起来比较有优势.) 印度弟兄管人, 管项目 … 都需要进一步融入美国社会. 我觉得包括和白人黑人打成一片.

要融入当地社会, 我觉得年岁是个不容忽视的因素. 像我现在40多这个年岁, 对美国的许多方方面面都有点不容易接受. 例如开车;例如美国大多数政府机构服务不到家,所以很多事都要自己去问自己去跑; 还有美国的电视节目, 流行音乐… 走在纽约购物区大街, 熙熙攘攘, 感觉到大都市的能量, 激情, 热闹, 那是我三十几岁的感受. 现在我更注意到脏、旧、乱 (但我不会去比新加坡, 不会把纽约定位在”肮脏”).

我觉得这都是迹象 — 很多上年岁的移民不适应. 不愿适应, 或者适应得不够快.

对于我亲爱的老婆来说, 英语是一个基本的,核心的障碍, 阻碍她顺利地适应美国环境. 在新加坡她可以利用中文的特长, 拥有自己的工作. 我觉得经济自立对她真的很重要. 在美国社交依靠英语。所以我希望买房子买在华人区。

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## well planned relocation, pat on the back

–some random items worthy of mention:* I brought all the fake fingers bought from SimLim. (I need them now) Otherwise likely wasted
* the water bottle with big opening is easier to fill
* cough medicine
* additional water bottles — multiple-use
* 2 laptops — both useful
* multiple packets of garlic peanuts

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focuses/distractions during a big relocation

Each human being has a limited “concurrent processing capacity”. When planning a relocation, we all juggle and shuffle several /priorities/, either consciously or subconsciously. Some people are naturally focused on the right things, so their subconscious focus is good. I tend to feel subconscious focus is unwise, as we tend to be irrational and lose the proper perspective. Here are some of the many subconscious focuses:

  • MRT card remaining value will stay in the card, which may get misplaced and the value lost
  • cancel unused credit cards
  • get new GV movie card for family, but worry about them losing it.
  • laptop get damaged en-route

These /priorities/ can often displace other items of more importance, such as

  • safe keep of important docs
  • sufficient rest on the long journey
  • learning efficiency on the journey? LG2
  • forgetting where at home I kept XXX or YYY

What will change if the relocation is for the entire family? I would have to let go of many smaller /concerns/ in order to focus my limited mental energy on other things like

  • proper clothing for kids on the journey
  • first few days in the new country for kids
  • grocery shopping for the first days
  • cooking for the kids


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temp accommo – 1st month in U.S.

It’s only around a month, so commute time is priority rather than cost.

—- Base plan:

  • stay close by
  • walk + shuttle. Not train (too infrequent) not taxi (gui4)
  • cycle if safe (buy cheap one from 8th ave Brooklyn)
  • If taking shuttle then go home by other means, but come in by shuttle.

—- learn driving asap as a long-term solution

  • practice theory tests on-line
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which month to relocate to U.S.

Once we know start date, need to decide the timing.

–j4 earlier:

  • each day I don’t work, I lose $572 pre-tax.
  • fingerprinting at 11 Wall St
  • start GC earlier
  • set up driving license
  • move stuff from XR’s place
  • look for a home
  • set up home
  • buy printer
  • buy furniture
  • buy lamp
  • buy rice cooker

–j4 later:
each day I spend there has a rental cost + living cost

one more weekend with family? we had so many already

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tough adjustments(US++) build resilience+adaptability

This kinda adjustment is tough, really stressful .. on anybody going through it. (Most people would avoid it. They say they avoid unnecessary risk, but subconsciously they also want to avoid the adjustments and stress.)

On the other hand, the stressful adjustment could also, in theory, build our strength, resilience and adaptability. Grandpa reminded me repeatedly — U.S. change is a positive change, a change for the better.

Look at [[who moved my cheese]]. There is a big “change” in the world we live in. I won’t elaborate again – Sg IT job market not right for me long term. Another potentially big driver — boy may do better in the US education system.

Many individuals stick to a comfort zone and become highly efficient and productive therein. I tend to see them as weakened. Can they adjust to a changing world? I would doubt majority of them could.

For illustration, Let me list no more than 8 (unrelated) adjustments in my career:

  • expensive part time Master’s, putting myself to a tough test
  • leaving the Perl comfort zone
  • planning to try West coast
  • taking up the BGC investment
  • the GS pressure cooker
  • taking up windows dev. c# per se is much easier
  • wife taking diploma at her age