tww+todo list: priorities #promote phone #0.txt


In each phase of my life, my priorities and requirements change. My todo list always includes a tww list. Current priorities:

  1. durability .. bpost > git_0_txt > smartphone > smemo
  2. easy update .. smemo ~ smartphone::jot > 0_txt > bpost
  3. easy to print .. git_0_txt > bpost
  4. For think-while-walking, smartphone::voice > smemo > printout of git_0_txt  > smartphone::jot> printout of bpost
  5. info-radiator .. hardcopy > smartphone
  6. infrastructure uptime .. bpost hosters like dreamhost/bluehost have more frequent blackouts than github

Single todo list (like git_0_txt-only or bpost-only) ..  is the ideal but unlikely to be optimal.

E-update is the most expensive, most time-consuming part of todo list. I prefer write_n_forget todo system or pencil-update only.

— bpost .. was an /unlikely winner/ but it has proven effective for longer-term tasks … Aha
System down once few months 🙁

— Q: in choosing the todo sytems, why not just follow your sys1? Sys1 would “self-adapt”?
A: No. Without conscious effort, you are likely to be stuck with bad solutions like …(no need to give examples)

— Q: What todo list do ordinary people use? I guess very few use tww. I guess smartphone (camera) is “quick-n-lazy”.

However, Photos saved in the phone tend to take up huge space for years. Upkeep can be time-consuming unless the user develops efficiency. Overall,  it’s a highly inefficient todo system.

==== another bpost: todo-dashboards #tabs

  • 1) inboxes — in MSOutlook and gmail are two disconnected dashboards, mostly for tasks given by other people
  • 2) browser tabs – each represents a task, but this breeds an over-reliance on blogging sites.
  • gmail draft
  • google calendar
  • (to be deleted) MSOutlook tasks — GTD author suggested MSOutlook tasks as the ultimate, but I find it useful only for a subset of my tasks.
  • — Now some all-time favorites that depend on no sophisticated software systems, which are always over-complicated and less reliable
  • 0.txt hosted in git blog was my primary dashboard for a few years..
    • 🙂 useful when we I have a lot of tww + shopping items + reminders
    • 🙂 printable
    • 🙂 high density with multiple items
    • 🙂 version history via git
    • Can use any decent text editor (not notepad or Winword)
  • paper notice board —
    • 🙂 highest visibility, good for a short span up to 2H.
    • 🙂 extremely simple and robust, similar to the space pen (pencil)
    • 🙂 Can be combined with other notice boards.

Conclusion — no perfect combination

fruit as breakfast@@

If you search online or ask some doctors, you may hear a similar comment to Dr Lau’s. However, my gastro doctor told me it’s better than skipping breakfast.

I see an important pattern — The unconventional proposal deviates from standard advice, so professionals would not endorse it, but it is probably better than nothing. I believe this pattern shows up in multiple places:

##remember2bring when leav`ff|home: phone++


Items include

  • food to office
  • phone:
    • hang by the door, even after taking a call
    • lay it on top of pouch or beside glasses
    • promote: use the phone more in the evening, not those hours before leaving? Feasible? me yes
    • charge in advance not left on the charger till last hour like other people

Anchor items [i.e. items I seldom forget] include

  • pouch
  • backpack

— tip: install pegs by the door
— sugg: charger by the pegs
— sugg: set up a rack by the front door power point
— tip: pack up in advance in a clear bag .. esp. useful for multiple items
— tip: (multiple) post-it on the pouch, reading material etc

table lamps: batt+LED #heat,base

— Batt lamps:

  • G2 adv: low heat.. important for small room in SG
  • .. heat reduction is a major feature nowadays
  • G3 adv: power cable required only during charging. See charging tips below.
  • G5 adv: often smaller base, due to smaller head
  • adv: low energy footprint .. minimalistic lifestyle
  • adv: in the clamp lamp market, batt model is displacing bulb models. So I better “adapt to thrive”
  • dis: less bright.
  • dis: can’t replace bulb. I assume battery model is less durable than bulb model

— G3 charging recommendations:

  1. 24H max charge for battery health
  2. every 3M of disuse, charge 8 hours, perhaps in OFF mode. Protects battery life. I think 100% depletion hurts battery.
  3. better recharge long before battery completely depleted

##life hacks + underrated habits


See also DIY home repair —  many clever hacks I invented. often feature

  • inexpensive objects, /repurposed/
  • memory aids to help you remember or recognize
  • [u=underrated lifestyle adjustments, not necessarily hacks]
  • [New icon = innovative ]
  • [$ = high monetary value]
  • [i=scratching a big itch(such as an persistent annoyance), satisfying]

— now the list, half ranked by value and unfamiliarity

  • fake finger and fake coins in my pouch
  • before you throw away a post-it note, run it around a key of your keyboard, to collect some dirt.
  • [i] to add cushion inside backpack for laptop, I found a big bubble foam wrapping sheet
  • [iuNew icon] standardized abbreviations of people’s names
  • [u] periodically clean up contacts, imp docs
  • clean out lotion bottles (ideally with a lid) to keep phone out of sight from minor theft. Better put a name on it.
    • Usable in office, on vacation etc
  • [iu] English vocab blog to help me refresh
  • [uNew icon] toilet roll dispenser tends to become empty and left empty , causing real inconvenience to me the next user. I decided to put a huge roll high up in a corner, similar to first-aid box in any U.S. office.
  • — 66_wellness
  • slow jogging in my slippers
  • — 44_tech
  • I freeze wpress version(s) for some of my blogs. This way, when the auto-update blogs experience issues after upgrade, I have a live comparison.
  • [u] small bundle in c:\0 + bigger bundle in c:\0x to ease back-up
  • [i] a single bpost comparing a group of related tags and categories
  • —  22_vacation:
  • [$] do something unusual when locking your home gate before a long trip, to help you remember you have definitely locked it.
    • spit on it?
    • talk to it?
    • punch it?
    • take a picture
  • when heading home, dump soiled clothing into a plastic bag, then toss in some scented soap complimentary of the hotel.

5 rating schemes #smiley

Most of the rating schemes are well-established in specific industries

[w=quasi fixed-width]
[ww=fixed-width, great as bullet point]

— [ww] smiley 3-levels only .. 🙁 … 😐 … 🙂
more about experience/feedback rather than recommendation/endorsement
— [ww] 👎 👍 thumbs 2-level only
less granular than stars with half-star, but offers negative
— star-rating as in hotels .. Sometimes I prefer star rating with half-stars ★☆

— [ww x] small integer grade.. Sometimes I prefer a numeric rating from 1-5 or 1-10
This is the most flexible, most granular rating scheme
— [x] triple-A as in credit_rating .. Sometimes I prefer S&P + Fitch rating symbols —

  • AAA+ > AAA > AA+ > AA > A+ > A > A—
  • The +/- feature is more granular than half-star, but less granular than numeric rating.

— [w x] letter grade as in exams:

  • A+, A-, B+, B-
  • B is often above-average
  • C is often below-average, but in some contexts need to be presented as “decent effort”.
  • D and possibly E for more granularity
  • F for fail
  • The +/- feature is more granular than half-star, but less granular than numeric rating.

— color scheme
deep green
standard green
light yellow
standard yellow
light amber
standard amber
dark amber
light red
standard red
dark red

## my pencil annotations/symbols on textbooks #cloud

Cross (X) means – ignore, unimportant, already figured out
Tick means – done

/ or in the margin means — attention

— power couple:
Circle (or cloud) means — doubtful, unsure, unclear, ambiguous
? means — no clue , or confusing, more than merely doubtful
! means — unusual, counter-intuitive, need to internalize
square means –  research, ask
5-pointed star (as on kids’ homework) means – Excellent
▲ ( U+25B2 ) means — important
▼ ( U+25BC ) means — less important

$ means — high monetary value


[15]piano score – silent night + canon

— silent night:
— Canon in D – simple, short, with a matching audio

sports shoes + insole

I feel the major brands have very few health-enhancing features, perhaps one in 20Y, but they create fancy variations on those features every year to create marketing campaigns.

The flavor of the year will sell for a premium, not different from iPhones. 2 years later they would sell for half the price. Those who paid for the same thing 2 years ago are generally affluent, or image-conscious or naive consumers.

Salespeople like to talk about competitive runners, professional runners. I think those runners are like 1% of the buyers between 15 and 45. If we include all ages, then even lower percentage.

For running, I believe any sports shoes are better than walking shoes. Most important health-enhancing features are

  1. sole — thick, tough, often heavy
    • I asked a salesman about difference between runner vs trainer shoes — runners have even thicker cushion at heel
  2. heel cap to lock in the heel so it doesn’t move in and out or wobble.
  3. — minor features
  4. firm “bodywork” to hold the middle portion in place

— insole

I choose to trust salespeople. If they say their (simple) insole can help with running then i will consider it a plus.

Before buying, better bring my running shoes.

However, boy’s basketball shoes might be given to me soon.