3]1 printers #dependency@@


3-in-1 print/scan[1]/copy is what I need since 2017. My priorities:

  1. low-maintenance .. mostly about outages. Cartridge-replacement is LG2
  2. initial cost .. small amount actually
  3. total consumable cost over a unit’s lifespan (2Y typically)

maintenance ^ TCO trad-off …. For my “occasional printing”, inkjet likely wins on TCO while Laser has a slight edge in terms of maintenance.

Jolt: Once again, the mainstream priorities are unimportant to me, such as print finish, wireless print, even consumable cost

I don’t need any fancy features. I just need basic printing. All features come with headaches [reliability, set-up,,, ]

— feature: outage .. laser beats inkjet, but both types hit outages including scanning.
sleep mode is an outage when I need to access the LCD and power cycle the device ! However, if I can easily see the sleep mode, and easily wake it up, then not an outage.

Printer companies offer _onsite_ repair .. a testimony to the poor MeanTimeBetweenFailure in printers. There are more moving parts in the inkjet model, and more outages.
— feature: consumable replacement t-cost.. (including shopping, refill) laser beats inkjet. A light-duty laser toner can last 1000+ pages before replacement, but (Jolt) a heavy duty inkjet cartridge can last up to 800 pages if not drying up. Some Canon printers can configure for drying.. see below.
— feature: consumable cost… laser beats inkjet. This is LGlp, because I have a low “lifespan” expectation for both inkjet (1->1.5-2Y) and laser models (3-4Y) –> Jolt: As soon as it starts giving problem, I would want to terminate the pain and abandon it. So during the short lifespan, our consumable cost can’t escalate.

A laser toner costs about SGD 40 and can print 1000+

A 300-page Canon cartridge (original) costs SGD30. To reduce cartridge cost, you can get a $7 refill at a Simlim shop. Canon Singapore estimates that for 1080 prints [30 prints/M * 36M] ink consumable costs $100 … inferior to laser consumable. However, there are inkjet models with $0.0018/page. High-end inkjet can rival laser in consumable cost.
… Now I feel the simlim trip to refill is too t-costly. New cartridge can be bought near home.

— feature: initial cost… inkjet beats laser hands down. This cost difference /dwarfs/ the consumable cost difference
! The cheaper, the less baggage.. In 2019, I bought a USD 25 print-only model.

price range .. inkjet is much cheaper than laser in initial cost (also including consumable).
* Laser: [SGD200-300].
* inkjet: [SGD 69 – 100]

— feature: weight and size… inkjet beats Laser.
Lighter models can be moved easily and mounted on a higher shelf. Easier transport for repair
— feature: dry-up .. laser beats inkjet since there’s no worry about “dry-up if 3M no use”.
— [1] Need for scanning .. many people use camera but once a while we still need a “proper” scan of an important document like transcript, certificates.

— new advanges of inkjet over laser

  • energy .. inkjet printer uses (up to) 85% less energy
  • paper jam .. reduction, thanks to lower heat!
  • less bulky therefore easier to fit in.

water-proof? New inkjets are Completely safe, though my low-cost models may not
— $50 HP 2723e details
Android installer download takes a few minutes. The install requires 🙁 🙁 an HP account (Ldn 2011 with one metachar). This printer offers utterly unimportant features [wireless printing, instant ink] that require non-trivial set-up involving wifi capabilities that I don’t have or don’t know.

However, the $50 is a bargain price for the basic functionalities (I ignore those fancy features), so no complaints.

Wireless printing might be useful to wife. Need to confirm with her. Newer printers may have this feature too. Next buy can include this optional requirement.
— $69 Canon MG2570S (PG-745XL cartridge) details
PrintingPreference -> Maintenance -> Custom -> InkDryingWaitTime
~ Canon Pixma printer cartridge replace
🙂 no computer required, but stay powered
open the front cover. See youtube.
cartridge would automatically move to the middle for your access.

— Printer driver install
After driver installation, sooner or later, we need an initial connection between the hardware. A common juncture of failure.

If cable is loose or printer is off, then you can check using device-manager — unplugging/turning-off will remove an item immediately from device-manager; plugging/turning-on will add an item immediately to device-manager. Windows may also beep 🙂 These are good signs. If you don’t see any of these signs, then driver is broken or windows is broken.

Note Device manager is more low-level than Printers-n-scanners-page. It is able to show the new device earlier than PnSP can. Windows restart may be required before PnSP shows the new device.

Insufficient diskspace can mess up the installation in some strange way.

I prefer test-printing a single dot (notepad file).

==== 2-printer low cost set-up is one of the top 20 lifestyle improvements since 2020, but ..
Q1: will it be _needed_ in the long run? Probably for a few years
A: I choose to focus on the next few months

Q2: is it lifestyle creep?
A: depends on total cost [the dollar amount + the furniture support]. I think it’s worthwhile

Q3: is it unhealthy dependency?
A: also depends on “availability”. When I can’t have these printers, I will cope fine.

2-printer set-up proved to be surprisingly cost-effective and worthwhile, even though it entails lots of shelf space, wiring, power socket..

— j4: reflective writing.. 2-printer is useful for reflective writing.
When it’s available, I tend to print out, annotate, update online, then print out again.
Reflective writing is part of my wellness-driven life.
— j4: standing .. 2-printer also helps me stand more.

chest strap

Heart Rate Monitors and Accuracy: wristband versus chest strap – Machine Shed Fitness

— chip away in set-up .. tbudget 1h

read all the docs .. care instruction esp. on the sensor.

download and xx the APP

no need to finish before I go to Beijing.

— wrist band .. Garard said Garmin watch is slow to reflect the heart rate change
— chesk strap is probably far more accurate for me, and possibly cheaper. How do you see the heart rate?

My chest size is 84cm. Official M-XXL : 67~95cm (26~37 in)

The cache feature of H10 is irrelevant since I need to monitor in real time. Swimming is tough because you can’t carry mobile app in water. H10 can only transfer cached data After swim.

— care, replacement of consumables
Battery is the main consumable, and it only costs $6.  400h on H9, same as H10

Always separate the connector (sensor) from strap after use (to save battery).

Wash the stap. After repeated use, the strap tends to wear out.

24M x$44 iPhone14+ #Mar2023

— $44 x 24M contract signed 23 Mar 23

  • 100 + 300 minutes outgoing minutes
  • 15GB. Additional $10.80/GB
  • 100 SMS
  • CND free
  • plan name: “4G $55 2Y plan”, but NTUC gives 20% discount. Bill could show $41.1215 because 41.1215 * 1.08 / 80% = $55.5

Bill may also show a meaningless “36mth”.

— briefly tried a 12M SIM-only

  • $20/M after discount
  • 80G
  • unlimited talk

This plan works well with a third-party iPhone13.

Alternatively, bundled iPhone13Pro + $52 x 24M would cost about $2k

[19] realYoga $1070 package #creep@@

— $1070 package .. After I returned to SG in Sep 2019, I bought this package for my own wellness and commitment. Without paying this amount I would Not practice.

As of 2023, how effective is this “commitment” enforcement? Still present, though there are more and more options (often free) in the market.

$1070 buys me 1200 points. Each session costs 20 points. If only taking regular classes, and without penalties, then 60 sessions. I hoped to use up half the 60 sessions within a few months. The annual membership is $155 * 12 = $1860, too restrictive because I may become busy and can’t practice for a few months. In my mind, the Most likely scenario is

  • update: now I want to reduce my sessions. When I’m under stress and needs the conducive classroom environment and when pandemic is lessened, I will visit more.
  • the longer sessions cost 30 points each. I feel they are costlier but Not more beneficial than the regular sessions 🙁 Can use my final 30 points for it.

— some limitations, constraints

  1. if coming in late, there’s a 5-pt penalty or you may be locked out.
  2. Better book when no doubt. if class booked but you cancel within 2 hours before class start (can do online any time), then 5-pt penalty.
  3. .. Aha … I think this is a small cost I may need to accept once a while… not “don’t care”. The current level of (fear of) self-hate is /disproportionate/. I could allow myself to make trivial, infrequent mistakes… unwind
  4. .. see #extra$$ means.?.to theRich^Poor #minor mistakes

Q: is this luxury lifestyle creep?
A: Less so if lower frequency


$820+500+240 progressive lenses

See also eyeglasses

— family needs, during 12M .. Big risk: exceeding USD 1200 limit when I need it for something unexpected. So better spend big amounts close to Sep.

  • boy and girl would likely need new frames or lens
  • wife want sunglasses

— price range in ToaPayoh
Excluding frame .. $350 – $4xx but $250@pointOptical. 
~ Eyelab .. $180 = $140 progressive + $40 adaptive. Consider my own frame.
If you choose Transition lens, then $330 = progressive + adaptive
Frame is $50 – $70
~ $538 deal .. 2 pairs of house-brand progressive + adaptive + frame
Reminder: use two similar frames.
One would be the Transition model. The other could be the most basic model, just for my learning and comparison. But I don’t really need two units, according to my yellow goals.  Two units would derail my plan to make use of some old glasses (never used).

— 1st pair .. $820 Mar 2021. No adaptive
lesson -> higher price, better branding, and bigger focal area translate to quality to me. Quality is defined by customer needs.
— 2nd pair .. In the end, I bought another Zeiss progressive for $500. It’s comparable to  a $300 lens once we deduct the frame + light-adaptive costs. In terms of price, this is the mid-range among my 3 progressive lenses.
Bought partly for the ear hook.
— 3rd pair .. $240 = unbranded progressive and adaptive $140+40 + frame $60
I also bought $10 worth of ear hooks
— claim: annual claim limit = $1200+

shower heater

— single instant heaterS
🙂 spare resource

— storage heater (good for MLP office)
? energy efficient? need to heat up whole tank, and keep it warm
🙁 risk of running out of hot water, as in office. If you use a big-enough tank, then you are likely to waste leftovers.
🙁 5-20m waiting as in office. We often forget to turn it on in advance. The #1 biggest pain.
🙁 bulky and too many pipes
🙁 worse repair cost, due to more components, more complex hardware
initial cost no better than singles

Starhub jargon: contract, simOnly, CIS-NTUC

— contract .. means “penalty applies” and “locked in for the contract period”.

Disambiguation: Note some simOnly plans offer as 12M rebate. After the 12M, rebates stops. One example is the voiceUpsize. VoiceUpsize is often free for 12M. This feature is unrelated to “contract” because there’s no penalty.

— simOnly .. doesn’t mean no-contract.
simOnly means “no phone bundled”

— CIS .. corp individual scheme. What organizations can join CIS? Virtually any company can. I think it’s just a marketing scheme for Starhub go reach out to more consumers through their corporate email.

NTUC plans are a subset of CIS plans, often cheaper. I think NTUC has negotiated a special CIS program for union members.

CIS benefits [discounts..] are often minimal. Sometimes it’s $5 x 12M. Sometimes it is nothing compared to some simpler non-CIS plans.

I tend to get /fixated/ on CIS — insisting on evidence to confirm I am on CIS.  I think starhub user interfaces [service agreement, emails, bills, and esp. website ] often omit “CIS”. Therefore the effort to seek evidence is often futile .

sign-up process .. The CIS sign-up process is extremely complicated on self-service portal, and even buggy at times. So it’s best to do it in the a Starhub service center (PlazaSing or Nex, not Vivocity)

— Plan names .. all sound very similar, very lengthy, hard to identify or remember. So I try to call them “the 24 Jun plan” …

[24]$20 SIM-only #overkill4boy

See also Starhub jargon: contract, simOnly, CIS

–SMS usage

I sent only 25 SMS/M according to the Sep 2024 bill

— next call to starhub

  • DataShare pricing
  • exceeding 100 SMS 81120014

— on 2 Sep 2021 I changed to the NTUC Sim-only 12M plan till 1 Sep 2022. Early termination penalty, but free to upgrade to the regular NTUC plan with bundled phone any time.

  • unlimited voice for 12M
  • 50 or 60 GB data .. using 4G
  • 1000 SMS
  • CND 12M free due to NTUC
  • ^^^ base plan $25/M
  • $5 rebate due to NTUC
  • further $1.xx discount
  • roaming to be removed. Go to MyStarhub -> addon -> roaming -> unsubscribe

— On 17 Aug 2022 (by hotline) I /extended/ “my” SIM-only NTUC plan by 12M till 16 Aug 2023

  • unchanged: unlimited voice for 12M
  • 80 GB
  • unchanged: CND 12M free

— 10 Aug 2023 I went to Starhub shop to extend my SIM-only NTUC plan by 24 M, but it became 12M.

  • free CND for 24M, thanks to NTUC
  • $20/M, roughly same as before

— 17 July 2024 I sent to Starhub (for HomeHub). Put both 90013516 and 98524352 on MLP corporate plan

  • — 90013516 on one-year contract with CND
  • 200 GB
  • 1000 min outgoing
  • 500 SMS
  • $20/M
  • — 9852 4352 no-contract no CND
  • 120GB
  • 1000 SMS
  • 1000 min outgoing, only shown in starthub app
  • $20/M

SBH: door closer: unexpected success #durability untested

A bit of obsession with horizontal, stability (multiple screws),,, but hey it was an unexpected success , which deserves scrutiny.

— Up to three parameters to adjust. See https://laforceinc.com/blog/how-to-adjust-a-standard-door-closer-in-6-steps/

  • latching speed .. slow down to avoid slamming to door frame or …. fingers [THE original motivation]
  • backcheck .. avoid slamming to the surface behind. Can also reduce the number of magnets required to hold the door open
  • closing speed .. easy to control using hydraulic. I think all door closers has this feature

— j4: personal injury…. Non-negotiable.

After removing door closers, I noticed more than one door slams by boy and wife. Each slam could result in an injury (never mind door damage). Family members are so used to the protection by the door closer, that we now depend on it.

Fact: Most homes don’t have soft-closing doors. Some families put on bumpers to protect the hardware but not for injuries!

— very high tcost of shopp around (online/offline), install, adjustment .. $cost is minor in comparison

The high tcost felt like a winUp problem. Now I have invested hours to acquire the skill + confidence [drilling metal door frame]. Looking back I think it is worthwhile.

Initially, I thought my 10Y living with the oversized Dorma on my room2 door was powerful motivation to find a better solution for the new home. Therefore, I spent hours researching online/offline all during the final stretch of my runway! One of Singapore’s biggest door accessory shops told me in writing (whatsapp) “410mm minimum needed. Your gap is only up to 350mm so no door closer can fit”.  Well, I didn’t give up and I kept investing time, despite professional advice.

— choice: Dorma thin model

Sims Ave thin model is 40cm thick.. trustworthy.

— choice: one-arm hydraulic
Don’t choose cheapest model, as durability is the most likely derailer. Now that I have invested hours in learning, I am confident/comfortable about buying a higher quality, and reusing the holes (The four holes are worth many times more than the hardware.) or drilling new holes.

I could install a second unit if not enough protection, or if first one stops working.

— wear-n-tear .. Dorma lasted about 10Y, before one of the units had _some_ wear-n-tear. The door contractor instructed me to throw it out (I had no use of it), but in hind sight, I think it is still usable as a spare.

One-arm hydraulic may have a shorter lifespan… 2Y would be good enough.

Rough handling would definitely damage either the door closer or the door. This is part and parcel of every door operation. There’s powerful force in every door. Soft-closing solutions also need comparable powerful force. These forces can cause harm to users or the hardware [door, wall,,,]