PLN[powerline network] devices

I find PLN more reliable than wifi, nearly as reliable as ethernet. If that’s true, then for some homes PLN is a superior solution in terms of complexity, wiring,,,, See

Whenever I need uninterrupted connectivity for telecommute, I avoid home wifi (including mesh)… too unstable. If I can’t run a long cable across rooms, then PLN is my default choice.

— frequent power-down rest

I have learnt from experience that PLN devices need ventilation and periodic power-down. I think some models can become hot quite easily. My current pair of devices are identical 🙂 and therefore interchangeable.  One of them is easy to power-off, and gets more “rest”. So I devised a rotation plan, so each one periodically rotates to the light-duty position. Is this a burdensome or reccreational complexity? R

2smartphone lifestyle

The general problem — too many APPs in my primary phone. Many of them rarely used.
A specific problem — I need to maintain China mobanks for two persons, and I don’t want to “switch user” on (for example) icbc mobank.

The solution — host a number of APPs on a secondary smart phone

  • China mobanks for “special” user account that I don’t need on the go.
  • Alipay for wife
  • AXS
  • healthhub
  • simplyGo
  • mayb
  • ^^^ done
  • PNB digital?
  • Singapss? Technically disallowed
  • .. secondary phone too LOW
  • ChnM? would need it on primary phone while in China
  • starhub? too slow in secondary phone  … confirmed with 1633
  • Grab? No

google drive #



I feel good about the credibility/reliability, accessibility, convenient GUI,,,, partly driven by competition. We are riding the wave of advancing technology.

— task: move — To move one (or multiple) file.. click to select -> # filenames highlighted in blue -> right click -> context menu -> move
— task: rename .. easy on files and folders 🙂
— task: upload .. easy to upload a big folder 🙂
— task: attach a readme to a folder/file .. you can simply create a googleDoc. You can then click it to edit… saved automatically 🙂 I use the *.txt extension to indicate file type.

One of the easiest GUI for readme. Good alternative to tagging.

— versioned .. Files are usually versioned 🙂
S$280/10Y for 100GB
— disk hogs? settings -> storage used -> culprits -> # quota page shows the biggest files, but they only add up to a few MB. Most of my google drive usage is actually gmail!

— trash .. files in trash are retained for 30D
— public littering .. The MyDrive frontpage sometimes shows a “quick access” list of recent files, a complete distraction. Settings -> general -> remove “quickAccess”
— html files .. in your google drive can’t be displayed as html. File URL doesn’t show file name. When you download you will see the file name.

##[24]delightful tech hav`+ve impact@%%personal life


This bpost is another example of focusing on the positive experiences. Appreciation day.

[v=vague, not specific enough]

— xx and self-improvement in personal tech # this list is more specific 🙂

  • %% gmail archive management .. growing importance
  • wpress database capacity mgmt
  • fancy zone .. set up in cockpit4
  • finger_hook@smartphone .. found better design online.
  • learning the eavesdropping risks in free wifi
  • learning WPS as basic replacement for MSff

— %% tech hacks (kudos), comparable to DIY kudos

  • — half ranked by …
  • home wifi security .. MAC filter, rather than password
  • %% recoll system — notepad + wordpad, not MSWord
  • [v] use github to edit the same file from multiple places including office
  • [v] git-blogg on the go
  • carrying fake finger on flight
  • I bought 4+ cheap laptops, but total cost is below one expensive laptop!
  • VGA switch in office
  • header keywords

— delightful technologies having a +ve impact@my personal life… Be grateful for new technology.

  • voice to text in wechat+whatsapp
  • spreadsheet for assets.xlsx and other personal investment.
  • — half ranked by noteworthiness and t$value
  • free wifi in 快餐店 quietime-innovation since%%college
  • touch screen .. sometimes proves highly effective when touchpad is inconvenient
  • strawberry perl + git-bash as my c++ IDE for coding drill
  • low-cost laptops + printer + copier. In Jun 2024 I had a budget of $1k+ for wife’s new laptop but paid $399. Thanks to globalization, manufacturers have adopted low-cost produciton technologies.
  • [v] good use of 4 laptops and 2 cockpits
  • blog as searchable tech reference
  • [v] gmail draft .. git blogging
  • multiple big monitors in office
  • improving battery life in laptops

ransomware ^ dataLeak

k_X_remote_hacking ?

Q: for me, which risk is worse between LL) data leak but not banking passwords and RR) ransomware?
%%A: RR feels more severe even though rare so far. After some basic research, I have concluded that RR is so far a low-probability risk.

LL is more likely than RR.
* Gmail, yahoo mail… have full access to a lot of my data
* my employers have lots of my personal data
* when I give biodata to financial companies, clinics,,,, I accept the risk of Their data leak

Ransomware mostly targets enterprises. WannaCry ransomware — 230,000 computers infected across 150 countries.

My friend Edwin pointed out that for most regular home computers, if data becomes encrypted and inaccessible, owner can buy a replacement computer and accept the data loss.

If the ransom is small I would pay it and learn a lesson.

— ransomware protections, best practices
Immutable, password-protected offline backups are the best, though they increase LL risk.

I feel my online blog is “better” than local storage in many ways including ransomware protection. I’m usulaly careful about sensitive data, so the blogging LL risk is well-understood.

How ransomware infects your devices is identical to other malware. Mostly you are tricked into installing an innocent-looking software.

netflix access control

Netflix emailed me many NetflixHelpCenter articles.

— 6-digit service code .. If you don’t know your email address used to register the account, then you may use the service code.
— password.. Hotline told me I can change password any time. There is only one password and one email address for the entire family. When I change password, I have the option to sign-out all devices.

IFF a device is not signed in, then I need to sign in for that device. This sign-in process uses THE email address + THE password

— profiles

The first profile listed is the main profile. All other profiles are regular profiles.

Each profile can have a profile lock. I don’t like such extra complexity, so I removed profile lock on the main profile.


A95: issues #all-green


— current issues are all minor. Re the all-green blogpost, we don’t need to aim at all-green on this laptop.

  • calculator .. disappear after 1 sec. I have many alternatives like excel, simple applications
  • Brother printer driver ..
  • slow-start .. as boy complained.. tolerable for more than a year now.

See bpost on “all-green is unhealthy idealism”.

— J4 S$ 950, the highest price paid since the Prestigio linux laptop. My budget was SGD700

  1. big touch screen (1920×1080) for wfh
  2. brand new
    • 1Y warranty. No super-short runway to get all issues fixed
    • new battery
  3. — minor advantages, not really J4
  4. boy is able to use this laptop…
  5. fingerprint for frequent login .. highly appreciated at home where auto-lock is required. However, after 2 years I don’t rely on it so much. Wet fingers are too frequent.
  6. speaker louder
  7. lit-up keyboard — useful in dark settings
  8. volume buttons .. dedicated, easily accessible
  9. I could remote into office PC for blogging — combine faster network + touch screen + 15.6″ screen.
  10. old charger (barely) usable
  11. light weight

i have reason to feel lucky to get this acer$950. I wanted a big-screen touch-screen that works with my external monitors. I get what I want at a reasonable price. The 14″ version would cost me $700-$900.

However, beware of attachment and poisonous expectations. The new device may present various “issues”. If it meets my main goal, then let’s accept it with all the imperfections.

— Q: (introspective) among all the expectations/surprises, limitations,, what are the top 3 factors to my /satisfaction/?

  1. tcost including the problem investigation, phone support. If this laptop falls below my basic expectation, then all the tcost (and mental energy spent) goes down the drain
    • some examples are windowsUpdate, sleep, screen-saver …
    • in contrast, $cost is a much smaller factor as SGD 1k is a small amount
  2. big touch screen usability for remote working — including hdmi-vga converter. See T1.
  3. screen protector
  4. phone support, available only to new devices.

— other details: bought after circuit breaker on 2 Jun 2020, from Dean of 6252 6471

SNID 8340 134 2266

name: Acer950, *Acer95 Acer156

##passwd: site traits #bank++


See also

  • ##passwd: special sites

This is a loose guide on how to characterize various sites.. No perfectionist please.  “Enum” style classification is time-consuming, unnecessary, impermanent,,,.

“Site” := any authentication system, including smartphone.

xp [,,,]: If you have already come up with a unique password for a site and use it long enough to build an “association”, then you can stick to that forever. However, there’s a risk of leak.

Considering the site_trait list, here are the most vulnerable sites, half ranked by AUM

  1. maybank khm .. has kill counter
  2. PNB.. has kill counter, and is set up on single device only. No 12H cooling off.
  3. BofA .. has kill counter + 2FA / 3FA [emailOTP, 6-digit ATM PIN]
  4. citi.NA .. has kill counter

— site_trait::restriction 🙂 2FA .. less dangerous (but still dangerous) to have a stock/shared password.
* Most banking sites use 2FA-on-logon.
* Many banking sites use 2FA-on-unrecognized-device .. Citi.NA, Robinhood,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 kill counter .. a G2 crucial server-side protection. Financial sites are /trigger-happy/ and vigilant — would lock you out after a few failures. If a financial site lacks this feature, then it is inadequate, a sitting duck.

Smartphone has it.
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 12H cooling off after adding payee, account contact changes, transfer limit increase,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 daily quota .. ATM card
— site_trait 🙂 passwd Dram-refresh  #Can help us remember other sites’ passwords 🙂
LAN passwd; Singpass; Poems;;;
— site_trait 🙂 easy passwd reset, with local /in-person/ support
eg: banks with local branches
.. in contrast, Many overseas webank/mobank are hard to reset 👎, like PNB, Maybank.khm.  See ##special sites’ pw/userid
eg: UChicago is better .. had received huge school fees from me, and has a decent IT department to service alumni network.

— site_trait: some require complex 👎 passwords, but luckily inaccessible from open internet[3] 🙂
tip: Use explicit hints
tip: Save more explicit hints in blog and recoll
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 [3] inaccessible from open internet
eg: ATM
eg: … eng xxxxxxxx !1
eg: mlphone
eg: mlp RSA pin
eg: personal or company computers
===== security traits /beyond/ password authentication
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 money lock
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 transfer to 3rdParty unsupported .. Poems (better double-confirm)
— site_trait 🙂 kill switch by self-service or 24h hotline
— site_trait: essential .. I tend to feel a large number (like 30) of sites are essential, but I had better pick no more than 10 as really critical, and think carefully about them.
* github: access; tampering
* overseas banks: access
* Rbh .. access;