##touchpad features: momentum, edgeMotion

— I feel 2-finger scroll is easier than right-zone one-finger stroll… no need to locate the right zone.

I suspect the right-zone scroll has triggered accidentally, esp. for remote working.

— pointing/dragging  or scrolling (two-finger or one-finger) -> edgeMotion ..  When your finger(s) hit EdgeOfTouchpad, the momentum continues slowly but indefinitely

  • Useful in dragging esp. I guess it’s better to restrict edgeMotion to drag only.
  • Useful in large screen or slower pointer speed
  • However, when my palm touches the edge, I often see the pointer move continuously 🙁 Sometimes the page also scrolls.

— scrolling (two-finger or one-finger) -> coasting.. After you lift your fingers the scrolling comes to a gradual stop just like a ball. You can stop it immediately with a tap (prefer one-finger)
— pointing -> momentum.. After you lift your finger, the pointer continues moving for a while. You can stop it immediately with a tap. This feels like rolling a ball.
I disabled it becasue it inteferes with slow, precise motion.

I think it is OK in fast motions.

— vertical scrolling with one-finger on the right zone -> ChiralScrolling .. when your finger hits the bottom of touchpad, you can circle clockwise to continue the down-scroll, more natural than The traditional approach — use the same finger to swipe down again in the right zone.

  • interferes with horizontal scrolling
  • requires some practice. I think each circle must swipe through the right zone.

touchpad scroll: reversing

Background: touchpad scroll users fall into two groups

  • some people use their 2-fingertip in DSM (drag the scrollbar mode)
  • .. right-zone one-finger scroll is always DSM
  • .. This is the default on HP71 (reversible)  and  A95 (reversible)
  • some people use their 2-fingertip in DPM (drag the page mode)
  • .. pioneered by Adobe hand tool
  • .. This is the default on L36 (reversable) and A299(irrevrsible but gesture unused),

Note touchSCREEN swipe remains DPM, unaffected by touchPAD settings.

Can you switch seamlessly and be simultaneously comfortable in both? At present, I use multiple laptops everyday, and I often prefer all my laptops to be consistent. Unfortunately, some laptops lack the config to reverse default scroll direction 🙁

— Some people use one-finger scroll on the right zone of touchpad. That scroll is always DSM (“drag-scrollbar”). If you are one of these users, then you would not accept DPM (“drag-page”) during two-finger scroll. Suggestions:

  • disable two-finger scroll
  • configure two-finger scroll to DSM (drag-scrollbar)

— AutoHotKey .. https://appuals.com/how-to-reverse-the-scrolling-direction-in-windows-10/ describes a freeware autoHotKey that proved partially effective in HP71.

To restore the system default, you need to kill the demon process (Ctrl-Sh-Esc then locate AutoHotKey).

Partially effective in Chrome, but at Notepad++ continues to scroll as per default.

touchpad over mouse buttons

The iview touchpad is this strange type

Problem — the common “hold left button while dragging” was affected, though the touch screen may replace it partially.

Problem — sometimes the left button click becomes disabled…. presumably because it is similar to a touchpad touch… such unreliable hardware design.

touchpad: unwanted touches/guestures

Problem 2: random unintended touches. I don’t have a good solution. I can temporarily disable touchpad completely and use touch-screen to enable it. But copy-paste is affected. Touchpad blocker is essential. Without it, the runaway touchpad is an absolutely fatal design flaw. Here are some touchpad restrainers I have tried

  • I believe Synaptics and ELAN have some barely acceptable solutions.
  • I tried TouchpadBlocker. One strange issue is, the shortcut key somehow got fixed to a regular key like “C”, so the “C” key becomes completely disabled!? More seriously it became ineffective after a while.
    • good thing — can configure the delay, and can hear beep for each tap blocked … so I can verify the basic functionality
    • WinKey is not considered a keyboard event ?!
  • touchpadPal seemed to work for a while, but became ineffective and unreliable
  • touchFreeze? Worked for a while, then became ineffective.

Problem 1: Windows 10 and many laptop makers (like Lenovo) introduced touchpad “smart gestures” probably for power users who don’t prefer an external mouse. But too smart for me. These gestures get triggered at wrong times and /trip/ me all the time. I didn’t recognize they were caused accidental touches on the touchpad. I see many mysterious screen actions like

* random zooming
* random task switching
* random mouse pointer slow-down

I had a similar problem with my tablet/smart phone’s touch screen gestures, such as unwanted zooming and screen captures.

I find it best to disable them (almost) completely until I decide to try each gesture.
see http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-turn-on-or-off-touchpad-gestures-in-windows-10/