*.bak is an industry convention. It is more common than *.bck or *.bk
*.bk is used only when 3-char extension is unacceptable.
*.bak is an industry convention. It is more common than *.bck or *.bk
*.bk is used only when 3-char extension is unacceptable.
Across applications, I generally prefer portable versions for one Main_reason. They are easier to install in restricted environments , so the substantial t-investment in learning/exploration generates higher ROTI. Other benefits include
— file naming .. If the installer creates folder/file names including “USB” or “Portable”, then leave them as is. Now let’s assume that’s not the case.
The install dir will be under ProgramPortable (rather than ProgramUSB), so it’s optional to suffix “USB” to the dir.
The executable name had better end in “USB”. Lastly, Good to rename the visible launcher [shortcuts in StartMenu] with “xxx.USB”, to remind myself that a portable install has been working for a long time.
— chrome .. I would not try the portable for now, since I worry about synching. Main_reason doesn’t apply.
— treeSizeFree ……. has an official zip installer. No installation required 🙂
can’t install a ShellEx but it’s not really necessary 🙂
— Git …….. has a portable install for windows, but it won’t enhance context menu. No _automatic_ entry in start menu.
— notepad++ …. official download site has portable
— wordweb installer has an option to install on USB (satisfies the Main_reason), but the application GUI subsequently shows a dimmed checkbox to start with windows. I can manually start it. Maybe I can even add it to the start-up folder.
(Much) Better than having nothing, given a restricted environment like office.
— beyondCompare ….. portable is officially supported but won’t enhance ShellEx !
— For Opera … the regular download can create a portable installation. It has comparable features as regular Opera, but it can’t use the preserved bookmarks 🙁
If free space is insufficient, the aborted installation can leave behind a litter of 200MB. If you don’t clean it up manually, then in the future you won’t recognize it as litter.
wells_planA is better than wells-planA
— Reason: click-to-select would select both parts as one word
works on all devices.
— reason: the underscore is a more visible delimiter of the two parts, and better resembles the space.
— reason: in short title for a file or blogpost, I often use q( + ) or q( = ). The dash becomes confusing.
— color text @dark background
— transparency .. useful even on large screens
— intuitive copy-paste is more important than I thought. See paste: vi,git-bash
— blinking cursor .. block cursor is nicer on my eyes than a thin bar, and a more visual indicator of the window of focus.
— Chinese showing as garbage
1. Sugg: top-left -> right-click -> options -> text
2. restart git-bash