[24]gmail disk hogs #ForumTab=tempImp

k_ctbz,,,, k_disk_hog

Accidentally and intentionally, Gmail is becoming an important archive of my life

  • accidental .. so much important info buried in my gmail
  • intentonal .. I avoid instant messaging for important communication

Based on educated guess (without enough evidence) I perceive two main categories of gmail disk hogs — AAttachment and RRepeated system-generated mails. See also AAA defind below.

Q: what if I don’t have time to (find and) delete thousands of worthless old emails?
%%A: I think they will stay in gmail account indefinitely. Not a big headache if footprint small. I think this is a benefit/tcost decision.

For AA (including AAA), I now use a combination of larger:1M and before:xxxx. Removing these AA items could free up at most 1GB. So how about RR?

I first go to the builtin PromotionTab, SocialTab, and ForumTab. These tabs tend to have usuallly worthless mails. These are often RR mails but not always. Once I wipe out those tabs, I look for any sender with high RR rate. I put such a sender into  theSearchBox and count the hits. If hundreds of hits, then we have a big red sender. I can then delete all the hits or move them to ForumTab. The UpdatesTab unfortunately has a huge mix of important/unimportant items, so I propose to designate ForumTab as Temp_Important.

best_practice ==> I have realized it is so important to be proactive about unsubscribing-ASAP esp. in UpdatesTab. In office mail box, I can ask tech support to help, but with Gmail, I must declutter by myself!

Extra 100GB storage costs SGD 28/Y, or SGD 300 for 10Y… affordable.

— (I often feel unsure about …) in gmail, all 5 tabs are part of a huge “inbox”. So “skip inbox” will make the new message go straight to archive, and disappear from all 5 tabs … not good, because I want to keep those messages in those tabs.

— identify individual disk hogs (usually AA items) .. gmail -> search -> specify size, but leave other settings unchanged.

You should see “larger:5M” as the only searchString_in_the_searchBox. You can also specify within 1Y of “today” and you will see “before:yyyymmdd after:yyyymmdd”. You can then remove the “after….”

best_practice ==> incoming large emails .. send straight to trash (30D expiry) rather than archive. Once achived, they tend to disappear into the dune (of emails)

Sugg: I have a tried-n-tested gmail tag for “attachments”. Drill into the tag -> its earliest segment -> delete (all AA) items selectively one by one. AAA [i.e. Ancient mails with attachments] tend to be worth-less. 

— Common practice: Using gmail as permanent archive for specific “data assets”
* is unsuitable for heavy items such as AAA. Alternatives? gDrive [categorization, easier eviction]
* is convenient for small items. Gmail offers history and context. Less than 0.1% of regular gmail items deserve permanent archiving.

— specific case: pff RR emails [banks, brokers,,,] .. Some are AA items.
I usually _need_ to keep recent 1Y-3Y history.

Sugg: set up Gmail filter to label them, and move them to ForumTab. Have a habit to monitor them.

— specific case: wpress RR mails .. I now apply a label. This way, I can see an unread_count (and total_count) on that label. Most of these mails are worth keeping for 1Y, and safe to delete even for those generated yesterday.

— risk of deleting “good” mails.. Any search-n-mass-delete operation is inevitably imprecise. It is prone to false-positive error i.e. deleting a “good” email that appears worthless based on search criteria.

We have to accept the “risk” in the risk-reward equation. We have to recognize the “tcost” in the cost-benefit equation — more effort/legwork could reduce those inevitable false-positives but is it worth the tcost?

best_practice ==> Here’s one way (as of 2023) to assess the false-positive rate — I go into trash folder, and randomly checks a given page. Suppose there are 55,000+ mails in trash, there will be about 550 pages. If I randomly visits /p77, I will get to see the 100 mails on that page. (It’s useful to display them on a long monitor in portrait orientation.) If I don’t see any false-positive on 5 pages, then I feel reassured.

gmail | insertImage !! embed

The problem: drag-n-drop an image into a gmail draft will embed the image.

The solution (for a computer only):

  1. (do not drag-n-drop. No known way to convert the inline image into attachment.)
  2. In the draft editor, find the bottom row of icons like send, attach, insertSignature,,,
  3. find the icon for insertImage
  4. click to get a pop-up
  5. look at the bottom right .. Inline vs asAttachment. Choose the latter, before adding a photo


gCal #undelete

— event color defaults to the “host calendar”. Each host calendar has a default color. For example, if you don’t like red you can have a green default. LeftMenu > MyCalendars > pick a calendar > hover on its right until 3 dots show up > click

— recurring yet mutable events (like my PIN practice)
Don’t update ALL occurrences because Past events preserve past PINs that are crucial for recovery.  However, the ALL option is such a big dangerous button! How can I neutralize this hazard?

  • tip: every time you edit such an event, disable the recurrence first, then update.
  • tip: create a new short series with a new title each time
  • tip: prefer editing the start of a series. This edit should NOT show the hazardous ALL option.

— undelete an event

Contrary to the standard instructions, had to look at top right -> locate the “gear” icon -> click and find Trash -> click to see the list of deleted items.

— add event to custom calendar

Assumption: you have created one (or more) custom calendar named myCal.

  1. click into the target date, to get a pop-up for new event creation
  2. find your name, which represents the default calendar. This rectangular area is actually a clickable dropdown !
  3. The dropdown will show the default calendar, myCal and other custom calendars

## MSEdge annoyances

If any annoyance gets you, then it’s not worthwhile … just avoid MSEdge completely.

— imperfection: On HP71 and A95 I can’t sign in to sync personal settings, even after updating to latest MSEdge. The sign-in page always disappears without any error msg ! I spent 30m and gave up.

If you don’t need synching, than maybe you can live with this imperfection.

— imperfection: default new tab shows lots of rubbish news
— imperfection: too much microsoft product promotion.
— imperfection: hard to uninstall permanently
— imperfection: tight integration with OS.. Microsoft has heavily integrated Edge into the inner workings of the operating system and uninstalling it could cause significant system instability.

WinUp .. Some Windows updates have seen issues with installations failing on machines that have removed Microsoft Edge.


installing multiple browsers

j4 using multiple browser brands .. if you are comfortable with a single browser brand (say, Chrome) rather than multiple browser brands, then the impact of Chrome issue is more scary, more stressful, requires more painful adjustments.

— J4 multiple installations

  1. j4: sometimes chrome (or another brand) keeps crashing.. see below
  2. j4: sometimes a brand uses too much memory
  3. j4: Edge (or another brand) may have less community tech support, and I may have to live with a pain
  4. j4: when I try a new brand, I have often discovered unfamiliar features, which may be available on all brands but unknown to me
  5. j4: sometimes firefox (or another brand) has problem printing a page
  6. j4: multiple installations could let me separate frequent sites like “blogging -> opera; MLP -> Firefox; audio/rbh -> Edge; “
  7. j4: during stock picking due diligence, I often need separate windows for rbh, blog, research sites. Multiple brands can help a bit

— [2015] browser crashing .. and I must consider another machine !

I need a “basic usable” browser.

Firefox? Need to completely remove
Action: researching

Chrome? Need to completely remove
Action: researching

Also can search on the error message I get but time consuming. I feel chrome issues get more forum discussions. Try chromecrashes.com


##browser tips: hot key++ #alt-leftArrow

  • All 3 offer reopen-last-closed-tab
  • close current tab — ctrl-w
  • ctrl-shift-click on a link to open in new active tab
  • .. Gc/Op tested
  • — Op = opera
  • back to last page — ctrl-leftArrow
  • ctrl-shift-b (F1 for me) to open the very useful bookmarks page .. to move bookmarks among speed-dial, other-bookmarks..
  • to remove unwanted speed-dials: go to bookmarks -> speedDial -> find an “x” button (i.e. delete) on each item.
  • ctrl-click on a link to open in new inactive tab. Better than context menu!
  • — Ff = firefox:
  • in-page find: WholeWord
  • — Gc = Google chrome
  • alt-leftArrow to go back
  • ctrl-tab to switch tabs
  • too many icons to the right of address box? Each is a chromeExtension. To clear them, click on jigsaw-puzzle icon beside them