##MSExcel hotkeys #jumpBack

  • Ctrl/minus does deleteCurrentSelection. Selection can be entire row
  • Ctrl/Shift/plus inserts …
  • .. it can insert a blank row above your current position, iFF the implicit “copy/past board” is empty
  • ctrl/leftBracket … to highlight the range referenced by current formula cell. Supposing E1 is a formula cell, and you need to highlight all cells which was referenced by E1. Please select the formula cell E1, then press Ctrl/[ (the open-square-bracket) keys simultaneously.
  • .. F5 then Enter .. to jump back to E1.

My most frequent operation is insert_Copied_Row.

  1. Ctrl-C to copy a row
  2. optionally move to a place
  3. ctrl-shift-plus to insert Above it
  4. Before inserting again, you need to copy again.

win10 PIN: advtg’s over passwd


alphanumeric? Yes I was able to use the same string as my password.

— benefits?

  1. Main benefit is password recovery, esp. at home. For that, I prefer short pins
  2. Another benefit is higher security as the PIN is local to the device therefore not transmitted to remote system.
  3. can be useful as practice tool to help remember other passwords if I change it once a while to a abc123.com password and

— Microsoft account and local account can both use PIN, but you can only add the PIN  using the GUI outside control panel.

minimize-to-tray: enhance focus@work

Why bother — during some busy projects, I end up with too many programs piling up on the task bar. Instinctively I want to close unneeded programs and leave only the active programs on task bar. The number of programs on task bar becomes a to-do list for me. Therefore, I want to “hide” the permanent fixtures like Outlook, Chrome, Firefox etc.

Preference — I prefer the built-in support of the app itself (designed in by the original creator). I don’t prefer an external program like RBTray. External programs have limited, best-effort compatibility.

Preference — I like hot keys

RBTray is a decent external program. It supports “WinKey-Alt-Down” hotkey

  • Shift-Right-Clicking on its title bar
  • Right-Clicking its minimize button
  • Using the Windows-Alt-Down hotkey

win10 hot keys for my folders #+files

Q: is this topic vs winUp, which deservs more tcost?
A: I could live without the hot keys, so let’s reduct out t-investment.

— My goals:

  1. hot key with meaningful, memorable key combination .. 0.txt, tmp.txt
  2. desktop folder of shortcuts to my hot folders/files .. most visible but could clutter
  3. startMenu shortcuts to my hot folders/files

Most important file types are .. 1) *.txt 2) *.xls

— method 1 (non-admins): I created a desktop folder ‘1sys’ to avoid ‘sys’. Now I can use keyboard to hit WinKey -> 1sys. Physical file/folder on desktop is good but a shortcut named 1sys failed to work 🙁

q[ `dtopHot ] worked fine.

🙂 This technique lets me create memorable hot keys for many different files and folders.

  1. — to set up
  2. I move the file link like tmp.txt.lnk (or the physical file spreadsheet.xls) to a 1sys on the desktop
  3. — to use
  4. hit winKey
  5. start typing the file name
  6. pray that your file will show up

— method 2 (non-admins): hot key

Find the folder on desktop or C: or a remote folder, right click -> pray to get a “pinToStart” (above SendTo) that can create a clickable shortcut in start-menu but the only workable keyboard accelerator involves several keystrokes: Winkey->downArrow->downArrow

( The pinToQuickAccess is for a different purpose – quickAcess is a list of folders showing on top in MSWE. )

minor question: can I make winKey-E start from a custom directory?

— method 3 (admin users): create a prominent item in start menu

create a folder like C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\myHotKeys. In it, create regular windows shortcut to your favorite file. Name the shortcut something like 0.txt. This method is tested on HP71 and A95

Then press winKey -> type 0 -> the shortcut would show up -> right click -> pinToStart to create a clickable shortcut in start-menu

Result: from now on, when I press winKey, I can see abc.txt showing up as a favorite file

  1. — to set up
  2. I created one or more regular desktop shortcut to say tmp.txt
  3. Then I created a subdir like “txt” in exactly C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
  4. then I move those shortcut files over
  5. — To use:
  6. (1 keystroke) hit windows key or click start button. In some systems, you would immediately see 0.txt 🙂
  7. now type first few chars of the shortcut filename
    1. (1 keystroke) “0” key. Some Systems automatically suggest 0.txt
    2. (3 keystrokes) “tmp”, to get “tmp.txt”
  8. (1 keystroke) Enter key to open the file in notepad++

Q: how to make the search more precise, by making the item names more unique?

Q: To rename the folder from myHotKeys to 0HotLinks?

  • duplicate the folder
  • rename the clone folder
  • go back to original folder and rename the files therein and test. The files in the new folder should work. If you type the first chars of the file name -> file shows up -> Click the OpenFileLocation -> reveals the renamed folder.  Note the file is a *.lnk file.
  • remove original folder.
  • After a while (up to minutes), the 0Hotlinks folder would  show up in the start menu, above the names starting A, B etc, hopefully above all others. In that case, you can use keyboard navigation

====Other shortcuts using more than keyboard

  • MSWE QuickAccess
  • desktop folder of shortcuts

## win10 screen timeout+sleep: undocumented controls


Problem: There are too many “timers” poised to kick in and lock (or turn off ) the screen. This is typical of Microsoft Windows administration interface 🙁

Consequence 1: my kids tend to get into my computers without password
Consequence 2: remote connection to office .. gets disrupted

There is also the very tricky issue of spurious wake-up that depletes my Acer299 battery

Strategy: I want to wipe out all of them to Never or 9999 minutes.  I want to disable “sleep” and other controls. Instead, I prefer to rely on two (or three) well-known controls —

  1. power plan — display-off-after. With AC power, I choose 2 hours to avoid interference. When on battery, I choose 1 minute
  2. screen saver — unlike the other controls, you KNOW IT when it kicks in.

screenSaver and lockScreen are independent features. SS uses animation; LS is always static. LS helps battery-saving.

Experiment — I chose screen-off after 1 min and 10 min for screen-saver. Then after 1 minute screen went off (but no pw required if awaken), and after 10 minutes lock screen pops up.

========= logon upon wake-up:

Disable / Enable Password Login After Waking Windows 10 from Sleep

========== console lock display timeout is an undocumented control in regedit

See https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/screen-shuts-down-goas-to-screensaver-too-fast/6ff024fb-382e-4a17-ad75-2c0e2db6f5d3

All the “standard GUI” settings all failed to work.

========== Unattended sleep timeout is a hidden control.

See https://windowsreport.com/windows-10-sleep-too-fast/#7

setting this to 9999 on 9 Oct 2019 on the hp$499

contig to create landGrab in git-bash/DOS


This quick command is useful on computers shared with kids, as they could accidentally delete my land grab files.

— Note if free disk space is 10.2 GB, then the 10GB command below may fail with “File Exists”
This warning msg is harmless — “Error getting volume bitmap: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED”
— the command
./contig64.exe -v -n /c/0x/landGrab/contig_100mb.1.dat 104857600
./contig64.exe -v -n /c/0x/landGrab/contig1_GB.1.dat 1073741824   # 1GB in bytes
./contig64.exe -v -n /c/0x/landGrab/contig10_GB.1.dat 10737418240   # 10GB in bytes
./contig64.exe -v -n /c/0x/landGrab/contig100_GB.9.dat 107374182400 # 100GB in bytes

Copying a ten-GB file takes quite a few seconds, so it’s advisable to create new.

— download:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/contig is the official microsoft download site

make c:\0 private to my win10account

The problem: When I share a Win10 computer with my son, I need to prevent accidental deletions of my files.

— Idea (unsuitable): The folder security/permission system is over-complicated and poorly documented.
— Idea: right-click -> properties -> hidden -> only the folder (excluding subfolders)
I can verify that in my son’s mswe, this folder is effectively hidden 🙂
— idea (surprise 🙂 msfe->GiveAccessTo->RemoveAccess
GiveAccessTo is designed for NETWORK sharing, but with this set-up I was able to limit access by my son’s account 🙂

Tested 5 times on c:\0, c:\0x, c:\0dummy folders.
— idea: EFS i.e. windows Encr Filesystem
Encrypted files can still be deleted, according to some site, but I’m not convinced.

How to remove encryption? FileOnwership -> Personal?

When you encrypt a file or folder with EFS, a new entry, ‘File ownership’, appears in the context menu of the file or folder to make it easier to decrypt.