winUp: landGrab #cpuHog #MSff



I believe all of my win10 laptops suffer from unwanted windows udpate.

I was told that winUp could deactivate MSOffice. You might hit (and get stuck in) “not activated” indefinitely.

WinUp can mess up hardware drivers. The previous touchpad settings are reset or cleared when the Synaptics Touchpad legacy driver is updated. This occurs after the Synaptics driver is downloaded and installed through Windows Updates.

In my $399 Lenovo laptop, this WindowsUpdate “service” seems to be taking lots of CPU. I managed to disable this service and it seemed to help.

  • sugg: Now I set the “service” as disabled. I also use a “nobody” local account for service log-on. After a restart it is still disabled as of now on Lenovo, but on some computers like Acer156, it self-activated again.
  • sugg (to turn diskspace crunch into an advantage): put in big landgrab files so there’s no space for the downloads?
    • See also disk-hogs to delete #win10 land-grab
    • if I leave too little free space (like 50MB), then I am frequently /interrupted/ and urged to free up storage.
    • if I leave too much free space (like 1000MB) then winUp could kick in.
    • ^^ so I now operate in a band of 200~600MB

— millions of suggestions online
So far, landgrab is the only solution I feel “somewhat” reliable, but it requires a few tools (contig, treeSizeFree).

There are many online tutorials, but so far, they don’t work in my case. I’m tired of trying “one more suggestion”.


win10 license expiry

tbudget? 3H perhaps in office. Note 20H is more tcost than a fresh reinstall.

— This is another winUp problem
Life is never perfect, esp. with these new technologies and devices. Spending excessive amount (often poorly defined) of hours on this (or the original winup) problem is worse than accepting nagging popup reminders.

🙂 luckily I spent only $299+$30 on the glue, rather than $1299. An expensive computer will also have similar software problems.


  • Before any change, need to back up all installers in some tarball.
  • git push

==== google search
windows 10 license expire soon “already activated” .. published in 2018. offers 6 options. Tried most of them. .. updated Oct 2020. I followed it. Managed to retrieve and remove existing key.

— .. an expert advice but too complicated

===== sugg: try living with unlicensed. If unbearable, then ask shop to reactivate for me. If unable then pay $30 and hope for another year without issue? Better go back to the same shop to get original Acer drivers installed on the original OS version.


–ShowKeyPlus – Windows Product Key Information
Product Name: Windows 10 Pro
Product ID: 00331-10000-00001-AA463
Version: 18363.1198 (64-bit OS)
Installed Key: W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX *
OEM Key: Windows 7 OEM marker present in firmware
* Default key – requires a Digital License for activation

vertical taskbar too thick #proven solution

On 18 Mar 2017, I tried the 7+TaskbarTweak no_width_limit option  in my Win7. Worked even after reboot.

Important to small screens.

— (tested on 30 Nov 2020) Use small taskbar buttons to further reduce the width
search “taskbar settings” -> UseSmallTaskbarButtons

— Installation error: On 30 Nov 2020, I hit a problem re-installing 7tt on my win10 A299. Installer was unable to write to a ProgramFilesX86\….

Not a disk space problem. Also the account was the default admin account.

Solution: I created c:\programPortable and installed into a subfolder.

show day@month ] win10 taskbar

— option: rely on paper calendar, wrist watch etc. Or hover over the system tray clock
I think this requires a bit of adjustment.
— option: rely on wrist watch.. the most important bit of data is the day_of_month
— option: install some applet to always stay on top
— option: taskbarSettings -> smallTaskbarButtons -> off. This puts the date back in the system tray forever:) but the taskbar becomes wider.

The goal is a narrow vertical taskbar (like 7taskbarTweaker) with small button, yet showing the day_of_month and month

On 7 Aug 2021, I followed and able to show a custom short date of 7/8 (i.e. d/M, using “intl.cpl”). As a side effect, many GUIs now show the short date without year 🙁

win10 remove unwanted language

Somehow I got “English (Singapore)” as the default app language.

I also have English (US) as default input language, so I want to use it as both default-input and default-app. So how do I remove English(Singapore)?

  1. in the PreferredLanguages list, click on the desired language to see the new buttons showing up underneath
  2. click the up arrow until the English(Singaproe) is forced off the top to become 2nd. Only then can it be removed.
  3. click on English(Singapore) to see the “remove” button showing up. Use the button to remove English(Singapore)

window snapping by hotKey

Most of my preferred solutions use keyboard only

— to move a window between monitors .. winKey + Shift + left/right arrows .. rotates.

For two-monitor, left vs right keys are equivalent.

  • if the focus window is undocked (more common) , the window is “transported” to the same position on the next monitor
  • if the focus window is docked, the window is also transported to the same docked position.
  • if the focus window is maximized, it is transported maximized

— winKey+up/down arrow .. depends on the context !

Warning: once a focus window loses focus (when you release winKey), you can’t snap it with keyboard !

  • if the focus window is not docked, then
    • win+up = maximize
    • win+up = minimize i.e. hide.
  • If the focus window is docked to half (or quarter) of the monitor, then win+up/down can
    • can snap to a bigger/smaller portion including maximize
    • can restore it to undocked
    • can minimize it

— winKey+left/right arrow.. depends on the context

  • if the focus window is docked to a 25%, then both left/right keys would rotate it non-stop across all monitors
  • if the focus window is docked to a 50%, then both left/right keys would also rotate it predictably, but you must try to understand