fancyZones #

— dragging a window without snapp .. is essential. I don’t want snapp to take over my world. -> Row#2 explains that we can use shift key to activate snapp-while-dragging.

If we accidentally uncheck this config, then dragging a window unconditionally activates snapp (snapp taking over my world).

snapp to two zones ..


manage wired+wireless connections@a single win10 #GUIs

— networkAndSharing .. least useful applet but presented to users at many place.
— NetworkStatus .. has a pictorial of connected nodes, showing intenet access or absence thereof.

You can’t disable any connection on this interface, but you can always use F12 or a hardward switch to disable wifi.

— WinKey-R -> ncpa.cpl .. is a MSWE style interface. You can both the wired and wireless connections. It tabulates important details

  • unplugged
  • disabled
  • “internet access”

When you click on one of those Connections, you can Disable/Enable the adapter.


control panel: some features=unavailable ]new GUI

It looks like the new GUIs are simplistic rather than simplified 🙁

== eg: To change short date format to “dMM”
-> right side -> additionalDate,Time…Settings -> contral pane -> look under “Region” -> click ChangeDateTime…Formats -> AdditionalSettings -> “Region” pop-up -> click “Date” tab

== eg: win10 passwd hint is not available outiside control panel

== eg: to manage other accounts, you must use controal panel

[22]access control on home computers #lockout #multiple roots


Context: kids and wife need their individual accounts on my win10 laptop

Q: what if wife grants access next day without me knowing? Basically I don’t trust her judgement
A: I will change the password frequently

— warning : don’t use a private password (or recovery question) as it will be disclosed to wife or kids
— I usually have root and root2 accounts “just in case”, esp. for computers shared with kids.
Warning — Each root account should use a very different password that’s easy for my  recall but not same scheme like se+1, se+2, se+3. If you can’t recall any of these passwords, you could get locked out.

— account lockout.. secpol.msc >> Account Policies >> Account Lockout Policy

  • “Account lockout duration” to 1 minute
  • AcctLockoutThreshold .. 999 is a better version of zero.. says zero prevents lockout
  • apparently not 100% reliable, so I wanted to be more lenient.

switch` language/IME @win10 #winKey+space

These are important issues to my usage [blogg, email,,,]

Q: what if too many hotkeys for the same purpose, causing accidental switch?
A: in theory yes, but not in practice

— to configure, typingSettings (bottom) ->advancedKeyboardSettings -> inputLangHotKeys. This applet shows two pre-installed hotkeys, which work the same way:

  • pre-installed default: winKey + space
  • pre-installed default: alt + shift .. harder to remember


to delete stubborn folders #WindowsApps

— tcost of learning .. This windows annoyance will last beyond my lifetime. However, the instructions are opaque (hard to troubleshoot) and not guaranteed to work. Hopefully, the knowledge has longevity.

— method 1 worked for Lenovo userGuide folder. The older method below didn’t work.

— based on . I used it on WindowsApps folder in A95 and HP71

  1. Click on the Continue button in the above prompt window.
  2. Another prompt window will pop up, saying that You have been denied permission to access this folder.
  3. Click the security tab (You can also right click on WindowsApps folder and choose Properties, to access the Security tab.)
  4. Click Advanced under the Security tab.
  5. Click on the Change link beside the Owner.
  6. Find Enter the object name to select area in the Select User or Group window.
  7. Type Administrators and click on the Check Names button on the right side.
  8. Click on the OK button at the bottom right to open Advanced Security Settings for WindowsApps window.
  9. Check Replace owner on subcontainers and objects under the Owner.
  10. Click on the OK button to confirm your action to take the ownership of the WindowsApps folder.
  11. The Windows Security window will appear and start the process of Changing ownership of WindowsApps files.
  12. Wait for it to complete.
  13. Click on the Advanced button again under the Security tab.
  14. Click on the Continue button under the Permissions (Auditing?) tab in Advanced Security Settings for WindowsApps window.
  15. Click on the Add button at the bottom left.
  16. Click Select a principal link in the Permission Entry for WindowsApps window.
  17. Click Advanced and Find Now to select your account.
  18. Below the CheckName, Click OK button to confirm. In some cases, there is just an OK button to bring you back to a previous window, and you click OK.
  19. Next page title is Auditing Entry for <folder name>. Principal should show the chosen account. Check Full control under Basic permissions.
  20. Click OK at the bottom right.
  21. Check Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object.
  22. Click on the OK button and wait for the system to apply all the changes successfully.


win10 passwd/account tips #renaming


— Microsoft account — avoid. Favor local account. So much simpler.
Microsoft account login and preferences are saved online and the synching is unreliable and not simple/straightforward.
— rename login .. poorly implemented. Folder name etc are unchanged. explains some registry settings that are not updated consistently.

Based on this experience, I would never rename a login name in windows10. I’d rather remove the misnamed account and create a new. Note you may need up to 1GB just to create it.

== password hint — is more practical than password recovery question. (Therefore, I pick random questions and give rubbish answers)

Note password hint is only accessible in ControlPanel not the new interface 🙁

Warning: this feature doesn’t work on the unlock-screen

Sugg: You can jot-down the same hint on paper as reminders.

— If I need to give password to my son, I usually change it to a “safe” value and rely on password hint.