Compared to other forms of thinking, the Additional tcost in git-blogging is merge conflicts.
— mental burden .. Does this “burden” train my mind?
- always-remember-to git-pull on a299 before leaving home, unless I stock to one_host_guidline
- always-remember-to git-pull before writing anything
- always-remember-to git-push from a299 after arriving
- always-remember-to git-push/gd2
- always-remember-to
— to reduce gitConflicts
Most common conflict-mistakes: 1) forget to push 2) git-commit–am 3) forget to pull
- sugg: git_branch_d .. after git-push, delete the local branch. Use git-branch-d not –D. I think this helps me stick to one host and reminds me to git-push.
- proven: one_host_guidline.. try to restrict all git-blogg to one laptop. Avoid git-blogg in the office PC or A95. Follow git_branch_d
- proven: new files .. Does this laptop have the latest commits? If unsure, prefer creating new files, then manually consolidate them.
- sugg: when conflict hazards go up, run q[pp] more, and run git-commit–am less
- sugg: hooks .. keep trying git hooks. My post-commit … hooks are designed to alert me but somehow didn’t work.
- .. jolt: was a good try, worthwhile learning
==== Git-blogging-anywhere on light laptop with real keyboard … represents the highest form of active, deep thinking, highest in terms of immediacy, efficiency, convenience,,
— sitting in ikea and watching my son playing on the sofas, I realized that git-blogging helps me get into the “zone” faster, creates faster engagement and focus than paper-blogging, paper-reading etc.
Scalability — editing long sentences, reviewing dozens (not half-dozen) of topics .. gets me into the zone faster.
In stark contrast,
- web-blogging is really clumsy when editing more than 3 topics simultaneously. I spend way too much time on shortening the titles, and linking blogposts.
- recoll has a high cost in terms of file-naming
- gmail-blogging can’t easily handle dozens of topics
- git-blogging can be more productive than smemo or blog printout.
- Similarly, blogging on keyboard is 5 times faster than audio/video blogging or pencil blogging
This is one context to declare git-blogging as the highest form of reflective writing.
— paper blogging advantages .. For light-edit subjects, smemo or 0.txt are more efficient than git-blogging. Git-blogging has the potential to /breed/ unhealthy dependency on gadgets. Perhaps we ought to rely more on paper-blogging or bare hands.
Q: Compared to paper-blogging, git-blogging can breed inefficiency due to polish?
A: Well, in terms of over-polish, git is much better than WP blogging. With WP blogging, I feel the pressure to polish enough to be readable to myself. In contrast, with git i can leave the content in barebones point form because I know I would revise it before publishing.
On mrt, git-blogging can be more productive than smemo or blog printout.