mlphone desktop declutter tips

The Problem : too many useless apps on main “desktop”, just like on Windows

  • bottom “tray” — holds up to 4 shortcuts.
  • app folders — can have meaningful names
  • left page — can’t hold shortcuts.
  • the “Desktop” — is the default page when you press Home
  • right page(s) in addition to Desktop — are easier than groups. In each right page, I created an app folder with a custom name to describe the page.

— taking notes about the phone itself. Better use paper .

  • Perhaps can try the Notes and Reminders but don’t rely on them

Singtel Hi-card: cheatsheet

— to keep the expiring prepaid credit

  • option 1: top up $10 -> 90D (or 180D <- $20)
  • option 2: send extension request, pay $1.40 -> 90D extension, from current expiry date
    • confirmed 31 Mar 2020
    • doable within last month
    • *398# — dial 5-char sequence
    • I did it on 21 Nov. Extended to 14 Mar 2019, according to confirmation msg 🙂

— to turn on free incoming
dial *1300 (no hash) and immediately get  charged 60c/day indefinitely. No activation fee.

to turn off free incoming
dial *1301, pay $1.50 deactivation free

As pay-per-use customer, we are paying 16c during Mon-Fri 8-8

Refill $10 to get 10D of free-incoming.

— mobile data
to purchase prepaid data refill (pay-per-use is extremely expensive like $2/MB)
sugg: use the existing cash credit to buy 7D data refill of 1GB ($7) or 100MB ($2).

Mobile data is a mental burden — We need to watch out for

  • expiry of unused balance — You can carry over unused refill, by buying 10M for $1, extending expiration by 7D from “today:(“.
  • biggest risk: balance used up –> addition usage would be pay-per-use and it wiped out waipo’s cash credit within hours. So before we leave Singapore, we need to turn off data access indefinitely.

A real concern, real mental stress, real risk. There’s no automatic turn-off of data access.

To turn on/off mobile data, call *360 and follow the instruction

To buy 7D data refill, call *100# and follow instruction.

2 Ultra-Mobile complaints

— 1st complaint — I “lived with” low (basically no) data speed for almost a year. The only problems are

  • no on-line information search on the go
  • driving — 99% solved by Google off-line maps

In the cool light of day, these problems alone is not intolerable.

— 2nd complaint — Since 2018 I have started hitting

  • “Not registered on the network” — poor network —  probably due to Ultra customers at lower priority
  • voice call breaking up mid-way — poor network — multiple sales agents said this is most likely network not phone problem. Indeed my Singapore phone had always worked fine for voice calls until recently. Even partially compatible phones should not have such a problem.

This is unacceptable to most users. I would say this is more annoying than the other complaint, but at this level, not intolerable.

Solution 1: try another network using my existing phone. 70% likely to address voice-call problem. Worth trying.

Solution 2: try another network + bundled cheap phone which I use only when i need mobile data. Can address both problems, but I would need to set up new phone.

offline google map: stuck in download

[6 Jan] My solution — cleared up about 500MB of wechat data. 1.5GB free memory isn’t enough! I guess 2GB is good.

Above solution failed on 29 Jan. Download stopped at 2% or 4%. I was able to solve the problem in other wifi locations — gym, home and Galaxy services

mass delete from yahooMail or wechat

–yahoo mail

In the inbox, put your mouse on the date at the right end of a mail item. Date will turn to a trash bin icon. Click and the next message will move up. Just keep hitting the same spot without moving the mouse.

–wechat message

hold an item until you see …/delete/options/ Choose options and you can select multiple items and then mass delete