wechat auth #recovery @new|exist`device


— G3 strategies to cope with catastrophic risk of wechat “loss”

  1. use whatsapp/email more, uese wechat less, esp. with wife. Those tidbits of vita info will be less likely locked up in wechat
  2. DRD log-in on “new” phone to flush out any log-in issues, which remain hidden if you remain authenticated for years. If you log in once and never log out for years, then you are bound to forget your mobileNum, password, email address etc.
  3. save chat history to SD card etc .. see https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/16003/wechat-history/

— minimize Wechat usage .. Wechat is now growing into a dependency for me, but strategically I need to move more stuff from wechat to whatsapp, email or SMS.

  • whatsapp and email data are on-server and easy to recover
  • wechat has horrible tech support (located in China), esp. for log-in/access or history recovery. Whatsapp and gmail have global user base.
  • wechat restrictions/controls are dictated by PRC government (Tenchent is not exactly a private company). Overseas users are treated as second-class citizens during the “due diligence”.

==== account recovery on a phone where my login id (xxx5241) is already registered

3 trusted friends?

— Using passwd alone .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter se8 to log in. Note the acccount identifier was pre-populated as xxx5241

— Using voice recognition… (least useful) In Feb 2025 and 2023, I was able to read a prompt in English to log in, but this method is useless when you switch account or set up on new phone.

==== account recovery on new phone, with no prior wechat account

The single most important thing to remember ….  mobileNum. Using smsOtp (without passwd) you can recover your account on a new phone.

MobileNum is +86-xxx5241. My account id is tiger40490 but useless for account recovery.

log in xxxx5241/se8… standard passwd preferred because I prioritize access rather than privacy. In other words, I worry far more about losing access rather than chat content leak

— Using mobileNum + smsOtp  .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first, _then_  smsOtp to log in.

— Using mobileNum + passwd  … in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first _then_ se8 to log in

— Using registered email addr … in Feb 2025, I “forgot” my passwod. I entered my gmail and received a link to reset my wechat password

[25]Feb stressor profile: effective shields/batt

See also

The range of threats, hazards …. is limitless. Missteps and swans are two of many types. At any time, our mind can only focus on a handful. Inevitably, many dangers fall under our radar, because it’s impossible to monitor 33 threats. As of Feb 2025, I’m dealing with A) parenting B) workload C) ex_China D) GP’s decline E) overseas rEstate

— Q: which batteries and shields are proven effective? Half ranked

  1. batt::gz::quality_focus .. developed over 20Y, I rely on my quality focus to avoid mistakes even when juggling multiple issues. My colleagues trust me.
  2. shield::gz::flexible_hours .. I am able to focus during a /power_surge/
  3. .. batt::gz::annL .. well-developed habit of optimizing annL
  4. batt::pff::medBx .. MLP and the GEL policy I decisively bought for boy. My other medBx (accumulated over 20Y) also matter, if I leave MLP.
  5. shield::citizenship .. gov agencies are instrumental to my parenting challenges
  6. batt::English writing skills… crucial in Singapore
  7. batt::pff::warchest.. of liquid assets
  8. shield::pff::brbr .. developed over 30Y. Provides a sense of cashflow security
  9. batt::pff::nonwork_incomes .. [deposit interests, upcoming annuity payouts] provide a sense of cashflow security
  10. shield::faith .. I believe in karma, kindness, a benevolent higher being. I have hope and optimism
  11. batt::spare_laptops

Less specific, less noteworthy batteries and shields that proved effective (at least relevant) in this stressful period

  • Shield::Marriage .. Strength of our marriage is being tested to some extent. I think this strength is proven effective.
  • — wellness
  • batt::daily_workout .. a habit built over 3 years.. highly effective
  • batt::therapeutic_blogging and counsellors
  • battery of self-care competency, deep and long experience .. print-out, camp-out in office
  • .. battery of blogging system capabilities, accumulated over decades.
  • battery of knowledge/xp of (semi-)gov support systems in Singapore
  • batt::diet .. built over 6 years and effective… good appetite (for healty foods) maintained by raw veg diet
  • batt::BMI_greenzone, muscle mass, bone density
  • battery of wellness habits .. diet, dental
  • — pff
  • battery of diversified assets and investing experience .. SP500 + other U.S. stocks,,, BGC also proved an important diversification
  • battery of annuity assets to provide better yield on my cash pile
  • battery of exp tracking competency

— specific action items to strength my shields, recharge my batteries, reduce the stressors, protect my vital systems

  • capture power_surge to make progress
  • try to sleep early
  • more raw veg

wechat history bak/recover #cf WhatsApp

k_disk_hog ,,,, k_wechat,,, k_gCloud

— SD card.. I was able to transfer “everything” from internal storage to SD card, to reduce headache and stress-protect against phone loss.

Before I take out SD card, I will need to transfer back “everything” to internal storage.

— history search .. In each conversation, there’s a SearchHistory but not so useful. I consider this one of the worst weaknesses in this product.

— footprint .. You can see a breakdown of cache footprint by contact_name: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage -> viewWechatSorage.

If your wife once logged into wechat on this device before, and saved 2GB of wechat data in this phone, you can clear it: me -> settings -> general -> manageStorage ->ClearOtherWechatChatHistory

Essential Wechat data takes about 992MB

— transfer wechat history from phone1 to phone2… For whatsapp, https://faq.whatsapp.com/481135090640375/?cms_platform=android shows how to (automatically) back up to gCloud.

After initial log-in, my phone2 showed full WhatsApp history. In contrast, wechat showed empty history after initial log-in.

https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1790065595389448166&wfr=spider&for=pc shows how to do it via wechat Windows Application.

Log-in requires a usable phone1 wechat “instance”. Then you can upload all conversations to windows instance.

Then log out on both windows and phone1. Log in on phone2 and then windows. This way, the windows insance is connected to the phone2 instance on . Then you can select the conversations to download (windows to new phone)

Data transfer goes through internet to wechat server. I prefer wifi rather than mobile data.

##[24]phone keyboard features

The real_estate constraint has driven world-wide innovations in the ubiquitous tiny keyboard. Some innovations are relevant to me. This bpost uses Samsung keyboard and GBoard just for illutration.

— feature: glide typing … SamsungKeyboard -> swipeTouchFeedback
— feature: predictive typing ..

google beats Samsung in type-ahead, esp. in Chinese. I don’t know if it is part of “predictive typing”

— feature: show punc marks on letter keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> layout -> alternative chars
Note hiding them saves real_estate.

— feature: cursor control .. real challenge for millions

Gboard glide-typing -> gestureCursorControl lets you swipe over spacebar (Practice!) to move cursor

Gboard and Samsung keyboard also have some “joystick” for cursor control.

— feature::real_estate: keyboard can be shrunk to save real estate, but keys can be too small for fat fingers.
Samsung .. find the triple dot beside the gear -> find the icon for keyboard size
Gboard … long press anywere on the special-keys row -> Resize button
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of number keys
— feature::real_estate:: show/hide row of special buttons above regular keys .. SamsungKeyboard -> keyboardToolbar
Let’s try out all the buttons for a while,  then disable the toolbar

2smartphone lifestyle

The general problem — too many APPs in my primary phone. Many of them rarely used.
A specific problem — I need to maintain China mobanks for two persons, and I don’t want to “switch user” on (for example) icbc mobank.

The solution — host a number of APPs on a secondary smart phone

  • China mobanks for “special” user account that I don’t need on the go.
  • Alipay for wife
  • Citi.sg
  • AXS
  • healthhub
  • simplyGo
  • mayb
  • ^^^ done
  • PNB digital?
  • Singapss? Technically disallowed
  • hsbc.cn .. secondary phone too LOW
  • ChnM? would need it on primary phone while in China
  • starhub? too slow in secondary phone  … confirmed with 1633
  • Grab? No

(tiny)SIM handling #marker

For decades (since 200s?) I have faced the same risk of misplacing SIM cards, and Sys2 workload to mitigate this risk. This bpost is a t-investment to reduce sys2 load. Personal best practice.

— todo: put unimportant SIM in the same place?

— use tiny transparent plastic bag to hold one or multiple SIM cards.

You can put this bag inside a bigger transparent container. (I used to have a black/white safebox)

— consistent, predictable, memorable location (sys1-friendly) for SIM cards..

During travel, that location is inside the luggage

At home, that location should be with important docs, perhaps in a BIG transparent box, hard to miss.

— /inscribe/ a short identifier .. with permanent marker

Given tiny real estate on the SIM, we can write over existing content which is always meaningless.

Sometimes we have too many SIM cards showing “Starhub”

#VivoY02: SMS apps

I need a basic app with search feature. If money can buy stress relief and carefree ezlife, then this is a good example.

— app: Messages [by BatteryStatsSaver] .. no ads so far
🙂 better grouping by counterparty, with color. No need to search.

— app: Textra .. no ads so far:)
👎 line spacing too much
👎 confusing: new msg to new number
🙂 better multi-delete

==== unacceptables
— app: Messages [by Google] .. no search bar
— app: Telegram .. shows no SMS whatsoever
— app: “SMS Messenger” No message showing up
— app: Hi There [by KiteTech] .. ads inserted as SMS messages
— app: aMessage [by aMessage studio] .. too many ads
— app: Messages [by AppsSpecials] .. too many ads
— app: Messages [by iMessages. Icon shows 3 dots in a rectangle] .. too many ads
— app: #Messages [by “Messages-Messaging”] .. way too many ads
This app shows different icons in PlayStore or on desktop or list of running apps or
This app shows different titles in PlayStore or on desktop

I think the developer is trying to confuse users.


cmlink #PPD


— some advantages of CmLink

  • Hotline is 24/7 (better than Sgp telcos), faster at night, faster for Chinese language, because CMLink is designed for China nationals.
  • Email support (cssg) is excellent .. fast and more efficient than call 🙂
  • simple webGUI… no mobileAPP required. Low Sys2 load
  • No contract
  • No risk of excess data usage in China or Sg

— Monitor 余额+套餐流量 .. PPD (PrepaidDeposit/余额) is probably similar to Mainland ChnM system.

  • 1st of each month system try to deduct monthly fee from PPD. If no PPD balance, (or  $x deficit amount) would be auto-charged to THE card. I have completed one-time card binding.
  • .. I find this useful for BocDcard. I was able to top up $13 to my cmLink accounts.
  • SMS (CX or CHECK to 75086) is easiest method, while in Singapore
  • SSP [i.e. self-service portal] is easiest method while in China.
  • You can check roaming data usage online but it would disappear after EOM. 套餐流量 esp. roaming balance.. updated every 2H roughly.
  • No stupid mobile app (re Starhub) imposed on me

— talk time quota

  • free incoming locally
  • 100m local outgoing, including 100m from local to [China+US++] but must use +86xxxx. See SMS or SSP for details.
  • Excess outgoing minutes .. charged at S$0.10/minute. Dialed number is reported in monthly statement.

— Roam
Risk of incurring roaming call charges .. is real. CMLink hotline told me system will let call through .. 秋后算帐

Risk of busting 10GB quota (cf Starhub roaming)? No such risk as of Oct 2024. Once you use up 10GB, system executes an immediate cut-off:) Before you can surve further, you must buy more roaming data:) You can add roaming package from your online account. ALL services are charged to the account and billed at end of month.

Check roaming balance … see [[monitor]].

Over Bj15D, I used 0.37GB only.

Put in the cmlink SIM only once a day to check gmail.

hotline while roaming: free to call +65 887 000 86 from China, according to cssg 🙂

Both SSP and cssg can enable/disable roaming, immediately. Confirmed with cssg@cmlink.com 🙂