pouch downsize: reducing potential loss #jogg{ff


— less cash [or payWave or prepaid store-value cards].. I lost my wallets more than once. Risks include theft, misplacement

Q: what’s the probability of losing your wallet over the next 10Y? More than 50%. Therefore, I remind myself and family:

  • carry less cash in wallet. Perhaps leave some cash in home/office — lower probability of loss
  • ezlink card? Use up the balance and keep at home.
  • payWave cards? DBS cards set to $20 (can set to $10..need to call in); OC is hardcoded $100.
  • GV card — try to use up half the points quickly in the beginning.
    • Don’t carry during Fri-Sun
    • Never carry both the $95 and the $70 cards
  • other stored-value cards
    • Kopitiam card .. each time top up the minimum
    • barber shop .. put in wallet only on the day of haircut
    • MRT card .. avoid stored value types

— other valuable items ..

  • $$$$ phone
  • $$ wrist watch

— off-shore .. creatively moving items somewhere outside the pouch

  • mask .. pocket
  • pens .. shirt collar
  • phone .. knapsack

— bulkiest items ..

  1. phone
  2. smemo .. prefer tiny ones in periods when the pouch grows massive. The lightest one — post-it pad on a glossy card
  3. tap cards

— heaviest items .. phone, smemo
keys .. carry as few as possible
— horizon: I have used a pouch from NUS till at least 2021… Will continue indefinitely.
Origin.. as tourist pouch proved versatile


pickpocket #Channel520

It takes an Italian pickpocket just 4 seconds to steal your wallet.

These protections below are comparable to Shringles vaccine .. pain relief. I believe my exposure is high and the hazard is real.

  • carry cards, rather than cash. Turn on card transaction verification
  • Minimize the valuables you carry in tourist hot spots, including iPhones.
  • (If you must carry valuables) spread those valuables to multiple pockets/bags/persons, but keep each amount small.
  • for bigger amounts, use a money belt
  • carry your bag in front, not behind, as Jason.Fu does
  • consider travel insurance.. comparble to PA and fire insurance

— https://singlife.com/en/blog/money/2024/pickpocketed-abroad-here-is-what-i-did …

“I did NOT let my guard down, and tried to maintain my personal space …” Not enough! I feel theft is like catching covid19… you can’t avoid contacts. Even if you are vigilant as this blogger Keith, you will be /exposed/.

— It reminds me of the /threat/ of remote hacking .. In both cases, most ordinary folks are at risk.

We tend to assume we won’t attract their attention, but I do have a habit of carrying thousands of dollars for my flight

Real pain and regret when we become a victim.

— Singlife travelBx

  • covers flight delays/cancels, luggage loss/damage, medical
  • For theft, you need police report. Singlife hotline said usually police wouldn’t question a tourist.
  • 3 regions ranked by premium rate .. ASEAN < Asia < worldwide

## items for safekeeping #safebox

k_safekeeping ?

  • wills
  • HDB flat title — probably needed when selling
  • Overseas property title

The Toa Payoh shop has one small model for $68. It can be wall-mounted easily to prevent carry-away, but it can’t be hidden easily.

— multiple storage locations .. For a few years, I used to designate two drawers far apart, so I grouped my valuable items into two groups. Necessity is the mothther of invention.

— wide rather than deep locker .. proved more effective for documents.

— classify items according to size and value

For big homes, one big cabinet might be a convenient “dumping ground” for everything valuable, but unrealistic for me.

Some items are “not really valuable” .. sentimental items like photos. If they are up to A4 size and not too bulky, then we can keep there “here”.

Targets of theft should be locked in safeboxes …. gold,,,, (more than small amount of) USD cash