== next trip to simlim
== next trip to ikea
== next trip to simlim
== next trip to ikea
Goal is emulation of office in UOB.
I guess that out of 100 elderly fatalities, there are always a few cases where the family are not really shocked, because the patient has been hanging on for a while and could have been killed by many random hazards. The family was probably warned that the patient had only a few months of life expectancy. Such a fatality is not an excess mortality.
I used to question PAP government’s mid-2021 decision to carefully open up during Delta wave. I questioned the human cost in terms of fatalities. The Aha moment came when I realized excess mortality in SG was zero during that period.
The livelihood cost of zero-covid is complex, and includes hardship, long-term damage to the local economy, mental health.. Every month the governments pumped in billions to keep businesses on life support. This cost is s not easily measurable. But for the same argument, let’s say it is comparable to 2987 (excess) deaths a year.
What if SG maintains zero-covid and avoids those deaths, but the total mortality over a year remains the same as before covid (around 24,000)? It would mean that those 2987 covid deaths /prevented/ were offset by about the same number of deaths-by-other-causes, deaths that inevitably occur even in an airtight bubble city of zero covid.
It means that, in the grand scheme of things, the (heavy) price we pay in terms of livelihood actually buys us some benefit but not all that much.
Note in different scenario — hospital overrun — then excess mortality would be significant, definitely non-zero.
“Self-care” is left without a clear definition, and includes some expressive writing such as parenting, stress mgmt.
— Q (asked in Jul 2020, and then in Aug 2021): the most positive elements of my first week back in office?
— reminders: Don’t break any MLP rule (like Rbh). Follow strictly.
— [1] The recurring loss of family harmony and quiet time .. is the most common need/purpose/value for the harbor (of office). The library/stadium/Interchange are also helpful, but harbor offers:
— Historical scan: The two acute stressors that require the harbor of office — WW) job expectation/demand, HH) loss of quiet time, similar to [1].
See also 1st days back in office
This “Group of big 3 damages” highlights the real priorities among priorities.
— Some of the unexpected triumphs:
see also (amidst countless demands)steadfast focus@protecting..#harmony,wellness
Amid the overwhelming demands on me, I want to keep a steadfast focus on these priorities:
Sugg: allocate more time to these priorities. More leave is needed but not a major solution.
Looking at the heavy-hitter list, time allocation has emerged as key to everything, again! THE scarce resource is time, esp. private hours and quality time.
This great lockdown wipes out most of my private hours, cuts into my self-care. I lost my balance and unable to provide enough support for grandparents. I also feel less productive in my projects.
Compared to my earlier episodes of heightened stress,
Private hour is precious, mostly for self-care. I need to be selective when allocating private hours. If I devise a scheme to record utilization rate of each 30-min block, I suspect bulk of my private hours are spent .. elsewhere.
Q: what self-care t-spends don’t work so well
A: Don’t aim to be there for “them” all the time. I need quietime4selfcare
A: movies
A: Robinhood — too time consuming. I can’t “stop after 1 minute” as i wanted
Some self-care acts do __N_O_T__ require private hour:
Weekday allocation:
Evening time is golden, and kinda special
Demarcation — Night hours start after they go to sleep, around 10pm, and ends around 1am.
Night time is the best quiet personal time. As such, Night time is good for sleep and reflective blogging but here I argue that the best wfh hour is night hours.
— best time for blogging + composing emails?
Sometimes I feel night quiet hours are best allocated to reflective blogging, but it is rarely justified in hind sight.
— best time to read covid19? Not night time
Warning — avoid binge-reading news on covid19 during night quiet hours.
Night hours are precious as gold.
— best time for “paying the bills”? not night time
— best time for workout? Not night time.
Tough Q: Shall I live at peace with more irritating misbehavior of my son?
20 minutes of exercise a day can also help lift your mood, reducing feelings of tension and reduce conflict.