VED=vaccum erection device
See also
SomaTherapy might be the best documented product , and comes with clinic support if you buy therefrom. It’s a medical grade device, endorsed by doctors, well tested, perhaps safer than simpler sex toys.
(I have a tendency to believe U.S./UK/Japan/German products, over China products. This bias needs the spotlight and conscious, critical review.)
Q2: Looks like all the brands are virtually identical, and different only in branding and price?
%%A: Some users said many brands “didn’t work for me”. However, for me perhaps the cheapest brand also works, as proven in condoms, progressive lenses, bicycles, shoes,,,
Q2b: After some practice, what’s the probability that a given pump will be effective and convenient for me?
%%A: Less than 80%. I can buy a cheap but popular model to try. If ineffective, then go for the most trusted model.
Q3: water-based vs vacuum pump?
Dr Teo: vacuum models are more proven, safer, but you could try water-based.
A: SomaTherapy site said No “they are not commonly used for creating erections for sexual intercourse”.
Over longer run, much cheaper than pills.
It’s common for men to utilize a penis pump in conjunction with other ED treatments to improve partial erection or decrease dosage requirements when combined with oral medications… When vacuum constriction devices are used in combination with medication, a success rate of more than 90 percent is noted compared to less than 60 percent with medication alone.
Originally penis pumps required a prescription when introduced in 1982. Prescription requirements were removed in 1997 when the FDA determined the medical penis pump as safe and highly effective.
— [reconciliation] I now realized the cheap Shopee VED also works. I bought it with a singular goal to delay ED medication .. a noble goal. I bought it and tried it unsuccessfully, before I decided to try $350 VED. I think the Shopee buy is a good “buy without OT”.
- Good situation. I’d rather be in this situation than having to rely solely on a premium products [Situation 2]. In Situation 2, repairs, replacements would all become complicated.
- without the $350 VED, I would not know how to use the cheap VED
- The two VEDs feel different on the penis. After I learned to use both, I have come to appreciate the variations in design. Better than having nothing but a single design across all vendors.
- DataScientist view: The $350 model is actually superior in terms of clinic support, repairs, instructions, the (very tight) X/Y/Z ED_ring, easy assembly, the cone, lubricant,,
Q: Suppose there is a “best” device to be discovered. Do I wish to find out it is a cheap Shopee product or do I wish it is the VED [Situaion 2]?
%%A: the former. If the cheap product is effective, then I can use-without-care, carry with me etc.
— usage techniques are make-or-break
Sit at edge of a stool. Upper body lean forward n follow the 45-degree rule. This is a crucial rule w.r.t. gravity of the flaccid penis.
If the underpants block the VED, then undress fully.
You can hold the cylinder between the thighs.
Tip from quick guide: Do not press the rubber rim against your body (pubic hair region)
Tip from quick guide: penis start position : rest on the “cradle” inside.
Start at a faster pace [pump 3 times, rest 10sec]. Then slow dow — one slow “pumping” and rest longer. So when shall slow down or steop? Length is a poor gauge
* Shake and assess the flaccidity
* Penis lifting off from the “cradle” .. a sign of rigidity
* discomfort at the base .. as more tissues are drawn into the cylinder and squeezed around the penis base.
First cycle (till discomfort) may not be very good. Release and start second cycle. Could give a better erection. Third even better.