–case – tooth brushing: I can choose to set myself a short-term goal of
A) “go to the bathroom and pick up the brush, even if without paste” or
B) “go to the bathroom and pick up the brush, and put paste”
In either case, the implicit pressure is — if you pick up the brush then you must brush for 10 sec or more.
Now, that pressure is a challenge, a real resistance, and a non-trivial problem to overcome. However, I don't have a way to remove
that pressure. It's part of Both choices.
Now, B entails another implicit pressure — “the brushing has to be longer — once you put paste in your mouth you would have to
rinse”. This pressure can be removed if you choose A. I believe no dentist would advise A over B. However, By taking A, I increase
my chance of going to the bathroom and picking up the brush. That makes a real difference when I'm very tired and demotivated.
–case: pull-up. I can set myself a modest goal of
A) “stand up, walk to the bar and do at least half a pull-up”
B) “stand up, walk to the bar and do at least 5 pull-ups”
–case: go to the stadium, even if 5 minutes before closing, even if no jogging at all.
–case: open a c++ IDE and spend 1 min coding