Category: selfMgmtGtmp
discipline, habits,
##aaa0a=[addict/avail/attract/] no-attraction
AAA stands for
- Addictive _things_ .. including e-gaming
- availability
- (fatal) attractions
The opposite of AAA is no-pleasure (sometimes known as no-attraction)
AAA — fatal attractions in liberal societies esp. for kids
Here’s a full list (growing) of AAA attractions:
- — half ranked by the (often underestimated) risk to my kids
- gambling
- substance addiction .. drugs, tobacco
- sex
- — also present in SG but a bit lower .. by a small margin
- credit card… Example: Aunt Gen
- e-gaming
- leveraged trading, day trading
- alcohol
- fast food
- sugary drinks
- coffee
## RegularUpkeep ]40s-50s #quadrant #sunshine
update: ezlife?
Not too hard, and you can get used to it !
See also
This blogpost needs more sunshine.
[IN=important-nonUrgent quadrant]
[s=deserve more sunshine]
Some of these routines/regimes really take up tremendous amount of time. Need to set aside time.
- credit score check
- #4: career longevity is an upkeep ! See this summary of a wide-ranging topic
- — wellness .. more “desperate” [IU] as Lew put it,
- VED once a while .. see bpost
- [IU] #1: BMI green zone. Small belly too. If I relax my self discipline, BMI will /slip/
- [IN] #2… flexibility, muscle /upkeep/ .. remember grandpa
- [IN] train your memory as a muscle
- [IN] [s] flossing, retainers
- [IU] cholesterol pill, VitD pills
- cancer screening; cholesterol, blood pressure, hba1c;
- more standing, less sitting
- posture for standing and sitting … more specific please
- ear wax
- buildup inside naval
- — some upkeep items unrelated to this blogpost
FOMO ^ blessings to cherish: +/-ve peer comparison
Comparison with the less fortunate makes us grateful (and yes, humble), but I reject endless peer comparison.
Q: How do you square this circle?
A: I don’t have a good short answer. I basically follow the feedback loop — increase those efforts having good result, and avoid actions that proved harmful
- I actively reject FOMO
- I actively remind myself to compare with the less fortunate
Given my bare-bones ffree, I feel blessed … when comparing to those (richer or poorer) without ffree. However, my ffree is bare-bones, so I remind myself to avoid benchmarking with the rich.
Compare across, not compare up — a “sound” sound byte?
(unsophisticated)optimist #America
America, as they call it, is the land of optimism, and America also happens to have the strongest, most vibrant economy.
I now enjoy an unsophisticated optimism about my shields, about my personal attributes (rather than luck), my winning bets
Now, the optimism in these blogposts are concrete (rather than abstract), unsophisticated, often superficial, possibly naïve, but I think it is more beneficial than dangerous. These blogposts demonstrate my growing sense of simple, healthy optimism, unlike some friends like XR.
— Lee Kuan Yew, Rahul, and my dad are all optimists despite adversities
— Resilience — is the sister of optimism, even if unsophisticated.
— courage and risk-taking
Too much unsophisticated optimism leads to reckless risk taking (1997 commodity trading)
However, without optimism and courage, Singapore would be /dead in the water/.
America is another leading example.
— detach
The optimist can develop unhealthy, unrealistic attachments, and hold on too tight to something.
focused effort=scarce resource
“Focused mental effort” is the target of this analysis. This focus is related to another scarce resource i.e. absorbency.
- focus on ROTI over a weekend — Without a constant focus, ROTI can become dismal, but this focus is a scarce resource…
- focus on delay of meals during intermittent fasting — This focus requires constant albeit moderate effort.
- focus on coding drill — Without this focus, it’s hard to overcome the inertia.
- focus on work project — often becomes challenging when no one is around me and timeline is lax. This focus requires self-discipline + mental effort. When I’m tired, I review the @defocus items in MSOL
Beware — focused effort is necessary but insufficient condition. You may need other conditions like privacy.
— other items
- starch reduction — no longer requires focused effort
- daily mini-stretch — requires minimal focus after I get into the habit, but until I get out of the habit.
[[King’s speech]] resilience despite dependencies
There are individuals who don’t need to rely on others. They appear to be resilient in the lone wolf sense, but I don’t know how common they are, or how strong they actually are.
I guess in most cases, resilient people tap on a “support network” rather than act as lone wolves.
One of the most intimate illustrations is counselling, like sexual issues, phobias, obsessions, addictions, behavior issues. Optimism (in the Lone-wolf sense) is just a word, often a weak and ineffective word by itself. Positive thinking is .. ditto. In half the non-trivial cases, the individual needs guidance and a helping hand. Dependency yes, but that’s real resilience for real people.
Emotional intelligence and Resilience are two misunderstood concepts.
- EQ is way more than empathy; its foundation is self-awareness…
- Resilience is not bulletproof, as explained in resilience #WhyFactor
Today I want to focus on resilience in spite of dependency. says the King’s speech therapist was always present at King George VI’s speeches during the war… ?! When I look at it with my red hat or black hat on, I would say Bertie was a failure and weakling with a constant need for (permanent dependency on) his therapist.
Such a hostile, /derogatory/, pessimistic assessment is unfair to King George, who became known as a symbol of British determination to win the WW2. The King demonstrated tremendous inner strength during WW2 and the post-war /disintegration/ of the British Empire.
It’s not necessarily a sign of weakness to rely on outside help, on a daily basis, as long as the individual is making a real effort, fighting her daily battle.
- eg: Think of a weak student who needs constant help but also works hard on her own. I was a truly self-reliant student who doesn’t need as much help as my classmates, but that doesn’t make me a resilient student. In fact, those classmates (who depended on help) could come out on top, thanks to their resilience.
- eg: I think many musicians and creative artists are dependent on drugs, alcohol, smoking… I would say some of them are capable, productive in their creative domains.
- eg (fictional): Bane with his dependency on pain relief apparatus … is somehow feared as a strongman, but his dependency was proven to be his Archile’s hill when Batman attacked the tubes.
- eg (specific) : Chairman Mao is a strong man, but also a chain smoker i.e. substance dependency.
- eg (within my circle): Rahul is a determined, hard-working teammate I observed for a year+. However, you could say he has a mild addiction to gaming and tobacco.
- eg (within my family): my sis is a strong, tough, resilient woman. However, she had mild addictions to tobacco, overspending. I know her better than I know the other examples, but I tend to pass heavy judgement on her.
- optimism and longevity .. says leveraging social support is associated with optimism. These optimist women are less likely to go it alone when facing adversity.
no direction]%%youth@@ Now different!
From leaving college until my early 40’s, I often feel a worrying lack of long-term direction, a lack of purpose, lack of big motivation. (The technology churn is one secondary but fundamental factor.)
This no-direction is felt on both long-horizon and near-horizon…
My dad always had a professional direction…
Nowadays I seldom feel that way.
Q: is it related to having kids?
A: on an obvious level, yes I always see an area of improvement in my life where I can simply put in more effort and improve the learning environment for my kids, or improve the bond.
A: However, I feel the answer above is a “weak” direction.
The absorbency ranking highlights the daily challenges of more exericse, more coding drill, more strict diet,,,
The random list@ Protection+reinforcer and related blogposts spotlight a long-term goal — protecting a hard-earned carefree/ffree life
Boycott to FOMO
k_X_power_descriptor .. k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood
My current carefree life rests upon boycott to FOMO. I don’t need to subscribe to the FOMO brainwash.
However, my benchmark fixation, SDXQ fixation.. are major breaches of this boycott.