[24]R.Dong meet-up #reflections

k_X_focusing_illusion … k_tectonic

Let’s avoid naming names.

Re the long chat and long email I sent [Dec 10, 2024, 1:34 PM ].

— Q: where (specifically if possible) have I done well since 2012 when we last met? Let’s avoid comparing with R.Dong.
Hopefully, this question creates a positive focusing effect

A: I think he might point out BMI; regular workout; retirement plann; relatively stable jobs;;;; but in my mind answers are..

  • identifying wrong priorities of my cohort or the Chinese middle class … branded degrees for kids
  • pff .. retirement destination plann; brbr
  • career longevity plann .. maintaining a fighting form
  • branded degrees .. insider insights

— Q5: which one tectonic plate dominated the long chat? 工作, esp. stress, sustainability, job stability, career longevity, income sustainability
Q5b: which one tectonic plate is actually most important? wellness

Q5c: in 10 years, which concernS will gain///lose importance to our lives?
A: wellness, pff, career longevity /// salary

Q5d: compared to 2012 when we last met, which concernS have gained///lost importance?
A: (academic)parenting,  retirement plann, boss-appr [epa,mvea] /// salary, xx New tech

— sentence completions:
I feel good about his …. investing in daughter’s career; candor; trust in me; positive attitudes on JIV; wellness; academic parenting; assertive; bilingual skills

I felt concerned about his … insufficient savings (according to him); 30Y high-cost retirement in U.S.; career longevity; job insecurity; BMI; non-zero but insufficient exercise;

self reminder^helper reminder #zqbx

I forgot why we should avoid putting two categories

wife’s SCS screening test


Background: (observing my parents) as we get older, we tend to struggle to keep track of things, esp. long-running commitments. We get overwhelmed by the multitiude of obligations.

( This bpost links up many topics, but may lack a coherent subject. Still, it is useful for now. I hope to add important reminders into this bpost. )

As of 2024, I rely on self_reminders [blog + gmail + calendar].  In general, it’s a very good idea to train ourselves to grow more self-reliant not only in school. I’m probably good at self_reminder but so is my dad in his younger years. When I lose my capacity for self_reminder, I may choose zqbx (自强不息) or I may have to accept my decline.

eg: rent payment, tax/utilities… helper_reminders
eg: self_reminder alarm clock vs parents as helper_reminder. Consider catching a flight or going for an exam…

— big brother as helper_reminder .. gov, employer, service-providers. Singapore gov is slightly better than U.S. gov.

— domain::travel [hotel,,,] lots of self_reminders needed.
I’m good at ctbz to optimize t$cost. Many people are unconcerned about the t$costs.

— domain::healthcare
Nursing home residents need a lot of helper_reminders.

I rely on self_reminder for my medication.

Many people neglect a specific health screening test, even after they find themselves in high-risk group (高风险人群). For shringles, I got vaccinated as soon as I learned from my dad. I didn’t rely on self-reminder 🙂

— domain::work
On most jobs, there are always plenty of helper_reminders

If you commit many mistakes and rely on other people to find them…. not good.
If you often miss your deadline and rely on other people to remind you… not good. Self-reminder much needed.

eg: personal assistant for senior leaders

— the binary framework .. (I like binary rather than 3-part frameworks) .. self-reminder vs helper_reminder
Definition: reminder is about completing a task in time.
Definition: Helper_reminder has a human element. (Some of those smart systems might come close.) We all know that humans are error-prone, but I choose to accept that.

self_reminder .. part of self-management, and a constant source of stress, esp. when self_reminder fails .. see penalty section.

sys1^sys2 .. I often find helper_reminder an effective relief for my sys2. Sfelf_reminder is an obligation and stressor to sys2. Responding to helper_reminder is a sys1 task, and much easier than self_reminder. I think this becomes important as we grow older.

— realized penalty .. is a (painful) third type of reminder but I won’t list it as a third type.

eg: forget to charge mobile phones before going out… a G3 failure of self-reminder. Most of the time penalty is a minor inconveience, but penalty can also be serious like unable to log in or get into a facility.

For late payment penalty Only, half the time you can appeal and reduce the penalty.

Sometimes, you receive the penalty from “Mother Nature” and can’t appeal .. like health decline, or investment oversight, or forget-to-buy/sell …

Many ineffective individuals (sometimes me too) fail to learn the hard lessons from past penalties, and do not develop a self_reminder system.

  • — A minor penalty can qualify as a helper_reminder
  • late fee for tax, credit card, utility bill
  • Giro failure

fear@los`control over own body #drug

in Sep 2023, Henry Lew asked me since when I have experienced loss of control.

In my 20s and earlier, I used to worry about substance addiction. I also read about smoke cessation…

Masturbation proved beyond doubt that the biological needs can be overwhelming.

Now I’m nearing 50, I know my body is stable and will not get out of control. Appetite growing out of control remains the last concern.

— ML.Jiang described to me a situation in China — business partners would get young girls to seduce him. A typical young man would lose control.

Fear? Yes I have a healthy fear of it, so I always stay away from such situations.

— incontinence .. as we age, many would lose control over their bladder and bowel.

Fear? I don’t have a fear at this age.

def[miswanting]: successC, deathbed

k_miswanting_blindFOMO ..  k_X_power_descriptor

  • — defining “miswanting” by example:
  • wanting many sexual partners even after becoming parents .. as young men, we were brainwashed to believe that the more sexual partners you get, the luckier you are, like taking more than one bite at the apple.
  • wanting lots of golf equipment and golf clubs .. exclub
  • wanting many shoes, handbags, and dresses .. to show off
  • wanting lots of fancy alcohol every month
  • wanting frequent business lunches and networking dinners .. but less time with family
  • wanting 酒量 .. it is not an indication of good health. ditto Capacity to binge-smoke tobacco …
  • wanting Ownership of expensive car … it is not a good thing, as it is more of a white elephant, rather than an asset.

— enculturation/brainwash .. the source of miswanting.

I feel both Chinese and Western cultures /glorify/ these symbols of successC, but Buddhism doesn’t. I think most religions don’t.

On your deathbed, these symbols become meaningless. Actually, they lose meaning progressively over the decades before our deathbed enlightenment, but only in hindsight we come to see the truth.

— deathbed.. see above
— def@success.. miswanting is mostly about successC, and neglects successE.

eCalendar + other prj tools #gmail,blog

For task coordination, A eCalandar (gCalendar or outlook) alone is often insufficient (like “2023 mortgage rate hike”) because:

  • harder to search
  • hard to group related items into one condensed list
  • impossible to build a hierarchy of items
  • hard to put detailed comments/analyses into any item

In such a situation, I found it necessary to combine an eCalendar with one or two additional tools such as blog and spreadsheet. The “leader” among them is often the blog (multiple bposts). The various tools are hyperlinked together.

— gCalendar/gmail as logbook
Background: I have a well-tested and reasonably reliable habit of using google calendar for reminders , often containing valuable details.

Q: is it safe to rely on google calendarfor permanent/immutable logbook, similar to how I used gmail?
A: it’s not strictly immutable, without version control…. but still a useful system to meet the basic needs.

Gmail is less “mutable” :), can save more details 🙂 Good complement to google calendar

##[20] current quadrants


See also

This /sweeping/ analysis is _different_ from earlier quadrant /analyses/ because of context i.e. the current carefree easy life. The quadrants function as a snapshot/profile. The profile of an “average” working adult life would be heavier, possibly darker, than my profile. This is evident in my items positioned in each quadrant. Proved to be a wholesome exercise of critical thinking.

Note text size, color (and background color) are especially useful in this blogpost. I chose a range of grey, grey, blue, blue, blue, blue , blue, blue

[t = not obviously, Time is a key factor in this item ]
[d= ##dissatisfaction blackholes ]
[e = long-term struggle/endeavor (space shuttle), not an immediate to-do]

— in Jul 2022, I feel overburdened (context switching):

These stressors are kinda mild by historical standard. Below are my solutions, possibly minor but effective

  • movies… reduce unless they motivate me to work harder on the big rocks.
  • maintain harmony in family, in myself.. My screen time control can backfire.
  • sleep early if possible, but no zsms no blaming boy or wife. Learn resilience [flexible]
  • don’t worry so much about BMI. Permit comfort foods.
  • prefer workout that really reduces stress .. such as CRE

— quadrant-II i.e. important (half ranked), non-urgent. Limit to 5? Leverage items?

  1. USD TD: too much legwork. Consider longer TD
  2. compliance: move off Robinhood .. pick more names;
  3. — — long-term items, unranked —-
  4. more S27 orders .. value averaging
  5. [e] BMI .. sunshine on intermittent fasting, smoothie
  6. over-dependency on Wpress
  7. use up realYoga quota
  8. — — past items
  9. road crossing  counselling
  10. CPH counselling

— quadrant-UU i.e. not-extremely-important but no-wait-please. Note some items fall into “urgent” only because they require daily action without delay.

  • DIYHI items
  • BGC (Heverly) prepare to meet Aleris; go through BGC record for  NCT.
  • more yoga
  • — — past items
  • $1550 claim
  • L399 set-up

— quadrant-ICU i.e. important and urgent .. This quadrant shouldn’t be too empty.

  • use named tuple to rewrite github scripts
  • ? use A95 in cockpit1, but L399 needs a “probation”
  • mosquito + ants
  • — — past items
  • help kids with math competitiveness, foundation skills .. demanding in terms of time and inner strength.
  • keep up 5/wk for intimacy
  • rate hike plann
  • help meimei with rounding, reduce wife’s worry
  • find serenity against site-block

— quadrant-NN i.e. non-important non-urgent, but these items still need some sunshine

  • stand more ] ff.. Start in the early morning or evening.
  • 5/wk … increase variety.. basketball, swim, lunges
  • relocate bposts from https://draft.blogger.com/blog/posts/24802532
  • $700 handout for wife: wait for SMS -> a week later check eligibility
  • DinersClub voucher + CDA use up
  • reduce overlap between need4reflect and roti@blogg
  • [d] BGC insurance .. see blogpost on why not-important

G9 Precious little gems: lost2the drain #criticalMass

Street road drainage with metal grill drain cover covered with autumn maple leaves Stock Photo - Alamy
What little gems could disappear in the drain?


See also steadfast focus

This blogpost is about the precious little gems that we could lose to the drain unexpectedly. Not restricted to carefree ezlife

[d=detach actively]

— G3 in gz

  • my c++ critical mass
  • [d] flexible hours, short commute, excellent medbx
  • [d] the nice office near the waterfront, with workout facilities

— G1 PFF domain is well-analyzed, well-protected, so i will only name unfamiliar little gems

  • Rbh .. out-of-country access

— G4 in wellness

  • absorbency [knee capacity] and joy of jogging
  • absorbency for chin-up, yoga
  • [d] strong bones .. my shin bones survived a hard hit during bike fall

— Beyond the top 9, here are some of the high-level-n-vague, the big (not “little gems”) the familiar..

  • [d] coreJava (and c, SQL, perl/shell scripting to a lesser extent) .. robust demand
  • [d] libido
  • [d] small belly
  • carefree ezlife based on plenty of buffer in spare time/money
  • inflation in SGD .. too high-level
  • loving family .. too vague
  • .. improving bonding with boy
  • .. nice bonding with meimei

def[successZ] #selfActualize


Background: 4 def@success

SuccessZ can require a tough effort, self-discipline, and a punishing/painful postponement of (xpSelf’s) gratification. In the same vein, Buddhist abstinence is a huge sacrifice by the xpSelf.. Not worth it IMO.

— my definition of failureZ/successZ .. success can mean 自强不息[zqbx] about personal goals such as wellness, parenting, caring for aged parents, absorbency, self-improvement, rather than as a deadweight to someone else.

* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, this definition is highly personal and therefore least-understood. It can also be vague. I think the best keyword is zqbx
* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, there’s no luck in this success. It’s all effort and no luck. This success is the most /demanding/.
* Unlike the other definitions of success/failure, you slip into failure if you rest on your laurels and enjoy 一劳永逸.

A familiar category of 自强不息 personal goal is lifelong learning. It prevents brain aging, keeps the mind + body young and active. But you can’t be successful at lifelong learning without a purpose. We need a way to adjust our self-learning when it is ineffective.

Other personal goals can be a slightly bigger cause beyond the self. For example, I work hard to reduce waste of water, electricity, by repair/reuse. The FIRE movement emphases self-reliance.

As another defining example, a parent can be a successZ if she saves her child from a bad outcome, by working tirelessly with the child.

— Q: what failureZ/successZ areas need more sunshine, beyond the familiar-albeit-important BMI/workout/techXX//. The more specific the better.

  • localSys
  • cpp critical mass maintenance
  • math coaching for both kids
  • more standing in office
  • early rise, early sleep

— self-actualization

The 自强不息 efforts often have minimal lasting impact (failureL), but worthwhile to myself. I guess it’s a form of self-actualization, related to the Buddhist ideal of enlightenment.

CNA author Grace Yeoh defined success based on “Whether I like myself”, which is related to self-esteem, self-love. Similarly, when Joseph Schooling asked his father what his definition of success was, Colin Schooling replied in public: “Success is being able to look at yourself in the mirror, and be comfortable with the image that you see reflected. So long as you can see yourself and be comfortable, and be happy and satisfied that you have done no wrong to anybody. Just being happy with yourself. I think that is success.”

However, these definitions are too vague, too unstable, therefore good for a theoretical definition (rather than working definition) for most people esp. young people.

— Life_chances … are both goals and obstacles to successZ. In a sense, successZ is about “lack” of Life_chances . If an individual already enjoys good Life_chances then zqbx is not needed as much as otherwise.

— case study .. accepting lower pay as an aging SWE is a worthwhile (defining?) case study and illustration of succcessZ.

— case study .. Rahul of MS was an intriguing case study. A smoker, avid gamer and not really slim, he is nevertheless driven by self-improvement.