[24]sell`insurance as r-ikigai

— human interaction

This profession requires human interaction. Not something done remotely.

An Insurance agent need to see a client many times just to close one deal.

— socialValue

— personal interest, belief

— personal competency

  • Math
  • attention to details
  • Product knowledge .. I can learn better than average
  • own buying experience

— incremental .. Some can even do it part-time


in my 60’s I want to spend more time SERVING..

In my 60’s I would still be working productively (to be defined more precisely) on a full time job. A growing priority would be serving my loved ones

  • my own parents
  • my wife
  • helping (not “serving”) my kids as my parents helped me.
  • I don’t yet have the heart, energy/time, commitment to serve strangers like the needy.

Acts of service is one of the 5 languages of love.