Y feel`lucky2have boy+girl

Before we had kids, people often say, from experience, that having both boy and girl is the best outcome for a parent. I didn’t understand at all. Recently I met some friends with 2 (or more) boys. I also met friends with 2 (or more) girls. They can be happy families for sure.

Now I agree that having both sons and daughters is better than having a single child, or having multiple kids of the same gender.

I feel my wife is lucky to have a daughter. Having a bunch of boys can be a challenge for the mother.

Similarly, I feel lucky to have a son. I am a physical touch type, but I can’t touch my daughter as much as I can touch my son. I have more common language with my son.

Having a duty to set a role model (for my son) is life enhancing. Compare to those fathers without a son.

Chinese/Korean couple: %%assumptions =unfounded #ML.Jiang

The less you know someone, the more you assume… Remember HY.Cai #sinking

ML.Jiang once told me about some classmates. A Chinese national and a Korean national living in Singapore as a couple, who supposedly spoke Japanese at home!

I was impressed. Immediately I imagined that they speak mostly Japanese between them everyday, and their Japanese fluency is equal to their mother tongue.

Well, DaShan the Canadian in China is one in probably 10,000 foreigners who speak such fluent Chinese. So to a Japanese national, both of them probably sound non-Japanese.


globalization – Americanization

I feel US is by far the most influential in the globalization process. Many countries develop expertise in various fields but when they try to export it, they achieve vastly different levels of success. 

financial products
asset management

“opportunity cost” means ….

Whenever you make a choice among 3 choices, and sometime after the decision evaluate each choice with the benefit of hind sight, you get a concrete idea of the advantage, gain, profit, ROI, benefit of each choice.

Suppose you manage to attach a concrete value to each choice. The values of the other 2 choice you didn’t take are loosely known as opportunity costs.

If you quit your job and stay home, the previous salary (eg 7k) is an opportunity cost