piano practice as a pastime

Piano (and other musical) skill is not at the same level as gaming, or sight-seeing. More than singing, instrument playing require absorbency and perseverance. Like jogging, it strengths self-efficacy, raises self-esteem,,,

Musical journey is a struggle. The level of struggle is between the level of recreational workout and bench-marked workout. There’s some form of penalty if you don’t put in a minimum amount of practice .. you end up achieving nothing and you waste your effort. As such it demands a minimum commitment.

If I make very slow progress with a tough piece, I can feel disappointed and frustrated.

I need to select reasonable songs. what if I make very slow progress (stuck) with one song? How do I motivate myself?

— sink, buffer, slack resources
Piano practice is an excellent energy sink. If 3H/week, then it becomes a good reserve of slack resource, a buffer of extra time. See blogpost on buffers and alternatives.

fingering for fluency, (long_term)muscleMemory

My target is not performance or complicated arrangement. My target is simplest two-hand harmony but without mistake, just good enough so I can start to enjoy the playing.

For my goal, well-prepared fingering arrangement is crucial.

One of the top 3 difficulties — 90% of the time, the next finger has to look for the key. That’s no good. Instead, I prefer to position the next finger for the key in advance. It often requires current finger assignment to be adjusted, and also the previous fingers….

That’s why I spend a lot of time deciding on my finger arrangement, and then annotation on my score.

— speed-finger practice, regardless of rhythm. 100-500 quick repetitions save time and builds fluency in fingering.

Speed practice also reduces wrong-note mistakes.

— muscle-memory .. When we need to split my concentration between pedal, both hands, and score-reading, we depend on muscle-memory reflex.

speed-finger practice builds the muscle memory.

— what if I forget my old songs? muscle memory loss?
I think muscle memory depends on fingering arrangement. Therefore it’s good to record fingering arrangement on the score.

[20] my piano course

decision on piano Term2. I told wife that we need to cut burn rate to support boy. How about one more semester?

— commitment
If I commit 1H/week excluding the face time, then it’s barely acceptable.

If I spend less time than that, I would consider the $cost too high.

— benefits, j4 :

  • brain aging
  • accu — muscle memory shows excellent accumulation, will outperform most other learning efforts.
  • level of joy, glow, self-satisfaction… is rare in 弹唱 (play-n-sing), comparable to jogging, probably better than coding drill.
  • self-esteem — likely to feel proud at this age
  • — my advantages compared to other people
  • facilities — make best use of the facilities at TPY and at home. I may not have these in the U.S.
  • sink — I have more free time than other people. Piano (comparable to jogging) is a great sink of my free time. Better use of my spare time and money than eating, movies,
  • low bar — I have set a very realistic target compared to other adults. I don’t aim at grades.
  • singing — I am not bad at singing

— t-budget: current 6H/wk. Unsustainable. Must allow myself to put in 3H/wk but progress would be much slower.
t-spend on workout is still more important than on piano, but piano has better accu 

tcost of finding/creating score .. is to be accepted.

! tcost@buying and moving piano was non-trivial. Now I can make use of that tcost.

— practical goal: Let’s hope the tcost/$cost matches up with the joy derived

— freelance teachers … could reduce my $cost
flexible frequency like 2/M

Now I feel the real-yoga schedule is best for me — no pressure

— Cristofori school term: 11W each. Between terms, teacher need to take 2-3 week break
— Cristofori fees
$32 registration fee is required again if you restart…. Acceptable cost.

half-hour fee is exactly half … good deal.

$100 deposit refund condition:
1) best to “communicate” termination 30D before term end.
2) If you communicate too late, then you need to buy four lessons in next term.. Fine 🙂
3) In both cases, you can only decide to terminate around term end

score-editing software

See My_song_list

[b=bug or limitation of this software .. requires out-of-the-box thinking]

— to fit everything into one page for both screen and printout
To put more Systems into one page, File->Settings->Layout->choose Tabloid ?! [b]
— zoom out .. ctrl/-
— print: better print in pdf as intermediate step [b]
xp: print in portrait to pdf -> print hard copy as landscape in “actual” size
xp: print in portrait to pdf -> open pdf and fine-adjust zoom of currentView -> print currentView with another fine-adjustment

Proven bad: exportToPdf including any menu item about pdf.
— playback .. is one of the top 3 justifications for the tcost
You can have 3 staves and you can enable/disable each stave for playback 🙂

To add a new stave: dropdown menu bar -> score -> parts-n-staves -> new stave

==== annotations:
— fingering marks: try to tag them to notes, so they can move with the notes
tip: if a finger mark is currently anchored to a spot on a line, you can move the anchor to a note 🙂
— How to mark Am, F …
I tend to create actual notes to help playback, but simple chord names can be added to each measure
— lyrics: prefer phrases, provide one per measure. Not advisable to tag each Chinese character to a note. When the notes cluster together, the tagged words often overlap 🙁

Warning: fine-tuning word spacing is not time well-spent.

The real value ROTI in adding lyrics — efficient search for a particular section. Actually, the lyric provide milestones

———- score editing ———
— copy paste a group of 2 measures or more:

  1. create enough empty measures to receive the paste
  2. drag to select the group.
  3. click in the first empty measure and paste… I think this replaces only the first empty measure with the group.

— moving a measure (or a group) … important to my personal need for organization, but Crescendo automatically shifts a measure to a new System 🙁 Anyway, here are the steps to copy a measure, based on http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/crescendo/win/barsandsystems.html

  1. create an empty measure
  2. select an existing measure
  3. click into the empty measure and paste
  4. you may want to empty or delete the old measure

— emptying an existing measure .. Often needed after copying a (group of) measure
Just select all the notes in upper stave and delete them. Then repeat on the lower stave.
— auto-format is always counterproductive. There are multiple triggers to auto-format, like changing layout between Tabloid and A4, or adjusting spacing between 2 staves.
== grouping measures into Systems: The software automatically shifts an existing measure either down to next system (less often: up to system above) usually due to overcrowding. Tricky! Similarly, it’s tricky to insert bar lines in a crowded system.

Sugg #1: dtopdown menu -> Score -> Layout -> set max measures per line to a number like 4 to 8. Note the software still has the freedom to put fewer measures on one System, if overcrowded

Sugg #2: insert blank measures all over the place. I think it’s harmless

Sugg: think twice before “moving a measure” as described above .. too complicated.

— to shift a measure up to previous system # down is similar
select the measure. RightClick -> measure -> toPreviousSystem # available only if selected measure is left-most.

Note this has the power to break the maxMeasuresPerLine limit, temporarily, but at some juncture in the future, the software may do a “clean-up”.

— you can  insert an entire empty “System” mid-stream
Select a measure mid-stream -> rightClick -> ….

look at keyboard !!score at least ] beginn`

I prefer looking at fingers than the score. It helps me prepare my fingers for the next key.  Preparation and hand-eye coordination reduces my stress and increases much-needed calm confidence.

I think this habit eases and speeds up my initial grasp of a new piece, so I could run end to end.

To a lesser extent, I also need to annotate fingering and note names.

As I grow old, as a long-term habit for quick-learning and easy-learning of new pieces, I may need to adopt the new habit of playing-by-score.

I,IV,V: 3-chord songs

A piece almost always has single root note, though some pieces start with one root note and ends in another root note.

Mr Pacholo said for each of the 12 root notes, we mostly need the 3 primary chords:

  • Chord-I (the first major chord or the root chord),
  • Chord-IV (4th major chord), and
  • Chord-V (the 5th major chord).
  • .. Mr Pacholo said if Key-IV is not suitable, then try Key-II and Key-VI. Note we are talking about single-fingers, not chords.
  • A #4 common chord is Chord-vi (the 6th minor chord)

Q: Why the I, IV, and V are so common and popular? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-chord_song.
A: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/music-theory/four-chords-every-pop-song/ explains that on the circle of 5th,

  • chord-V is one hop from chord-I, clock wise,
  • chord-IV is one hop from chord-I, anti-clockwise
  • chord-vi is the minor reflection of chord-I
  • For example, if a song is based on the C, then C major (chord-I), G major (chord-V), F major (chord-IV) and A minor (chord-vi) are all consonant with C.

Each major chord can have inverted positions. This is the last flexibility, useful in practice…

Q: what’s the level of impact when inverting a chord?

I think simple songs tend to have the simple root notes like C, G.

goals: easy chords #diminish`returns

Goal: faster progress at each step.

— for a melody-n-sing song

  1. download a simple song. Ignore anything but the simple melody.
  2. learn the right hand melody.
  3. learn to figure out the left hand single-finger chords.
  4. .. major milestone if I can quickly figure this out.
  5. optionally break up the chord
  6. optionally expand the single-finger chord into 2- or 3-finger chords

On the right hand, I can also download a richer melody, and hopefully the chords are unchanged. This is often “diminishing returns”

— for a chords-n-sing song, like guitar singers
Suitable if the melody takes too much time to pick up.

  • left hand plays single-finger base
  • right hand chords

##[20]plowback@ free Time ] ezlife #w1r7

See also

During the 2020/21 carefree “easy life”, my disposable time usually hit the energy sinks, but I want to see some plowback like …

  • — half ranked in terms of unique, original or innovative ideas of plowback
  • [s1] DIY — can be a livelihood protection
  • [s1] AMB as a recreation
  • call Bj and sister — more often
  • [s2] piano as recreation — a time-consuming plowback with excellent /retention/. See other blogposts.
  • [s3] cpf (long-horizon) cash flow planning
  • dram-refresh — spend the extra disposable time on dram-refresh of wellness + tech blogs. How about parenting blogposts? 温故知新 is more effective for me than others
  • [a] blog optimization
  • .. wordpress hosting — operational efficiency in self-care, problem-solving, decision-making
  • —- classic/proven or familiar plowback
  • [s1] bonding with kids — spend the extra disposable time building bond with kids. reduce his smartphone addictive tendency and replace it with more wholesome hobbies
  • .. to a lesser extent, academic coaching
  • [s2] localSys — great plowback during office hours
  • [s1] fitness — improve BMI and build stamina, strength, flexibility… remains the most strategic plowback, despite the limited accumulation
  • [a s2] personal finance — such as stock picking? Control needed. Tcost is way too high, so ROTI of this plowback is extremely challenging. Most people end up buying indices !
  • [a=obsessive becoming negative addiction]
  • [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” is the default ]

— plowback to achieve some batt accumulation — is crucial
— plowback to build more layers of defenses + alternatives?
if nothing noteworthy to add, then just leave this question open.

— this blogpost is paradoxically both 1) an oth risk and 2) a valuable question that deserves revisit.



adjusting left hand note/chords

Scenario: my piano score often has a left hand note struck at the same time as a right hand note of the same name like two E notes — I call it a minimum harmony. To improve on the minimum, I have two basic choices:

  • 1) I can change the left hand E to a simple two-note chord
  • 1b) better still, change to a broken two-note chord to get more ups and downs.
  • 2) I can change the left hand E to another note, perhaps a G (or B). But what if the adjacent left-hand note is also G? I would say stay with the original E.

For my own enjoyment or for any audience, variation within the left-hand accompaniment is higher priority than richer harmony between left vs right. Stagnant tune on left hand is worse than having the minimum harmony of two E notes on left^right. In fact, the minimum harmony is the first technique to create a basic left-hand accompaniment.

  • 2b) if we choose #2, then we need to change the adjacent left-hand note, to break the monotone.
  • 3) another choice — change to another note, possibly a lower G

## my songs for piano

See my score-editor

  1. silent night
  2. Rudolph #for meimei
    1. https://www.letsplaykidsmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Rudolph-4.pdf
  3. let it be
  4. My Way
    1. .. https://www.noviscore.com/piano-sheet-music-my-way-frank-sinatra
  5. Blowin’ in the Wind
  6. tears in heaven
  7. Words .. by Bee Gees
    1. https://www.everyonepiano.com/Stave-5418-3-Words-Bee-Gees-Stave-Preview-3.html 
    2. .. is probably printable in 3-pages
  8. Memory
  9. — Paul Simon
  10. sound of silence
  11. Bridge over Troubled Water
  12. if I could (El Condor Pasa)
  13. .. https://musescore.com/user/9417401/scores/2209826 is closer to the song.
  14. .. https://www.8notes.com/scores/22975.asp is beginner.
  15. — Elvis
  16. Can’t help falling in love
  17. love me tender
  18. 当你老了 — slow-n-easy
    1. .. https://wap.hqgq.com/pu/show/54942
  19. 把悲伤留给自己
  20. 橄榄树
  21. Will you still love me tomorrow
  22. 假如爱有天意
  23. 贝加尔湖畔
    1. .. http://www.qupu123.com/qiyue/gangqin/p241171.html .. beginner
    2. .. https://www.qinyipu.com/gangqin/gangqinpu/2944.html .. more complex
  24. 偏偏喜欢你
  25. —- 齐秦
  26. 大约在冬季
  27. 外面的世界
  28. 花祭
  29. —- 姜育恒
  30. 最后的温柔
    1. .. https://m.tintinpiano.com/sheetmusic/87267?lang=cn has first half
    2. .. https://www.cnscore.com/number/view_tab_1btlx3h1r9z.html in 简谱
  31. 再回首 — slow-n-easy
  32. 驿动的心
  33. 牵手 — slow
  34. —- 苏芮
  35. 亲爱的小孩
  36. 請跟我來
  37. 奉献
  38. —- 罗大佑 作品
  39. 爱的箴言
  40. 是否
  41. 东方之珠
  42. 追夢人
  43. 戀曲1990
  44. 人生何处不相逢
  45. —- Teresa
  46. 月亮代表我的心. Will take 1-2H to create my own basic score, and 2-3 hours to practice right hand.
    1. .. https://www.qinyipu.com/gangqin/shequ/60027.html is full score one one page !
    2. .. https://www.hqgq.com/pu/show/36369 is full score with simple left hand and also chord names
  47. 恰似你的温柔
  48. 又见炊烟 – slow-n-easy
  49. 人面桃花
  50. 我只在乎你
  51. 在水一方
  52. —- traditional songs
  53. 北国之春
  54. 茉莉花
  55. 送别
  56. 小白船 .. Alternatively, https://www.gangqinpu.com/cchtml/939259.htm is playable