See My_song_list
[b=bug or limitation of this software .. requires out-of-the-box thinking]
— to fit everything into one page for both screen and printout
To put more Systems into one page, File->Settings->Layout->choose Tabloid ?! [b]
— zoom out .. ctrl/-
— print: better print in pdf as intermediate step [b]
xp: print in portrait to pdf -> print hard copy as landscape in “actual” size
xp: print in portrait to pdf -> open pdf and fine-adjust zoom of currentView -> print currentView with another fine-adjustment
Proven bad: exportToPdf including any menu item about pdf.
— playback .. is one of the top 3 justifications for the tcost
You can have 3 staves and you can enable/disable each stave for playback 🙂
To add a new stave: dropdown menu bar -> score -> parts-n-staves -> new stave
==== annotations:
— fingering marks: try to tag them to notes, so they can move with the notes
tip: if a finger mark is currently anchored to a spot on a line, you can move the anchor to a note 🙂
— How to mark Am, F …
I tend to create actual notes to help playback, but simple chord names can be added to each measure
— lyrics: prefer phrases, provide one per measure. Not advisable to tag each Chinese character to a note. When the notes cluster together, the tagged words often overlap 🙁
Warning: fine-tuning word spacing is not time well-spent.
The real value ROTI in adding lyrics — efficient search for a particular section. Actually, the lyric provide milestones
———- score editing ———
— copy paste a group of 2 measures or more:
- create enough empty measures to receive the paste
- drag to select the group.
- click in the first empty measure and paste… I think this replaces only the first empty measure with the group.
— moving a measure (or a group) … important to my personal need for organization, but Crescendo automatically shifts a measure to a new System 🙁 Anyway, here are the steps to copy a measure, based on
- create an empty measure
- select an existing measure
- click into the empty measure and paste
- you may want to empty or delete the old measure
— emptying an existing measure .. Often needed after copying a (group of) measure
Just select all the notes in upper stave and delete them. Then repeat on the lower stave.
— auto-format is always counterproductive. There are multiple triggers to auto-format, like changing layout between Tabloid and A4, or adjusting spacing between 2 staves.
== grouping measures into Systems: The software automatically shifts an existing measure either down to next system (less often: up to system above) usually due to overcrowding. Tricky! Similarly, it’s tricky to insert bar lines in a crowded system.
Sugg #1: dtopdown menu -> Score -> Layout -> set max measures per line to a number like 4 to 8. Note the software still has the freedom to put fewer measures on one System, if overcrowded
Sugg #2: insert blank measures all over the place. I think it’s harmless
Sugg: think twice before “moving a measure” as described above .. too complicated.
— to shift a measure up to previous system # down is similar
select the measure. RightClick -> measure -> toPreviousSystem # available only if selected measure is left-most.
Note this has the power to break the maxMeasuresPerLine limit, temporarily, but at some juncture in the future, the software may do a “clean-up”.
— you can insert an entire empty “System” mid-stream
Select a measure mid-stream -> rightClick -> ….