mlphone 3 passwords #browser


— Browser

  • Access browser requires Blackberry password (see below)

— optimization: alq-4xxx0. (Latest is in contact.txt)

  • start with a letter or 2 or 3. More letters may resemble part of an English word.
  • .. I like a/l, due to large “hit area” on the tiny touch keyboard
  • .. I also like q/p/z/m
  • then switch to all digits
  • .. last digit should be 0, to be incremented to 1,2,,9, then back to 0

— passcode policy

  • Requirements: min one alphabet among 8 chars; can’t reuse the last six passwords
  • No caps required
  • 5 minute MaxInactivity before autolock
  • 90 day MaxPinAge before user must change passcode
  • 10 maxFailedAttempts before wipeout.

— big picture: 3 passwords needed on mlphone 1) LDAP password 2) device passCODE described in this bpost

3) Blackberry password — no expiry. Default is uiop something

MLPhone IDD/data quota #700min

When given a privilege, I don’t want to abuse it.

iPhone data usage screen has a ‘currentPeriod’, which is based on the last reset time.

my number? Settings->search for number -> USER_LABEL

SMS — blocked. No whatsapp/wechat

— starhub .. watch-out: IDD is about the only costly limit

  • billing cycle closing on 4th
  • For IDD minutes, the limit is 700 minutes monthly, limited to 19 countries listed below: Australia, Brunei, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and USA
  • .. To make an international call to the supported 19 countries, dial: 018(country code)(Area code)(telephone number). 008 worked too. Better use both frequently.
  • .. Other countries not listed OR talk time over the 700 minutes limit .. will be subjected to the prevailing pay per use rates
  • Local Data is of 30 GB, but we would still recommend to connect to wifi whenever possible, and not stream on Data.
  • Roaming data is 2GB. “For Monthly Data Travel APAC, once the current 2GB has been utilized , it will automatic activate another 2GB block @$15 per block.”
  • .. Usage can explode only when used as personal hotspot
  • For local talk time, both outgoing and incoming calls are unlimited.



Need to accept the reality of China firewall.. Don’t be bitter or resentful. China government is not completely without justification. Focus on solutions.

Note some workhorse sites [dreamhost, github,,] are accessible by wifi intermittently  (such as the Wifi-101) but seldom permitted by ChnM hotspot. Therefore, Don’t rely on dreamhost for important info. Use git-blogg or SD drive instead.

  • — For Local call n data .. Use local SIM
  • — For call to Sgp .. (banks,,) use MLPhone + IDD from Beijing home
  • — For Gmail (and whatsapp)
  • .. cmlink roaming 10 GB on personal mobile phone.  I can even pay a small fee for additional data if needed, but this is unlikely given the MLPhone.

— MLPhone as roaming hotspot

Issue: NoSim. I had to connect to a wifi to set up SIM
Issue: other devices can’t detect this SSID. I had to disable-then-enable the hotspot on mlphone. Once another device connects to this SSID, mlphone shows a green banner on top.

For Monthly Data Travel APAC, once the current 2GB has been utilized , it will automatic activate another 2GB block @$15 per block.”


mlphone desktop declutter tips

The Problem : too many useless apps on main “desktop”, just like on Windows

  • bottom “tray” — holds up to 4 shortcuts.
  • app folders — can have meaningful names
  • left page — can’t hold shortcuts.
  • the “Desktop” — is the default page when you press Home
  • right page(s) in addition to Desktop — are easier than groups. In each right page, I created an app folder with a custom name to describe the page.

— taking notes about the phone itself. Better use paper .

  • Perhaps can try the Notes and Reminders but don’t rely on them