##[23]count`kindness received+given


Trigger for this bpost — “Keep a log of all the kind acts you do in a particular day” — A Positive Psychology trainer (Edgar K. Tham) suggested in his training hand out.

Trigger for this bpost — I see myself as a kind person, though my son thinks I’m unkind to customer service staff.

Each “thinking person” has a yardstick of kindness that’s slightly different from the mainstream yardstick. The unthinking person is easly influenced by presentations of kindness to strangers or customers, but these are far from the most important kindness.

  • kind to family .. Perhaps the most important aspect in reality
  • kind to self .. A missing element in many yardksticks is the Question “Is the person kind to the self. Does she like herself?”
  • kind to coworkers .. Are you kind to yur coworkers? Look at Larry/Josh vs deMunk
  • kind to rivals, competitors, frenemies
  • kind to charities or strangers seeking help .. “easy” for the celebrities
  • kind to customers .. For an employee in any people-facing job, I think it’s easy to be kind to his customers/users, because he is trained, paid (and monitored) to do so. Negative feedback (complaints etc) on unkind gestures is prompt, recorded, and analyzed with plenty of guidance, so he will receive plenty of “support” to correct his behavior.


Jun final weekend goal + achievements

Without a goal, ROTI can become too low. I don’t like a weekend with very very low ROTI or very low productivity.

* jogging — 0 to 1km. Did 3-6 km
* stretch – 0 to 1 min including in shower. Did 15-30 min
* boxing – 0 to 10 min. Did 10+ min
* pull-up or push-up – 0 to 5. did 40.
* QQ – 0 to 1H. Did 2-4H
* mlp project – 0 – 1H. Already spent 1H.
* help boy with studies — 0 – 1H. Already spent 1H

## completed @Mem trip

This list has multiple utilities

  1. celebrate the achievements and (more crucially) effort
  2. highlight the relative value of the efforts
  • — now the list
  • completed: leaking tap
  • completed: repaired two laptops. To my delight,
    • wife’s old acer is going strong after so many years; my iview11 is fast;
  • completed: thumb printing at Oxley
  • completed: quick n efficient unpacking
  • completed: leaking tap
  • completed: Bytedance round 1 by zoom; TRC
  • completed: changed USD 4k and deposited to OC (balance checked)
  • completed: re-tested mayb.khm ATM card
  • completed: initial deep-dive on boy’s exam data
  • completed: door stopper
  • maintaining calorie… lots of fruits and veg
  • engaged with son on math etc
  • engaged Kheng Cheng teachers
  • reached out to Shamoli
  • met James and Ellen

productive weekend 4/May/2019 #celebrate

  • two fitness classes
  • about 5 hours of java hacking on May 3 night  and 10+ hours each on Sat/Sun
  • May 3 no starch…. I only had some chocolate chips.
  • finished all projects on time by end of the week
  • created about 15 blogposts on recurring design/implementation issues
  • May 4 no starch as of 5pm

##[19] recent highs and lows

  • — the highs roughly ranked by importance
  • 🙂 weight/chin-up — based on lots of research. I listed this above all, because it’s damn hard
  • 🙂 boy did well in exams and not just lucky. He did learn well.
  • 🙂 bust project completed
  • 🙂 realization: ffree figures — if jobless now, based on 2016 figures
  • 🙂 discovery: 43R model — more years to settle down and locate a home for family
  • 🙂 discovery: Malaysia for retirement — medical… Chinese … many friends with experience
  • 🙂 realization: branded uni isn’t important
  • 🙂 discovery: more reasons not to care about school district and sidestep the unbearable huge peer pressure
  • 🙂 grandpa able to reunion
  • 🙂 starch reduction — rice fasting
  • 🙂 starch reduction — heated carrot
  • 🙂 $225 bonus and $25/M from banks
  • 🙂 Citi CGT worked!
  • — the lows, unsorted
  • 🙁 i140 delays but at least I got a call
  • 🙁 room mate but at least he accepted his fault
  • 🙁 XR going cold then slight recovery
  • 🙁 BGC rental and currency but uptown has momentum and buz
  • 🙁 ITIN renewal

2018final weekend !!guilt despite low_efficiency@localSys

  • ! what localsys I have achieved this weekend, however small, is more than zero, which is my standard of past weekends
  • I made more visible progress on pspc project than some weekdays
  • !! I think my peers usually do no coding, no learning on weekends anyway. What they do with kids or around the house is usually not the most productive by my definition.
  • was able to make some visible progress on nutritional research
  • updated my ffree figures… feeling more confident
  • I came up with new plan about home buying and discussed with grandpa
  • some hard stretch
  • updated assets.xlsx
  • added new coding problems to master2 branch
  • added some dnlg blog post
  • Only starch on Friday was the pizza

well done over x’mas “long weekend” #5.3 miles

  • Monday night executed the plan : chinatown->office->home->office just to capture the localsys momentum. didn’t waste time as often happens
  • no wasting time on trains
  • stayed up till 2am for localsys. LocalSys is more important than coding drill for my family well-being
  • fixed water tap
  • —-wellness:
  • cycled long distance, in the cold, on Sunday (WTC->ff) and Monday (ff – 5.3 miles -> chinatown)
  • –diet
  • no starch entire day on Monday. i think last starch was the sweet potato on Sunday
  • made the strategic decision to spread out the huge quantity of fish + pork + ham + chicken, to manage the calorie impact. Ignore cost.
  • no nuts no chocolate
  • returned the riced mix at trader joe’s
  • “returned” the extra peanuts as boldly planned
  • bought some new leafy salad from TraderJoes + white radish
  • discovered the heated taste of cabbage and carrot


impressions: Nov2018 Manila trip with my son

  • Airport (Terminal 1) cleanliness felt almost same as last time
  • I dare not take the white taxi because they are known to overcharge passengers. I waited 10 minutes for the yellow taxi because they are metered. (I saw many locals also queue up for it though the White taxis were waiting idly. Why the long wait?  I was told yellow taxi were slow to get to the airport due to congestion.
  • In the end I didn’t take yellow taxi partly because (locals told me) the drivers could still overcharge by wasting time on the trip
  • I took Grab even though my smartphone didn’t work at that time. Lucky there was a Grab booking booth to help passengers like me. Airport to BGC cost PHP 300-600 depending on the day. Price is fixed by Grab system in advance and driver can’t demand additional payment.
  • Grab was quite efficient. Less than 10 minutes of wait for the car
  • from BGC back to airport, we also took Grab because taxi was hard to find.
  • Road was congested just as before. Took about an hour (not 90 minutes)
  • Again we saw slums as soon as we got out of the airport area. Extremely poor living conditions. My son was shocked.
  • drivers n airport staff  were able to speak English
  • BGC still has many construction sites perhaps still building up. Many sidewalks were blocked .. Not as much walkability as last trip.
  • BGC has a lot more greenery than metro manila, but not as much as in Singapore.
  • high street and MarketMarket — remain my favorite locations, with the highest foot traffic in BGC
  • —- Uptown district
  • Uptown district has become a lively commnity with lots of people on the street. I think the main attraction is the Uptown Mall with 3 storeys of shops + food outlets on 4th floor + supermarket in basement. I think part of 4th floor is rooftop open-air shopping/dining area. There’s also a cinema in the mall . Overall, this mall feels more high-end than the older MarketMarket mall.
  • Megaworld headquarters have moved to the adjacent office tower (I guess the mall is part of this tower). See https://www.megaworldcorp.com/megaworld-unveils-new-corporate-headquarters-in-uptown-bonifacio
  • I wanted to eat at different places, but in the end, my son decided to have all our meals in Uptown mall. The food court (4th floor) felt to me rather similar to Singapore food court. Clean. Not as crowded as Singapore food courts. Tables are cleared quicky by cleaning staff
  • The 5-star Grand Hyatt is directly opposite One Uptown Risidence, big and new. https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/philippines/grand-hyatt-manila/mangh. Hotel staff acutally booked our Grab taxi for us, even though we were not hotel guests. (Shangrila is the only other 5-star in BGC.)
  • In my view, the mall and Hyatt are two visible signs of progress in Uptown.
  • —- One Uptown condo
  • One Uptown Residence is the first condo (nearly-)completed. I saw many floors already occupied, including 30, 33, 34 (35 is early 2019). I saw three or four other condo buildings under construction next to ours
  • swimming pool — was unlocked 10am. There’s a staff at the poor entrance who required each user to sign in with name, unit #. I gave my own name, and she found out I was not the registered owner! So I think the tenant need to know the owner’s name. Very few people using the pool. Clean n new
  • doorman and roaming guard — every day (without exception) I saw 2 or more staff at the reception. In the elevators I also saw lift operator guys (roaming guard) in uniform.
  • queen bed, A/C, washer/dryer, fridge, no-flame stove, hot shower, television — are pre-installed in each unit. No wifi.
  • I agreed to pay P4000/night to Chun Tih since the unit I used is owned by him and my unit is not yet completed.
  • —- lease/rental set up
  • A number of units will be managed together, as pooled resources.
  • I suggested to CT that each unit will have a minimum “feature set”, perhaps curtains, mirror, towels .. If an owner Victor wants to buy and install any additional feature, then cost is on Victor but the rental income would be shared in the pool, according to unit size.
  • All units will be advertized together. If Victor’s unit is vacant for 24.4% of the year, no one cares about this number as much as the number for the pool. If pool is occupied for 77% of the year, then effectively every owner would receive an amount of rental as if her unit were generating income 77% of the year.
  • I believe cost of advertizing is lower if we stick together. Ditto for repairs and clean-up. If a paying guest requires assitance, a service company can help her better than individual landlords can. These are examples of ongoing upkeep and running costs.  Up-keep is costly and quite troublesome individually for each unit but becomes cheaper if managed as a pool.

achievements this weekend

  • got up around 730am on Sat!
  • no starch until 9am. I think in total I ate 3 slices of wheat bread on Sat
  • no starch until 4pm Sunday
  • finished raw carrot
  • focused on work project for hours each day
  • 16+17 chin-up, 40+ push-up