
PEK T3 Exit B tourist outlet +86 13121 195558 [6am ~ 10pm]

7D Rmb 100 tourist SIM providing 30GB + 100min outgoing
15D R 150
30D R 250

Takes 5 minutes to set up, with smrz

On Day 7 (early morning) this numer would 失效. After not before that you can visit any Unicom office except T3ExitB to convert it to long-term. Cheapest 套餐 is Rmb8/M.

Long-term SIM is doable at airport for anyone 18 or above.

## map+taxi APPs ] Chn

j4: I have found map APPs essential to everyday living, when you are outside home/office.

In contrast, Taxi APP is important but less than 1) subway and 2) bike sharing.

— Baidu map

—  Alibaba’s Amap [高德]
If you don’t log in, then you may experience strange errors “网络不行, 建议下载 offline map”

smrz for passport .. unsupported. TechSupport said that taxi booking without smrz is unlikely, but I was able to book twice

Payment .. binding with alipay done. No bank card binding possible.

tap on your username or icon > 编辑资料 > 个人资料 — you can set DOB and weight. I don’t know how important these things are.

TechSupport .. only by chat 🙁

HSR 12306 #春运

Backup plan for TianjinCityStn->BeijingSouthStn: taxi (up to rmb 600 according a taxi driver) has recent Q&A

Tianjin火车站 022-26193702
TSN airport 86 22 96678
TSN custom 22 12367

TSN to Tianjin火车站: subway … 25-30min trip.

3H rule “Keep at least 3H between expected landing and train departure.” has details. I feel 2.5H is possible.

— 检票口 closes 5 min before departure. Better reach the station building 15 min before train time. You need to pull luggage and queue up at a few junctures.

— notes

  • To log in, I needed last passport 4 char + smsOTP .. 159-1025 5241 is registered
  • email address (not activated… I give up) was able serve as login name, and receive confirmation
  • no login name registered.
  • refund is 100% if well in advance, but 50% or 0% refund is fine .. typical ticket is Rmb 24
  • No verification of passport photo when buying tickets. If your passport num is mistyped then you will have problem boarding.
  • payment by wcpay/alipay … easy except office firewall

==== foreigner-friendly booking agency. Agencies have helped many foreigners. Not a “road less travelled” 🙂 A good agency offers hotline/wechat. Using an agency costs extra (USD 6), but saves you lots of risks, research/xx. Low-cost insurance premium, for the first trip.

If using agency, then advisable to book ASAP. Once e-ticket is issued, I will get an email showing seat and gate etc. At check-in time, only need to show passport, and let system retrieve booking details. No paper ticket.

— shows wechat, email, hotline(tested).

  • 🙂 USD 6 flat fee for non-trivial hotline assistance.
  • Instead of ticket amendment, better (easier/safer) to book two train tickets. This is the Base plan. (Bonus: to cancel one ticket using passport, go to any Tianjin火车站 counter.)




ChnM: bill`,roam` #182 was, as of 7 Jun, accessible from hotel but blocked by ChnM, according to ChnM hotline. On 19 Jun, I was able to git push via ChnM hotspot, so the firewall is kinda dynamic.

— Two branches in T3. The only person to know something is +86-13810 248813. Can get long-term SIM or temp SIM.  Only for age 18+

  1. Belt38 up to 6pm
  2. Near Exit B is probably 24H

— roaming

  • hotline +8613800100186 tested, +8610-10086 tested
  • sending SMS RMB 0.39/msg
  • receiving SMS Free
  • In Aug 2024 received a marketing call. It cost me R 1.98 .. Rmb 0.99/m
  • 182 1084 xxxx roaming enabled and can receive calls.

— 话费充值 [account refill]… immediate update of account balance on ChnM APP
* [3 Dec 2023] I was able to use alipay AND wcpay. (Earlier I used wcpay to refill 178**7725)

— 6-digit 服务密码 … can be a life-saver when you lose access to your account while roaming.  I was able to reset this code by sending SMS
1xxxx1 for both mobileNum xxxx5241 and xxxx 0430

— APP login: 1) 4dots 2) SmsOtp

==== ChnM billing
To change package, may need to call 10086
话费 .. your account balance. Usable to pay monthly package, outgoing minutes or GB [i.e. mobile data]

套餐外本机主叫 rmb 25c/min. Incoming is FOC from domestic or overseas[confirmed Dec 2023]
You need to (as a form of background heat stressor) monitor your usage in terms of GB, call cost,,, otherwise excess usage would eat into 话费. APP provides up-to-date usage statistics.

— 178 and 159 Rmb8 package “8元4G飞享卡”.. 159 to take this up on 1 Sep 2024

  • 30min talk, 25c/min beyond. Need a talk-time package.. not much worse than 40min in the Rmb9 package
  • 10MB (rollover 1m) good for purchasing data pack upon entry at airport, but can be insufficient. Always prefer buying 7D mobile-data pack using roaming hotspot/wifi

— 13621 Rmb5 package 12c/min, probably zero talk time included
— call-only: rmb29/160 min outgoing.. PayAsYouGo 212 min will cost rmb39
— call-only: rmb39/230 min outgoing; rmb20/150m [call hotline to activate on 1 Dec]
— data-only [流量包]: Non-promo pricing .. rmb30/5GB. Promotion offers go as low as RMB 1/GB but expires quickly. On 16 Sep 2023, I bought rmb5/5GB 7D-validity 立即生效.
— choosing 流量包 on APP:
On APP, search for 流量包. The offers are accurate. Once bought, they take effect immediately, and expire in a specified timeframe. 区域流量 .. limited to Beijing, not for Tianjin


##G3frustrations travell`2Chn #github

k_quietime  k_soul_search

  • 1) smrz .. e-payment; subway; bike sharing; tourist attractions .. troublesome for locals, extra-hard for passport holders
  • 2) quietime (in a personal space ] hotel) .. I wished to have my own hotel room [$$$], but I was able to create some at front desk, on subway, early/late hours,,, See [19]Korea trip review #private time4blogg
  • .. self-discipline losing grip: diet, workout, dental,,,
  • 3) risk of losing valuables .. /background-heat/ stressor. See separate section
  • ~~ EOR
  • My phone contacts .. often slow to load. I suspect they are loaded from google cloud.
  • gmail, youtube blocked. Use microsoft Bing instead.
  • github .. frequently blocked when using wifi, but luckily roaming hotspot ..
  • map APPs … require Chinese search, but I’m unfamiliar
  • need to rely on numerous mobile apps
    .. a Personal lifestyle adjustment, just as driving is to American lifestyle. Not so severe in Hindsight
    .. limited know-how. need to (invest time) learn the phone, numerous apps [see separate bpost], and need customer service [see separate bpost]
  • [$] gmail blocked.. luckily, roaming proved a simple yet good-enough solution
  • [$=money can help]

— worst possible losses ranked… Be conscious of the relative value of each!

  1. Passport ..
  2. phones .. need to buy then set up new phone, but many local people can help
  3. subway card .. hard to replace. Better have alternatives like the 亿 app
  4. bank card .. hard to replace, so better have multiple


bike shar`]PEK

todo: set meituan passwd for TJJ


I can’t afford to rely on something unpredictable. If reliable, then the avaibility/convenience is excellent in many situations .. short trips in normal weather condition, or after midnight. In contrast, public transport is more essential.

Plan 0: don’t rely on bike sharing. Buy a cheap bike if needed. Own bike is easier to operate.
Plan 1: (not really a base plan) rely on yellow bike, set up manual top-up from Any bank card. (wcpay would be a good second top-up source.) Accept the various surprises. (Citibike and SgBike etc also come with surprises.)

No perfectionist please. Perhaps half the locals also have problems with one of the three operators. My basic goal is “can use any one”. My good-eough goal is “can-use multiple”.

green blue yellow
滴滴打车 Didi Hello 美团 Meituan
done[1] done[2] LSQ TJJ smrz
xxxx我爱死你 xxxx我爱死你 xxxx 7725 xxxx 我爱死你 mobileNum
no[4] nowhere [3] GM psbc::GP bank card
explicit; tested tested +! explicit binding LSQ NA TJJ NA Alipay auto-pay
small R3 late 2024 PPD bal
no PPD[4] 🙂 ppd linked to wcpay/alipay linked to her bank card linked to psbc::GP PPD funding
Paid by Alipay Paid by PPD Paid by PPD one-tap QR-scan
scan from 小程序 can fund PPD TJJ NA wcpay usage

— green.. Didi cab/bike
[1] mainPage > 打车 > blue shield > 安全工具 > smrz … shows smrz completed
统一实名认证 .. different from 实名认证, only supporting China NRIC

* Tested: one-tap scan, ending with Alipay auto-deduction, although ppd not funded
.. Alipay (not wcpay) gives new users benefit of the doubt

[4] PPD depends on bank card binding, which is unsupported for passport. Without PPD created, you can’t use alipay to fund it.

Hotline not good. Low cost. Many menus.

— blue.. Hello bike/cab
[2] tap on username > 个人信息 > smrz done. smrz was initialized via Alipay.

Log in by SmsOtp but not Alipay 🙁

Blue is the most complete set-up in terms of payment control.
* ppd funding by Aliay or wcpay. Tested in 2024
* When insufficient, Alipay auto-deduction actually kicked in … mysteriously
** [3] Alipay or Bank card binding are nowhere

— yellow .. meituan
Account 1: smrz under grandma, binding her bank card. login/pw: 178xxx/se8. You need this after you reset the APP.
Account 2: smrz under TJJ, binding psbc::GP card
ppd (known as “余额”) funded by owner’s bank card. Y0.01 tested Sep 2023
Payment PIN: 1xxxxx1

Killer requirement: parking zone. I worry about it constantly, though the provider seldom levy a fine or restrict your access.

Switching account .. Person A can log out, to let Person B log in, then A to re-login. Same phone can keep both A+B’s personal data.

## jogg]Beijing

Running in Beijing, China: Best Routes and Places to Run in Beijing ( has insights: “Beijing has an extensive public transportation system, consisting of buses and inexpensive subways, with English language signage. Runners should note Beijing’s climate: cold winters and hot, humid summers. The city is famous for its cherry blossoms in spring and gorgeous fall foliage in the parks.”

The Top 5 Running Spots in Beijing by a foreigner has personal insights.

  • 紫竹院 .. featured in numerous lists
  • 玉渊潭 .. featured in numerous lists
  • 朝阳公园 .. featured in numerous lists, popular with expats but a bit far for me
  • 天坛 .. featured in multiple lists
  • TsingHua .. featured in multiple lists
  • 陶然亭 .. subway access

liv`]Chn: customer supp #subway


As I told my son, the most essential infrastructure pieces are
1) mobileNum under_your_name. You can have multiple 🙂
2) bank cards… You can have multiple, even within the same bank.
2b) banking APPs … registered with a mobileNum under_your_name
3) Alipay+wcpay … registered with a mobileNum under_your_name and bankCards under_your_name
4) subway APP/card under any name. You need ID details only during top-up.
5) bike sharing APP under any name. MobileNum vs banCard ownership can be different:)

How is wcpay registered with my passport? 钱包 -> 身份信息 -> 实名认证状态. Note this info is not available in the wechat-level (distinct from wcpay-level) settings.

When not “if” you hit (big or small) obstacles using these services, you really, badly need effective customer service[1]. What’s effective? Email is usually not fast enough. Chat is slow, and complicated due to Chinese input, and during ID authentication. I usually prefer F2F or hotline.

In general, China banks, ChnM (subway to a lesser extent) offer the best customer service thanks to the physical branches. Among the banks, HSBC is more foreigner friendly but with fewer branches.

Alipay, another infrastructure entity, is better than its peers. I spoke to hotline 3 times … stable connection.

wcpay is the worst of all. 95017 is the official hotline.. never tried.

Bike sharing is the smallest infrastructure piece. Didi has online chat that lets me speak, but bad experience. HelloBike has/had a hotline but in 2024 I only found the chat. It worked fine.

[1] Singpass would be a benchmark in effective customer service. No branches but many places to offer help to the elderly.

I foresee myself spending lots of time in China and relying on customer support. In the U.S. customer support come with a premium, but luckily no such extra cost in China.

Sugg: similar to fire alarm testing, try each service periodically.

— which infrastructure service can be available if you impersonate a family member or trusting friend.

  • 一卡通 APP .. boy tested
  • Meituan APP .. tested

— which China apps can “register” a mobileNumB while on SimCardA
Meituan.. tested
Alipay.. tested
HSBC-China .. tested
Wechat .. I was using 97263200
ICBC .. tested, but I changed it back to 159 because sometimes we receive smsOTP

— Case study: Beijing subway card is more essential than bike sharing. I received lots of customer support at stations. Still I need multiple alternative payment methods:
Option 1: the 亿通行 APP.. actually easy to set up smrz + Alipay binding
Option 1b: try.. set up 一卡通 APP using grandparents’ IDs
^^ these options don’t require a RMB 20 deposit 🙂
Option 2: keep my precious subway card.
.. I was able to top up using wcpay PPD
.. I was able to top up using Alipay bank card
Option 3: register additional subway cards using my passport or grandparents ID. I think I can top-up using their ID.

Better test the APP once a while.

I now foresee myself spending lots of days every year in Beijing.

  • APP is currently authenticated so no password needed. You can log out to test login
  • APP login by password? se8 tested Sep 2023
  • APP login by alipay? Tested Sep 2023
  • APP login by SmsOtp? Need #178xxx
  • APP 安全密码 (security PIN) 1xxxxxxx1


Need to accept the reality of China firewall.. Don’t be bitter or resentful. China government is not completely without justification. Focus on solutions.

Note some workhorse sites [dreamhost, github,,] are accessible by wifi intermittently  (such as the Wifi-101) but seldom permitted by ChnM hotspot. Therefore, Don’t rely on dreamhost for important info. Use git-blogg or SD drive instead.

  • — For Local call n data .. Use local SIM
  • — For call to Sgp .. (banks,,) use MLPhone + IDD from Beijing home
  • — For Gmail (and whatsapp)
  • .. cmlink roaming 10 GB on personal mobile phone.  I can even pay a small fee for additional data if needed, but this is unlikely given the MLPhone.

— MLPhone as roaming hotspot

Issue: NoSim. I had to connect to a wifi to set up SIM
Issue: other devices can’t detect this SSID. I had to disable-then-enable the hotspot on mlphone. Once another device connects to this SSID, mlphone shows a green banner on top.

For Monthly Data Travel APAC, once the current 2GB has been utilized , it will automatic activate another 2GB block @$15 per block.”